Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2017. Show all posts


Dragon head found on Mars next to NASA rover tracks, Oct 6, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 6, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1814

 I found a dragon head or reptile head that was clearly seen by the rover, since the rover tracks run almost over it. When a rover comes this close to an ancient artifact and there is no big announcement on the know that NASA is hiding the truth from the public. That NASA was formed to hide not share the information about alien life in space and beyond. 

Remember that famous mars donut (rock like object) that was in one photo and gone in the next? It walked away. NASA had video footage of it, and yet, they never shared that footage. Why? Because it walked away! The truth cannot be shared...its one of NASAs rules. 

Whenever you hear about NASA disproving something...what they are really doing is covering it up, hiding it from you...the public. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Moon size UFO Near Sun, Looks Like Star Trek Enterprise Ship, May 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Earths sun

These awesome UFOs were caught by Youtube user UFOnearSun. For those who are new to all this, UFO researchers look for the UFOs that are near the sun, because two Russian scientists about 10 years ago came out and told the world about many large moon and Earth size UFOs that orbit the sun and make erratic path changes like making 90 degree hard turns, suddenly speeding up, or even reversing course. This announcement all happened before Youtube, so no records exit today, however there are many of us that remember the Russian announcement from that day. 
Scott C. Waring


Elf-Like Alien Face Found On Mars By Opportunity Rover, May 2017, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: May 10, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2519
Source photo:

I found this very interesting long eared face on Mars today. The face also has a long hat, which makes me wonder if it is to hide their long alien skull? Perhaps, but many faces have been found with a crown or hat of some sort that were long just like this one. The face looks almost dwarf-elf like in appearance. 

Finding alien sculptures of their faces are the most important scientific discoveries we can make next to finding a living being. These sculptures show us their facial appearance. And seeing their faces makes the public less afraid, once they see that aliens are not much different than us. 
Scott C. Waring


New Mars Faces Published In Journal Of Space Exploration, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Photo above has been focused only. 

Original photo and drawing above (untouched)

This is interesting. I got an email from a friend and reader of my site and a new face has been discovered on Mars. The face is actually similar to a lot of other smaller faces I have reported to you in that it has not one, but two faces in it. On face wearing an elaborate helmet, and on the helmet is another face. On the persons neck is a alien word "33" but the second 3 is smaller. I believe these mean "friendship." Since the big 3=the big face, and the little 3=the little face. 

But wait, I sharpened the image, and brought out detail of a third face...its on the big faces chin area. I will put it just above here...with the 33 visible in it so you see the location. The sharpens photo is below. So, now we know, "33" really means "three friends, or cooperation." 

This is a professionally published paper in the Journal of Space Exploration. They evidence is analyzed over and over again. Fantastic! The evidence is growing. Professionals from all walks of life are participating in find the evidence right in front of us. 100% real proof that ancient aliens once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Masters in Counseling, BA in El Ed. 

The email states: 
Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress on Mars – featured in science journal.

Purcellville, Virginia –A Geoglyphic formation observed on Mars depicting a bearded profile with an avian headdress is the subject of a new science paper, published in the current issue of the Journal of Space Exploration (Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016). The paper, “Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress within the Southeast-Facing Slope of an Impact Crater in the Utopia Planitia Region of Mars,” reveals a profiled portrait of a bearded, human head wearing an avian headdress. The facial features include an eye, nose, mouth, mustache and beard, while the headdress consists of a large nesting bird. The formation is documented in four NASA images that confirm the consistency of the portraits human and avian components.  When compared to a collection of similar terrestrial motifs, the Martian structure not only duplicates their aesthetic design but, reveals a lost legacy perhaps shared between two worlds.

Contributors to the paper include members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research and The Cydonia Institute; William Saunders (geomorphologist), George Haas (sculptor), Michael Dale (geologist) and James Miller (image analyst).

A direct link to the Journal of Space Exploration paper is provided below.

Photographs and supportive materials are available on request.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

*The Society for Planetary SETI Research (est. 1991) and The Cydonia Institute (est. 1991) are independent organizations of scientists and researchers with a common interest in the study of anomalies observed on planets and satellites within our solar system whose origins may be the result of intelligent design. Their members come from a variety of disciplines including physics, astronomy, engineering, geology, archeology, image processing, and the visual arts.

👽 UFO Over Great Britain With High Detail On March 23, 2017, UFO Sighting News. 👽

Date of sighting: March 23, 2017
Location of sighting: Great Britain
Source: MUFON #82800

Here are some fantastic UFO photos from Great Britain this week. All I did was enlarge them, not altering of color or light. The one photo above in particular is very highly detailed and is standing up long ways, but in the lower photos we see a disk, a rectangle and a cylinder craft. This may be a morphing craft, that changes shape, but I believe that its turning slowly, rotating, giving the eyewitness a new perspective of the UFO every photo. Remarkable. We have seen reports of this UFO all over England last month, but to see it close up...amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Got done feeding my little one and I glanced out of the window in our dark dinning room and saw what i thought was a bright star but when looking at it more closely it was pulsating different colours so i went out side and did a few zoomed in pictures went back in and zoomed in on those and well i have never seen or heard of a star changing colour and shape at random. Watched this thing for 2hrs roughly slowly moving across the sky. I had originally thought it was a plane or chopper but i heard nothing and it did not move. We have lots of planes flying over our house as well as the odd chopper so I'm pretty darn sure it was not either of those. Left me puzzled and slightly unnerved as this is not the firs time i have seen something like this in the same area of the sky i saw this thing tonight.