Showing posts with label Iceland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iceland. Show all posts


Strange Black Creature Holding Onto Cliff In Iceland, Ancient Alien Species, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 2020
Location of sighting: Dettifoss Waterfall, Iceland

In this video was see a black thin creature moving slightly while hanging off the edge of the cliff. Sadly the person didn't see it until he got home otherwise we would have a better view of it. The creature almost looks like a black know the one from Boston Dynamics, but much smaller, squirrel size. Very odd. Perhaps the ancient Iceland belief in the little folks they call Huldufolk, which are mystical beings like tiny elves and fairs are not so far from the truth. There are small alien species that exit, Apollo 20 William Rutlege told me about a tiny species of aliens they found after entering a abandoned alien ship in Delporte Crater on earths moon. These small beings if on earth and if they were seen by humans...would be easily mistaken for fairies or elves. So...we may have one on video here...strange creature. 
Scott C. Waring 

Video states: 
Icelandic singer Vigdís Howser Harðardóttir has videotaped what appears to be a mysterious creature hiding next to a cliff. The strange incident occurred at the Dettifoss waterfall located in the Jökulsárgljúfur national park. What is your opinion on the video? Is it an elf? Another kind of mystical creature? Or do you have a logical and rational explanation?


UFOs Seen By US Navy Submarine In 1971 Over Atlantic Ocean, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 1971
Location of sighting: between Iceland and Jan Mayen Island, Atlantic Ocean
News Source:

Black Vault states:
This got started when I heard from one of my sources in Europe that some pictures that I might want to take a look at were making the rounds. These turned out to be the pictures that a French Paranormal magazine called Top Secret published. They claimed that they received them from an anonymous source. That is all they have have said publicly so far. Top Secret source and mine are unrelated. I made connections in the intelligence community in Europe years ago in a project unrelated to UFOs. It was for the Congo’s Mokele-mbembe project that I was working on. They have always been reliable, but you know how these things go, you never really know. I have used them on information based on Russian UFOs in the past, and they have been very reliable with that. I’m obviously trying to directly get access to Top Secret‘s original source, so we’ll see. By the way, feel free to contact them yourself or anyone that you feel can help. Obviously, I want to stay on point with this, and be part of whatever comes out in this case, but the important thing is to get to the truth, and “The Black Vault” name is extremely well respected and that can very much help. Arctic UFO Photographs, USS Trepang, SSN 674, March 1971 Another one of the unknown objects. Here is what we know so far. The original anonymous source claims that these: 1) The photos were taken from a United State Navy submarine. 2) The location was between Iceland and Jan Mayen island in the Atlantic Ocean. (Jan Mayen belongs to Norway, and is only inhabited by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the Norwegian military.) 3) They were taken in March of 1971. 4) The Submarine was the Navy’s USS Trepang (SSN 674) and the Admiral on board was Dean Reynolds Sackett. Obviously, the next step is to try and locate this Admiral Dean Reynolds, if he exists. 5) The Submarine came upon the object by “accident,” as they were in the region on a routine joint military and scientific expedition. Officer John Klika was the one who initially spotted the object with the periscope. This obviously implies that it wasn’t ours, and unfortunately doesn’t explain the different objects seen in the pictures. Top Secret claims that on one of the pictures, there were some inscriptions. I don’t have a version of this, and it is too faint to see on these photographs.
Upper left it says “Official Photograph. Not to be Released. CT.” In the bottom right corner it says (sic) “Unauthorized Disclosure Subject. Security Certificat SSN 674. Criminal Sanction” I cannot confirm these at the moment, and I don’t know if the spelling of Certificat is just a reproduction error, since these were revealed in their magazine. This is all I have so far, and I’ll keep sending you whatever additional info I have.


UFO Comes Out of Iceland Volcano On Live Cam, Aug 28, 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 28, 2014
Location of sighting: Bardabunga Volcano, Iceland

This video shows a UFO coming out of the mouth of the volcano. The object flashes and takes a tilted oval form. It phases in and out of view, but takes a more solid form than the clouds around it. Lucky for us, someone had an eye on the live Iceland volcano cam. SCW

Eyewitness states:
Not sure what this is, but it appeared after the eruption started. What could it be?


UFO Sighting Over Iceland Landing In Public Neighborhood, Live Cam Footage, Sept 29, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Updated on Oct 31, 2013: I have added an additional video below that shows the sighting on world news, also I have emailed some people in Akureyri, but as of yet I have gotten no response about this UFO. SCW

Date of sighting: September 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Akureyri, Iceland
Live cam:
Live cam 2:

This UFO was caught on live cam of Akureyri, Iceland last week. The glowing UFO shows up from the clouds and then slowly descends until it lands in an area that appears to be a housing area. This particular live cam takes still images ever few seconds so yes its normal.

Something that bothers me is that the name Akureyri...its from the "friendship case." What I'm saying is that in Rocca Pia, Italy there was a group of aliens that met with locals back in the 1960s-1970s. They called themselves the W56 and sometimes by the name Akrij, which sounds very similar to the pronunciation of the city name Akureyri. Was it this alien group which founded this city long ago to hide yet another underground alien base? Click here to view that sighting. SCW


300 Foot-667 year old Alien Creature Seen In Iceland Lake, (VIDEO) Feb 2012 Paranormal News.

Date of sighting: February 2012
Location of sighting: Lake Lagarfljot, Iceland 

In this incredible video taken this week in Iceland we see an alien creature. I say alien because #1 its over 300 feet long (91 meters) and is has been seen in this lake since 1345, meaning if there is only one, then it is over 667 years old. Also snakes hibernate during winter because they are cold-blooded animals. SCW

The Lagarfljótsormur, Lagarfljotsormurinn, Lagarfljót worm or simply Iceland Worm Monster is an Icelandic lake cryptid. The worm is purportedly located in Lagarfljót Lake, a freshwater, below-sea-level, glacial-fed body of water in Egilsstaðir. The water visibility is incredibly poor as a result of siltation, and the creature--if it does exist--has not been scientifically studied. Sightings have been consistently logged since 1345. There are many stories about kynjaskepnur, that is, strange animals or alien phenomena, in Lagarfljót. The alien worm-like creature is presumed to be longer than a football field, or 300 feet (91 m), and has been seen coiled near the shore by countless eyewitnesses. According to reports, it has been spotted in both water and dry land. It is believed that it can slither onto land. Cameraman Hjörtur Kjerúlf captured the giant, icy snake swimming in the Jökulsá í Fljótsdal river, which empties into Lake Lagarfljót. The footage shows a crocodilian-like creature or a giant snake skimming the water surface of a frozen lake. But Reptiles in cold climates hibernate or hide so...its not a reptile. 


Iceland Volcano UFO Sighting video of Dec 1, 2010.

Date of sighting: December 1, 2010
Location of sighting: Hekla Volcano, Iceland

This person was watching the live cams and checked the Iceland volcano Hekla. They noticed that the opening of the volcano was surrounded by not one but several large glowing UFOs. It may be possible that one might be the moon, but not all and surly not stars. The Larger glowing object seems to be in control of the smaller ones. Even at one point the larger glowing object has a mountain like growth on one side as if it is about to create or expel another orb craft.

I checked the live cam, but it is currently down for a few hours it says. It is found at

Note: This is not the first sighting of UFOs over the Iceland Volcano, there have many others. For instance on April 18, 2010 a fleet of discs were recorded on CNN close up near the mouth and plume of smoke coming out of the volcano. The were flying in a V formation and were car size, yet a lot of people thought they were geese.

Another UFO sighting happened on April 2, 2010 of a tube like craft near the mouth of the crater, it was huge and recorded on video close up.

These are only a few of the dozens of examples of UFO sightings at Hekla Volcano in Iceland. For more info watch the live web cam or better still, check youtube. You will be amazed either way.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel at ☯