
Good Year Lies About Blimp Location To Get Free Publicity And In Process Destroys UFO Evidence! Aug 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 15, 2018
Location of sighting: North Carolina Lake, NC, USA

Wow! Did you see the shape of that UFO? Look closely at the top photo on this post and you will see that the UFO is nothing like the Good Year Blimp. Which is proof that Good Year lied in order to get hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of free publicity, but by doing so, they are actually discrediting this UFO sighting by lying to the public. Sure they want the publicity, but at what price? Their ethics and morals thrown out the window. 

This is clearly a UFO and its shape is very unique and large. This UFO is about 200 meters across and disk shape but seen from the side. Remarkable UFO, but Good Years attempt at greed sickens me. What Good Year did by lying...is a crime against humanity! 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

News states: 
A North Carolina man is convinced he caught a UFO on camera after he recorded a stationary object hovering in the sky on his cellphone. The shaky video has gone viral since being posted over the weekend, and many are convinced the object is extraterrestrial, including the man who shot it, Jason Swing. “It was like nothing that I’d ever seen before that's why I thought it was not of this world,” he told Inside Edition. However, it's since been revealed the object was a Goodyear blimp.