
Alien Remains in Antarctica, Three new elongated skulls uncovered in Antarctica, July 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2016
Location of discovery: La Paille, Antartica
News source: http://helenastales.weebly.com/blogue/alien-remains-in-antarctica-three-new-elongated-skulls-uncovered-in-antarctica

Aliens in Antartica...not so far fetched actually. Antarticas climate has changed a lot every 10.000 years, so yes its easy for an alien culture to live there and not freeze to death. Sure, its unusual that elongated skulls were found, especially since there have been many such discoveries in Peru, thousands of miles across the ocean. Overall, a great discovery.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Smithsonian archaeologist Damian Waters and his team have uncovered three elongated skulls in the region of La Paille, Antarctica. The discovery came as a total surprise to the world of archaeology as they are the first human remains uncovered from Antarctica, thought never to have been visited by humans until the modern age. We just can’t believe it! We didn’t just find human remains on Antarctica, we found elongated skulls! I have to pinch myself every time I wake up, I just can’t believe it! This will redefine our view of mankind’s history as a whole!” excitedly explains M. Waters. Elongated skulls have been found in Peru and in Egypt, proving past civilizations made contact long before history books want to acknowledge. But this discovery is plain incredible. It shows there was contact thousand of years ago between civilizations in Africa, South America and Antarctica. Elongated skulls are thought to have been a common deformation done upon children of the elite in many ancient cultures tells us a spokesman of the Smithsonian Institute of New York. It was done by wrapping a cloth around the infant’s head when the skull is not yet in a solid state. This characteristic was used to amplify differences of traits between higher ranking classes of society and lower classes . These elongated skulls are much, much larger than normal human skulls would be. Purposeful cranial deformation can change the shape of a skull, but it cannot increase the volume of the skull. In addition, these skulls have quite a few other important physical characteristics that greatly set them apart from normal human skulls. This knowledge is incredibly important, regardless of what these skulls end up being, human or otherwise, it is still important for unraveling the history of our past. These are obviously an incredibly mysterious group of people.

Alien Remains in Antarctica: Discovery of Three Elongated Skulls

In July 2016, a groundbreaking discovery was made in the icy expanse of Antarctica that has sent ripples through the fields of archaeology and ufology. Smithsonian archaeologist Damian Waters and his team uncovered three elongated skulls in the region of La Paille, Antarctica. This find has sparked intense debate and excitement as these are the first human remains uncovered in Antarctica, a continent traditionally believed to have been uninhabited by humans until modern times. The discovery raises profound questions about ancient civilizations, potential extraterrestrial contact, and the hidden history of our planet.

The Discovery

  1. Initial Findings: The team led by Damian Waters was conducting a routine excavation in La Paille when they stumbled upon something extraordinary. Buried beneath layers of ice and snow were three elongated skulls, significantly different from typical human remains.

  2. Location and Context: La Paille, located in the harsh, frozen environment of Antarctica, is an unlikely site for such a discovery. The extreme conditions and remote location make archaeological excavations particularly challenging. However, these very conditions have also preserved the remains in an unprecedented state.

  3. Excavation Details: The skulls were found at a depth that suggests they have been buried for thousands of years. Initial analyses indicate that these elongated skulls share similarities with those found in other parts of the world, such as Peru and Egypt, suggesting a potential connection between ancient civilizations across continents.

Characteristics of the Elongated Skulls

  1. Physical Description: The elongated skulls uncovered in Antarctica are larger and differently shaped compared to normal human skulls. While cranial deformation practices were known in several ancient cultures, the sheer volume and unique characteristics of these skulls suggest they might not be entirely human.

  2. Cranial Deformation Practices: In many ancient cultures, particularly among the elite, cranial deformation was achieved by binding the heads of infants to shape their skulls. This practice, found in ancient Egypt, Peru, and other regions, was a status symbol and a way to distinguish social classes. However, such deformation typically does not increase the overall volume of the skull, unlike the Antarctic finds.

  3. Distinctive Features: These skulls possess several features that set them apart from both deformed human skulls and typical human anatomy. The volume of the skulls is significantly larger, and the shape is more pronouncedly elongated, raising questions about their origin.

Historical Context and Similar Discoveries

  1. Peruvian Elongated Skulls: The most famous elongated skulls come from the Paracas culture in Peru. These skulls, found in the Paracas Peninsula, date back over 3,000 years. Like the Antarctic skulls, they exhibit a greater volume than typical human skulls, leading some to speculate about possible genetic differences or external influences.

  2. Egyptian Elongated Skulls: Elongated skulls have also been found in ancient Egyptian tombs, particularly among the royal family. The most notable example is Pharaoh Akhenaten, whose depictions often show an elongated head, which some believe may indicate either a genetic trait or a practice of cranial deformation.

  3. Possible Connections: The similarities between elongated skulls found in disparate regions of the world suggest that these ancient cultures might have been in contact with one another or influenced by a common source. The Antarctic discovery adds a new dimension to this theory, indicating that such contact could have included Antarctica, a continent not previously considered in ancient human migration theories.

Theories and Speculations

  1. Ancient Civilizations: One theory posits that these skulls belong to an ancient civilization that once inhabited Antarctica when the continent's climate was much warmer and more hospitable. Geological evidence suggests that Antarctica was not always the icy wasteland it is today. During certain periods in Earth's history, it could have supported human life.

  2. Extraterrestrial Influence: The unusual characteristics of the Antarctic skulls have led some to speculate about extraterrestrial involvement. Could these elongated skulls be evidence of an ancient alien presence on Earth? Proponents of this theory argue that the unique features and large volume of the skulls suggest a non-human origin.

  3. Lost Human Tribes: Another possibility is that these skulls belonged to a lost tribe of humans who developed or inherited unique genetic traits. The harsh environment of Antarctica would have required significant adaptations for survival, potentially leading to distinct physiological changes.

Implications of the Discovery

  1. Scientific Significance: The discovery of elongated skulls in Antarctica has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of human history and migration. It challenges the conventional narrative that Antarctica has always been uninhabited and raises questions about the extent of ancient human exploration and settlement.

  2. Interdisciplinary Research: This find underscores the need for interdisciplinary research, combining archaeology, anthropology, climatology, and even astrobiology. Understanding the context and origins of these skulls requires a multifaceted approach.

  3. Reevaluation of History: If these skulls are proven to be from an ancient civilization, it would necessitate a reevaluation of human history, particularly regarding migration patterns and cultural exchanges between ancient peoples. It would also imply that our ancestors were far more interconnected than previously thought.

  4. Potential for Further Discoveries: This discovery opens the door for further archaeological exploration in Antarctica. The continent's icy expanse might hold other remnants of ancient civilizations, waiting to be uncovered. Continued exploration could reveal more about the mysterious past of Antarctica and its potential role in human history.

Challenges in Further Investigation

  1. Harsh Environment: Conducting archaeological research in Antarctica is fraught with challenges. The extreme cold, high winds, and vast ice cover make excavation difficult and dangerous. Researchers must contend with these conditions while ensuring the preservation of fragile artifacts.

  2. Logistical Hurdles: Transporting equipment and personnel to remote sites in Antarctica requires significant resources. Ensuring the safety and efficiency of these operations involves careful planning and substantial funding.

  3. International Cooperation: Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty System, which emphasizes scientific cooperation and environmental protection. Any significant archaeological exploration or retrieval operation would require international collaboration and adherence to strict protocols.

  4. Skepticism and Validation: The extraordinary nature of the discovery means it will be subject to intense scrutiny and skepticism. Rigorous scientific methods and transparent reporting are essential to validate the findings and address potential criticisms.

Public and Media Reaction

  1. Initial Buzz: The announcement of the discovery generated significant media attention, with numerous articles and news reports covering the find. The story captivated the public’s imagination, leading to widespread speculation and debate about the object's nature.

  2. Ongoing Interest: Interest in the Antarctic elongated skulls has persisted, with various documentaries, articles, and online discussions keeping the story alive. Enthusiasts and researchers continue to advocate for a comprehensive investigation.

  3. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives: The scientific community remains divided, with some researchers calling for further exploration and others urging caution, highlighting the need for rigorous analysis and evidence before drawing conclusions.

The Need for Further Exploration

  1. Advanced Exploration Techniques: Utilizing advanced technologies such as ground-penetrating radar, remote sensing, and 3D imaging could provide detailed data about the site and the remains. These technologies can help overcome the logistical challenges and offer a closer examination of the anomaly.

  2. Interdisciplinary Collaboration: Collaboration between archaeologists, anthropologists, geologists, and climatologists is crucial for a comprehensive study of the object. An interdisciplinary approach can provide a holistic understanding of its origins and significance.

  3. Public and Private Partnerships: Engaging both public institutions and private organizations can help secure the necessary funding and resources for further investigation. Crowdfunding and public interest campaigns can also play a role in mobilizing support for the project.

  4. Transparent Reporting: Ensuring that the findings are reported transparently and shared with the public is essential for maintaining trust and credibility. Open access to data and results can encourage broader scientific scrutiny and public engagement.


The discovery of three elongated skulls in Antarctica by Damian Waters and his team in July 2016 has profound implications for our understanding of human history, ancient civilizations, and the possibility of extraterrestrial contact. The unusual characteristics of these skulls challenge conventional narratives and invite a reevaluation of what we know about our past.

This find underscores the importance of interdisciplinary research and international cooperation in uncovering the secrets of our planet. Whether these skulls are evidence of an ancient civilization, a lost human tribe, or something entirely different, they open up a realm of fascinating possibilities and implications.

Continued exploration and investigation are essential to validate these findings and unlock the mysteries they hold. As humanity pushes the boundaries of knowledge and exploration, discoveries like the Antarctic elongated skulls remind us of the vast unknown that still awaits us. They inspire curiosity, drive scientific inquiry, and challenge us to expand the boundaries of our knowledge and imagination. Whether myth or reality, the story of these elongated skulls endures, captivating our collective imagination and pushing the frontiers of discovery.