Showing posts with label Elon Musk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elon Musk. Show all posts


Alien Entrance At Top Of Hill In Las Vegas, Nevada Is Fenced Off Area! No Way In, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Feb 2017
Location of video: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

This is the location of the UFOs appearing from the hill top. The hill is completely surrounded by a fence and getting in looks difficult, but not impossible. Stevens on his way to finding a way to the top, which is an entrance to an underground base area. If he focuses his thoughts downward in a open and relaxed way, he may establish mental contact with the aliens and they may come up or take him down for a meet and greet session. (Check out Steven Barones Videos On Youtube.)

If any readers out there live in Las Vegas and find a way up there, post the video of it on Youtube and send the URL to me at @SCWbooks on Twitter. I would love to post it here. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of February 21, 2017, and during the day of February 8, 2017. I had to put this video out. Too many people believe that the lights on this hill are off-road vehicles. There is no way that is possible. The land on this small mountain is under BLM control. It is also very close to National Conservation land. Riding any motorized vehicles is strictly forbidden and carries a huge fine if caught. A local friend climbed it twice looking for evidence of motorized vehicles and found only his own footprints. Whatever these are they are extremely strange. I have videos of the same objects lining up in the air (as many as 12 or 13 of them) in a perfectly horizontal row which would be impossible if they were on the ground. I have checked and double checked and no clubs, businesses or anybody else has been riding up there. The only legal place to drive off-road vehicles is about 30 miles from here out at the Nellis Dunes. My wife, me and our dog attempted to climb it a couple weeks ago so I could prove the soil up there was undisturbed but we couldn't find any way to get up there. I believe that the lights are very similar to the "Marfa Lights" in Texas.


Glowing Disk Seen Over Cloud Observing People Below, Singapore, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Singapore

A UFO hid above the clouds in Singapore yesterday. You can see its disk lit up easily and a rainbow reflection coming from it. If the person had a infrared camera, 100% detail would be visible and infrared cameras are capable of cutting out the reflecting light and only seeing the UFO and cloud under it. IR is the one sure way to view these kinds of hiding UFOs I mean. 
Scott C. Waring

BBC News States:
A rare cloud phenomenon over Singapore has delighted people in the city-state. The multi-coloured glow appeared in the sky on Monday in the late afternoon, lasting for about 15 minutes, and was seen across the island. Media reports said it was likely a fire rainbow, which occurs when sunlight refracts through ice-crystal clouds. Others have also said it could have been cloud iridescence, which happens when water droplets or crystals scatter light. "It started as a small orange circle and then grew bigger and bigger till all the colours came out... It lasted for about 15 minutes and it slowly went off. She said "all the children in the school, some parents, and other staff were very excited and commenting that it was very, very rare to see such a beautiful and unique rainbow". The phenomenon prompted jokes online, with many comparing it to a Paddle Pop, a rainbow-coloured frozen dessert popular in Australia and Asia. "The rainbow bridge is broken," joked one Facebook user, while another person asked: "Is this a case of Monday Rainbows?!"


Unexpected Birth Has This Lady Thinking That She May Be An Alien Hybrid, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Aliens are all around us. On every moon and planet in our solar system, in Earths orbit and skies, and even on our planet. This woman dives into the subject and explains how her life has been impacted by the visits of aliens. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
French talking. 6'3" with blonde-hair and green eyes. Lisa has dependably felt like she is "distinctive." More remarkable than her striking nearness is the way that Lisa trusts she might be what numerous in UFO hovers allude to as a human-cross breed. Half breeds are frequently characterized as the offspring of abductees who have been subjected to contact with outsiders where ladies have been impregnated. The outcome is the introduction of an outsider human cross breed with outsider attributes in these crossover kids that lay lethargic. It is the human qualities that are more dynamic. However something else is seen and these human half and halves feel like they don't completely have a place on Earth. All things considered, the eyes of these human half and halves are regularly profoundly convincing. When they take a gander at you, it feels as though they achieve profound into your spirit. Deep down, they every now and again report longs for flying and out-of-body encounters that regularly carry them into space where contact with their ET starting points are seen. Cross breeds additionally report that they are exceptionally instinctive. They sense, feel and apparently discuss clairvoyantly, with their patrimonial clairvoyant aptitudes tuning into read the contemplations of people without saying a word to them. These qualities and the sky is the limit from there, characterize Lisa's encounters. Having a secretive birth and numerous UFO-related encounters for the duration of her life, Lisa shares only a couple of her high abnormality perceptions translated into English through UFO Researcher, Luigi Vendittelli from Montreal, Canada. "I have an explanation behind being here and it is somewhat not quite the same as other individuals however I feel there are many individuals like this. There is something to be finished. We have to change things and it's an overwhelming weight to have." Lisa says as she herself tries to get a handle on the riddle of what she feels inside.


UFO Recorded In This Weeks The Walking Dead TV Show, S07E10, Feb 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 21, 2017
Location of sighting: Walking Dead S07E10

Here is the last place you would expect to find a UFO...on The Walking Dead set from this weeks episode. The UFO is at 28:27 minutes into the show. It was found by Lampicka PSN of Youtube and shows a dark object that moves from the right to the left of the screen. The UFO is a dark disk and showed up on purpose. UFOs have have mind control, especially good for making you temporarily forget what you saw, and even make you remember things. Its even possible this UFO showed up to get caught on the scene on purpose so that it could use its mind control methods on the most popular TV show in America...which may reach a lot of viewers out there. 

It was Elon Musk that stated last week, "if there are super intelligent aliens out there, they probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely and we are just not smart enough to realise it."

In other words, aliens are everywhere, but we have to put the effort into uncovering the evidence before us. Scott C. Waring

UFO Near Boeing 777 Causes It To Cloak On Radar, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 2017
Location of sighting: Germany

UFOs often are not just cloaked, but have a invisible bubble area around them that hides them from radar. This bubble sometimes hundreds even a thousand meters across, so when this passenger jet flew into this UFOs cloak, it too became invisible to radar. That is why the Germany Air Force saw the jet disappear on radar and sent a jet escort to go check on it. You can hear the pilots say the words aliens as he is filming. Lucky for us, there was another passenger jet behind them to record it all. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states: 
An Indian plane carrying more than 300 people flew to London and on the way lost contact with the ground. The German military sent a fighter jet escort. The process was was recorded by the pilots on the jet behind them. According to the "Central News Agency" reported that a Jet Airways aircraft from Mumbai to London on the way, in the German airspace and flight control personnel lost contact, causing serious security concerns, the German Air Force sent a fighter to escort this passenger jet carrying more than 300 in a Boeing 777 aircraft.



Glowing Orb Seen Over Freeway In California, Aug 1999, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 10, 1999 (reported today)
Location of sighting: Rancho Santa Margarita, California
Source: MUFON #82195

The image with this report was made by the eyewitness and I think it really gives us a great idea of what they saw the day. Lots of  sightings went unreported for decades because it was not convenient to carry an old fashioned camera everywhere and cell phones were not yet invented with that convince. So I find it great that this eyewitness came forward to teach us about his/her sighting from that day. From what she describes, it sounds like the Foo Fighters UFOs from WWI and WW2 era. The UFOs curiosity of the moving car and it deliberately putting itself in the field of view of the car driver would indicate this. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
On a clear and sunny day, in broad daylight, on a very familiar road, while driving my car with some friends... What I can only describe as some kind of a "ball" of light (about the size of a large beachball) appeared, very suddenly, out of nowhere, directly in front of my car. In a bit of a panic, I asked my friends if they saw it too and they all definitely did. We were stunned and not sure what to do. It appeared to be floating/hovering/flying about 3 feet off the ground, and it was moving with us. There was no physical structure to it, as it appeared to be literally made of light. The light varied in color and was dynamic, not static. It was almost impossibly bright, like no other light source I've even seen, even though it was the middle of the day. It appeared about 30 feet in front of my car, and it seemed to be matching my speed. I was going about 40 mph at first, but I slowed down a little bit, not wanting to drive into it... but it seemed to slow down with me, remaining the same distance ahead of us. Then I sped up a little, and it did the same thing, matching my speed and remaining directly in front of my car. And then... it just disappeared. It was only there for a few seconds... maybe 10 or 15 seconds... before it vanished, just as it had appeared, into thin air. Also: There were definitely other cars on the road with me that day too, both behind me and in the lanes next to me and slightly behind me, but I have no idea if anyone other than my friends and I saw it. This happened in a pre-iphone/smartphone/cameraphone world, so none of us got any photos or video. (the image I uploaded was created by me, years later, using photoshop and a screenshot from google street-view of about where it happened.)


Glowing UFO Over Kenner Neighborhood On Dec 20, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Keener, Louisiana, USA
Source: MUFON

Here is a report from December, but just came in this week about three glowing orbs over the city of Keener. The UFOs are in a triangle formation and may be part of once single UFO instead of three separate UFOs. Nice capture, but if you are that close to the UFO, you should walk forward toward its location if at all possible to see it better. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I first heard a very loud booming type bass sound about 10 minutes prior to seeing the triangle shaped UFO outside the front of my house. Not sure if this loud vibrating noise has anything to do with the UFO sighting but it is still occurring outside right now. The sound is strange because we are not able to figure out where it is coming from and normally it is easy to tell where a sound like this is originating from. As soon as I went outside in my front yard to listen to the booming sound a large triangle shaped UFO appeared in the northern sky above me moving in a westerly direction. The UFO had three white lights in the shape of a triangle with other colored flashing lights. There was no sound coming from the UFO and it was NOT a airplane, helicopter and or drone. I know this because I live close to the airport and I see planes all day and night and none of them look like this unknown object. I have video footage of the UFO which I will include in this report.

White UFO Shoots Past Chile Air Force Jet Over Chile Almost Hitting It, Feb 10, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 10, 2017
Location of sighting: Puerto Varas, Chile

This UFO was caught near a Chile Air Force plane performing over the city of Puerto Varas last week. UFO and alien drones (AI controlled usually) have a put a high amount of interest upon any technology that can fly. This allows aliens to asses human tech levels. Thus, they can make predictions about humanities future and the events that will unfold. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Massive sighting of an unidentified flying object (UFO) in the city of Puerto Varas, Chile, seen from three different angles. Strange unidentified flying object (UFO), it seems to pass very close to a plane "Halcones Fach" of the Chilean air force, in full flight demonstration held in the city of Puerto Varas, south of the country, last February 10 2017.

Elon Musk Says Aliens Are Watching Humanity, But Humans Are Not Smart Enough To Realise It, Feb 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Tech Billionaire Elon Musk spoke at the World Summit Meeting this week and brought up some very interesting subjects. At 11 min into the video he speaks of humanity meeting aliens for the first time.

"Imagine you were very confident that we were going to be visited by super confident aliens in say 10 years or 20 years at the most."

Then, seconds afterward the speaker asks, "So you think in maybe 20 years, we will have aliens on earth?"

Elon got nervous at this point, fidgeted a little bit to gather his wits and then in a composed state of mind said stated; "Digital super intelligence will be like an alien." Then he continues, "Some people among us ask where are the aliens?" At this point, he grinned as if he knew something great...something he knew and the rest of the world didn't. It was a certain cockiness in his voice and attitude and continues by saying, "maybe they are among us, I don't know. Some people think I am an alien. Not true."

A few minutes later the speaker asks, "Do you think we will make contact with aliens in the next 50 years?"

You can see him thinking deeply about this question, and then says; "thats a real tough one to say. Uh...I mean, if there are super intelligent aliens out there, they probably already observing us. That would seem quite likely and we are just not smart enough to realise it."

Then he continues; "any alien civilisation that was even interested in populating the galaxy, even without faster than the speed of light, even if you were only traveling at 10-20% the speed of light, you could populate the entire galaxy in say 10 million years." 

Now I have never stated publicly that Elon Musk is an alien, never, but apparently someone has, and its no surprise. His tech innovations are groundbreaking. He made a space capsule for NASA that was roomier, and more Star Trek-like in just 14 days after NASA asked for one. Thats impossible. I believe Elon could be an alien and is certainly showing lack of failing and mass successes as an alien would, but I feel he is getting his alien tech innovations from the US government trying to leak alien tech into the public sectors. Probably DARPA or some other Gov agency has been secretly passing alien technology to Elon and seeing what he could make with it. I also think a lot of his funding comes from the US government to insure he succeeds. 
Scott C. Waring