
UFO Fleet Takes Guy Buy Surprise Over Barcelona, Spain On Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 2016
Location of sighting:  Barcelona, Spain
News source: http://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/731301/UFOs-Barcelona-British-holidaymaker

These are cloud orbs and they usually appear white, but when very close they really have a translucent appearance with a slow color changing that takes over different parts of the orb and either grows in area that the color has or becomes smaller of an area. The orb will have many colors areas at the same time. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
British holiday maker Paul Zinger said he filmed the UFOs over Barcelona while celebrating his 40th birthday at the fountains on La Rambla.

He said the white orbs flew over the BBVA bank building nearby.

The painter and decorator, who lives in Clitheroe, Lancashire, estimated there were at least 100 objects moving in different directions.

He said: "It was amazing, there were at least 100 if not more in the sky. The footage I took doesn't show how many were there.

"The holiday was a surprise 40th birthday present from my girlfriend.

"We both got food poisoning so the only time we spent outside was basically a couple of hours on La Rambla.

"The Rambla was chocca with people.

"I think there was more than 100 objects. I watched them for ages."

Mr Zinger, who appears to be an alien believer, has considered what the white orbs could have been.

He said: "I've asked myself the question many times. When you see objects like this it truly changes the way you view the world. (More at source)