Showing posts with label Jedi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jedi. Show all posts


Ancient Sea Shell Found On Mars Suface In Yestedays Curiosity Rover Photo, July 24, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 24, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1209 taken July 23, 2016

 I found this fossilized sea shell in this photo of the Mars surface today. What you see is the original untouched photo from Curiosity Rover that was taken a yesterday. Sol 1409. This is more proof that an ocean once existed on Mars and that it did have life on it. This combined with many other sea shell finds I and others have made and the fossil fish all prove this fact. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Faces Near Pyramid On Mars, Rover Photo, June 2015, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: June 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source Mars photo:

The news was reporting a pyramid on Mars, but I do believe that this was just the pinnacle structure of a much larger building that was buried below the dirt or destroyed.  There is also a face near the pyramid and two other not far away. The news didn't report about the faces, so I decided to make my own video to let you know. I hope you find this interesting and please help me by subscribing and liking the video. Thanks everyone, Scott C. Waring


Yoda Face Found On Moon, New Alien Species, Jedi R REAL. Sept 27, 2011 UFO Sighting News.

click to enlarge

Yoda Face Found On Moon, New Alien Species, Jedi R REAL. Sept 27, 2011 UFO Sighting News. 

Hey guys, I found this image on the Apollo Image Atlas (Apollo 15). These are the Panaramic Image Cataloge of NASA's. 

Found this cool face of Yoda and wanted to share it. I know there are a lot of Star Wars Fans, so hey, what do you think about this? Please check out original is amazing. Ignore the 10km mothership. Finders how the hell do I get up there to claim it? #$#@!

Original Photo at: