
UFO Disguised As Meteor Has Flying Saucer Come Out Of It, Japan, Oct 31, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 31, 2016
Location of sighting: Japan
News source: http://www.news24.jp/articles/2016/10/31/07345195.html

This UFO tried hard to disguise itself as a green glowing meteor over Japan yesterday, however it made some amateurish mistakes. First, its glowing a color most meteors don't glow...green. Its rare. Second, its performing the horizontal mambo, and meteorites do not fly horizontal while that low to the planet. Gravity would have pulled it down and it would have a curve. Third and this was the stupidest mistake the aliens made. The main ship turned off its glow for only 1/10th a second, (watch in slow motion) and at that moment a silver disk came out and moved back slowly away from the main ship. This is a disk, with a domed upper portion and grey metallic hull. 

See, even aliens make mistakes, this pilot, he made a lot. 
Scott C. Waring


  1. Yikes!! What a beautiful color this meteor produces,never seen one this bright and changing shape it looks to me,could it have been disintegrated by that Ufo?

  2. I wish they'd show this on fox, NBC, CNN, etc...

  3. No doubt about it ..... Swamp gas ! 😉

  4. I saw the same green light from east to west in Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil at 10/31/2016 09:00 PM local time

  5. They got owned bro! F them man! There's no beating us!!!! Vote Trump!!!!

    1. And now they want to OWN you us & YOUR whole WORLD too Big Time now, see what happened by not reading those warning labels at the votin booth let alone not wearing your "Thinking Helmet" to sort things out up stairs UC, & hell are ya happy now w/ this potential russian leashed useful idiot of theres in control, but most importantly do you think Mr D Dump's love for that topless horse back riding, smooth talkin, slick & potentialy dangerous ex KGB russian dictator who do seems to turn Mr D on it seems from observation reports will make your life in the U.S. & YOUR WORLD even more stable & better w/ in the next 4yrs, & do you remember my rants mo's ago during the election campaigns that Putin would use this guy like a feddle a a marrienet i,e. puppet on a string so2spk against the U.S. & the EU's best interest...

      We will soon see Mr/Ms Anonymous, tho ill wager you confidently as high as a ben note that Mr D will not be able to psychology handle his new & most serious & important job in his give a F##K & currupted life w/ in the 1st term of his illegitimate office & will more than likely have his 2nd in command handle his daily job activities anyway this vice pres Mike Pense (R) from Minnesota, who has a staunch right wing born again christian type of mind set, & whose a known womens anti reproduction rights advocate, racist, anti science, anti intellectual, anti progressive & hell basicly a friggin modern day cave man as a vice pres, & as we all realize now is that Mr Dump himself thinks that hes to smart to even want to attend morning INTELLIGENCE BRIEFINGS for heavens sake that is naturally one of the most important activities of a sitting presidents job, hell man w/ that kind of attitude towwrds the U.S. intelligence infrastructure that Dump has, do you really really feel safer now both domestic & foreign w/ such a so called STUPID acting Commander in Chief, or is he really afraid of the U.S. intell community's i,g. out of good reasoned personal guilt perhaps that wouldn't surprise me the least also, but if so thats not good for him as a so called U.S. Commander in Chief, he might want to treat them respectfully nowadays if ya caught my drift. 😎

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Another tbought came into mind like a ton of bricks is that perhaps its one of those Fukashima Radiation Fallout Clean-up UFO's thats full of collected erie green glowin fallout rads that they happend to gathered up to the crafts full capacity, & just think, just TINK NOW for a nano sec everyone where would those radiation clean up crews send that collected fall out radiation, well how bout im reckonin to the nearest fission reactor, yes this sun whos YOUR SUN in all likelihood Right!!!, or wrong, now listen & dont tell anyone this, & its that where not the only intell creatures thats based here on this rock either...

      Just Sayin. 👽☀😎✌

  7. I just wanted to say I seen this same thing just outside of sarnia ontario in 2003...it was crazy...no one else reported it...but i have never forgotten.

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