Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: West of Mexico (ocean)
Google map coordinates: 12° 8'1.49"N 119°35'26.39"W
This was found by Marcelo Igazusta of Argentina. He says its a UFO parked underwater. That could be true. Its a perfect pyramid that measures over 8.5 miles across one side of its base. Thats a conservative estimate, it could be up to 11 miles across.
Even if this is not a UFO that landed in the ocean that was being used as an alien base, it still is a monumental discovery. A 8.5 mile pyramid...biggest the world has ever known, and its right off of Mexico, near they ancient Mayan and Aztec pyramids. Humans could never have built such a construction. Only aliens could accomplish making such a massive structure.
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
UFO 5.5 km in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Mexico. Google earth image An intense light on the Pacific Ocean is the latest discovery of the Argentine researcher Marcelo Irazusta. This light of almost 5.5 km in length has a shape similar to a plane, but with a large size. Will it be another proof of the existence of a large UFO? The image is published by NASA and Google Earth. The coordinates are 12 ° 8'1.49 "N 119 ° 35'26.39" W
Ovni de 5.5 km en el oceano Pacifico frente la costa de Mexico. Imagen de google earth Una luz intensa sobre el oceano Pacifico es el ultimo descubrimiento del investigador argentino Marcelo Irazusta. Esta luz de casi 5.5 km de longitud presenta una forma parecida a un avion, pero con un gran tamaño. ¿Sera una prueba mas de la existencia de un gran ovni? La imagen es de la Nasa y publicada por Google Earth. Las coordenadas son 12° 8'1.49"N 119°35'26.39"W