
5km Dark Disk Seen Passing Over Surface Of Moon, UFO Sighting News. 👽👽👽

Date of sighting: March 15, 2019, but reported today
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source: MUFON #103464

An eyewitness caught a dark circular UFO with his camera. The cameras today often come with zooms of up to 200X so they even beat a lot of telescopes, especially for the convenience of getting photos or video. Dark circular objects have been recorded for the last decade passing over the surface of our moon. This is nothing new, but its should be a warning to the public...if NASA doesn't tell us about these unidentified flying objects on our moon...then NASA must be too frighted causing a panic in the public. Honestly...how would you feel emotionally if you heard on world news that NASA has spotted an alien craft that is 5km across near our moon? Yeah...it would cause a bit of worry. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: Was taking pics of moon in succession. My last pic has dark looking object in the front of the bottom of the moon.