Location of sighting: Russia
This UFO was caught over Russia last week. The eyewitness mistakenly identified it as ball lightning. However ball lightning is not this big, nor can it change speeds like this does. Ball lighting has a size between that of a pea to two meters across. This UFO is huge, about 20-30 meters across! No ball lighting has ever been recorded that big before. Also this UFO seems to change speed as it gets closer to the eyewitness. The UFO speeds up, slows down dramatically, then speeds up again. Only an intelligently controlled device could have some control over its speed. This is also not a plane because it has no wings, and its speed is too fast. This can't be a meteor because its not being pulled down by gravity, but flying horizontal across the sky! This is absolute an alien craft over Russia. There is not a doubt in my mind about this craft. Its 100% alien.
Scott C. Waring