Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Obama. Show all posts


Secret Lunar Base Revealed by Former NASA Astronaut, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source photo:

Here is a great discovery by Mars Moon Space TV of Youtube. It shows many circular white structures to the far left of the module. This is a cool discovery. I have said that there are white ceramic-looking structures on the moons surface and other planets and moons in our solar system. Very cool discovery that needs to be looked into deeper. 
Scott C. Waring

Mars Moon Space TV states:
Lunar Base revealed in Apollo image. Ken Johnston Sr Civilian Astronaut Consultant Pilot, Has revealed parts of his private collection from his time serving the Apollo missions. 1 of the images showed us this ! What looks like a base on the moon with visible lights and structures. All credits to Ken Johnston Sr and Bret Collin Sheppard.


UFO Over Ecuador Recorded Over Street On June 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Ecuador
Source: and

This UFO was recorded and is on video, however the video is only on Facebook so click here to view it. The UFOs do appear similar to real UFOs seen in the past in the sky. I do have some reservations about UFOs being recorded through windows, because windows can reflect light as you are recording and thus make a UFO appear as though its real. This looks like such an incident to me, but I could be wrong. Tell me your thoughts on this sighting in the comments below please. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata states: 
An Alleged UFO Over Guayaquil On May 30, a video posted to Facebook exceeded 52,000 hits. According to the person posting (Boris Tacle Lopez), the clip showed a "flying saucer". As of this writing, the publication has been shared over 1000 times. As the image shows, the object flies next to a rainbow in the sky. No critical version of this event exists as of this moment. What do you think?


Secretary Josh Earnest Talks About Alien Disclosure In May 17, 2016, White House Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of press conference: May 17, 2016
News source:

Of course this little guy (Secretary Josh Earnest) talking to the press doesn't want to risk his career by answering a question of such importance that only President Obama should answer. I'm sure he has seen Obama put his foot into the butt of those who crossed him and Josh likes his job. Obama still has time to release the UFO documents and to tell the public the truth this year. Its on his mind. That Nobel Peace Prize weighs heavily around his is encouraging him to tell the public the truth, because he knows that the pubic deserve nothing less. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
While past presidents and presidential candidates have joked about UFOs, Hillary Clinton is one of the first mainstream candidates to promise disclosure of classified Area 51, UFO and Unexplained Aerial Phenomena (UAP) documents should she be elected president. “I want to open the files as much as we can,” Clinton said in a recent radio interview. In the wake of a New York Times article that brought renewed attention to Clinton’s most unexpected campaign commitment, President Barack Obama’s White House was asked to respond. The answer, from President Obama’s press secretary Josh Earnest, will disappoint UFO enthusiasts still hoping for disclosure on the federal level: “I have to admit, I don’t have a tab for Area 51 in my briefing book today,” Earnest began. After a joke from the press corp. Earnest proposed a “grand conspiracy” to keep him from answering the question thoroughly. “I’m not aware of any plans the President has to make public any information about this,” Earnest said, ending hope that UFO disclosure will come from the White House in 2016. Stephen Bassett, an extraterrestrial disclosure lobbyist, told the New York Times that a Clinton presidency may be the best opportunity yet for genuine disclosures about the government’s knowledge of UFOs. Not only has Clinton evinced a past interest in extraterrestrials — in 1995 she was photographed carrying Are We Alone?: Philosophical Implications of the Discovery of Extraterrestrial Life by Paul Davies (above) — but she’ll also have the backing of campaign chairman John Podesta, who has crusaded for the release of government information on unexplained aerial phenomena for decades. While previous presidential administrations, Obama’s included, have treated declassification of Area 51 and UAP files as a joke, a Clinton presidency might at least take the demand seriously.


Guy Makes Life-Size Skull Carved From a Meteorite Found In Namibia, May 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of carving: Nov 2015
Type of meteorite: Gibeon found in Namibia
News source:

Here is something you don't see everyday, a meteorite thats been carved into a human skull. Often I wonder about the material that makes up these metal meteorites...are they normal, or could some of them be made from nano technology? Not all of course, but there is always a chance of such things. Also note, that the crystal pattern is only seen in meteorites and not seen on minerals on Earth. Like some kind of amazing matrix crystallisation. Anyways, this is cool.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A rare and singular combination of natural history and modern art, Lee Downey's “Yorick.” is a life-size skull carved from a large Gibeon meteorite that crashed in the Kalahari Desert in Namibia a thousand years ago. An artist who is known for selecting exotic materials with which to work, Downey acid-etched the carving to uncover the Gibeon meteorite's singular, lattice-like pattern. "A symbol of death, of eternity, of immortality, of demise and rebirth." he explains, "Of any material I could think of to fashion an accurate human skull out of, this Gibeon meteorite best embodies the 'mystery' most acutely." The astonishing piece will be auctioned by Bonhams on November 24th 2015 and has already been estimated at around $400,000. 


Blind prophet Baba Vanga predictions for 2016 and beyond: It’s not good, May 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: May 2016
News Source:

Here is something interesting. A famous woman, Baba Vanga who made many predictions about the future and they all came true. The most concerning one...that the 44th president of the US will be black and he will be the last US president. Freaky huh? But is there something to this? Aliens helping humans to build underwater cities in 2130? Wow!

Also, if Obama is the last president, maybe the US decides it is too much power for one person, that it should be held by Congress as a whole. Congress has 535 members that vote. Thats better than a single president, who may break laws or red tape to do what they want. Congress should run America, not a single president. 
Scott C. Waring 

News states:
APOCALYPSE SOON: VANGA’S MAJOR PROPHECIES FROM 2016 ONWARDS 2016: “Muslims” will invade Europe, which will “cease to exist” as we know it. The ensuing campaign of destruction will last years, driving out populations and leaving the entire continent “almost empty”. 

2023: The Earth’s orbit will change (nobody really knows what this means). 

2025: The population of Europe will reach almost zero. 2028: Mankind will fly to Venus, in hope of finding new sources of energy. 

2033: World water levels will rise as the polar ice caps melt (this is already happening). 

2043: Europe’s transformation into an Islamic caliphate is complete. Rome is named the capital. The world’s economy thrives under Muslim rule. 

2066: America will use a new climate change weapon for the first time in a bid to retake Rome and bring back Christianity. 

2076: Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world. 

2084: Nature is reborn (nobody is really sure what this means). 

2100: Man-made sun illuminates the dark side of the planet (This is already in the pipeline — since 

2008: scientists have been working on creating an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology). 

2130: With the help of the aliens, civilisations will live underwater. 

2170: Major global drought. 

2187: Two large volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped. 

2201: Temperatures drop as the sun’s thermonuclear processes slow down. 

2262: Planets will slowly change orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet. 

2354: An accident on the artificial sun will result in more drought. 

2480: Two artificial suns will collide and leave the Earth in the dark. 

3005: A war on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet. 

3010: A comet will hit the moon. The Earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock and ash. 

3797: By this time, everything on Earth will die. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.


Giant Black Cube Seen Near Sun In NASA Photo On May 2, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2, 2016 01:06
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: NASA/SOHO EIT 284

This cube was caught between the SOHO satellite and the sun. The cube has been seen before off and on. Sometimes its seen in three dimensions other times like this just two. 

There is also the possibility that NASA is using a black cube to cover up alien spacecraft that get caught in SOHO images. 
Scott C. Waring


There UFOs Fly In Military Formation Over Australia On May 1, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Hamersley, Australia 
Source: MUFON #76129

These glowing UFOs might be easy to dismiss at first, but they are flying in a tight triangle formation. Australia is famous for its UFO sightings and whats really intriguing about this one is the distance between the glowing UFOs is exactly the same. That alone is proof that intelligent beings are in control of it. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I had just left my room and was walking to work when in front of me something moving in the sky caught my eye. I observed 3 lights the size of stars moving in a southerly direction in formation at about half the speed of what a plane would travel at cruising altitude. The 3 lights were approaching a single star so I double checked to see which lights were moving by identifying the positions of the near by stars and building structures that were in my view. I could confirm that the 3 lights were moving and the single star, nearby stars and building was stationary. I stopped walking and continued to observe the 3 lights for several seconds as they passed over the single star. The single star remained visible as the triangle of 3 lights passed over it. About 10 seconds later the 3 lights dimmed out until I could no longer see them in the sky any more. This further confirmed that the 3 lights were moving independently in the sky. The sky was black with nil cloud cover with bright stars. I continued to look upwards in the same direction every now and then as I walked to my car but I couldn't stop and continue to observe due to time restraints and didn't see it any longer. The photo attached I didn't take and is from a google search but is exactly what I saw.


What Is The Government Hiding About Aliens and UFO's? April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: April 24, 2016

I like his ideas of finding out more information about older UFO sightings and crashes. The 1897 Aurora UFO Crash is a very interesting case which he talks about and full disclosure of all documents about the case would in itself, change the world forever. My only hope is that one day a hacker will get hold of the original files and photos of the event and release them to the world.
Scott C. Waring

News states:
In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews Jim Marrs, an American newspaper journalist and New York Times best-selling author. The two discuss the best evidence for extraterrestrial life and the history of government cover ups on this topic. We not only go over the government's actions but actually evidence with whistleblowers and official government documents. 

Find out more about Jim Marrs here


Biggest collection of Australian UFO files to be released May 1st 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: May 1, 2016
Location of event: Australia

This is fantastic news. UFOaustralia site (not up yet) has been gathering UFO gov reports and getting them ready online for readers to go through them. These reports are very important, because it shows that the government in Australia was taking the matter seriously, meaning...they know that aliens exist. Not all UFO reports turn out to be UFOs, but are often other things. 

So, how to tell what reports are real or not? 
1. The more detail in the report, the easier it is to decide if its real or not.
2. Photos or video help tremendously. 
3. Eyewitness professions/jobs.
4. Movement of the UFO. (Very important)
5. Number of witnesses, the more the bigger chance its real.
6. The more blacked out lines (sentences covered up with black marker) the bigger the chance of it being real.
7. If photos were mentioned, but mission from the report, its probably real. Gov will often destroy before releasing document.

Scott C. Waring

News states:
Queensland UFO Sightings And Research are about to release the biggest collection of official Australian UFO files ever. The files contain official documents from the RAAF, The Department of Air, The Navy and more. The files contain testimony, photographs, newspaper scans, official reports and patents. The full 1.7GB download will be available to the public via our website on May 1st 2016. You might see some familiar names.

Second Photo Of Obama On Mars Found By Spirit Rover, April 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of rediscovery: April 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 620
Source photo:

I found the Obama head again. This time in an official NASA photo from the Spirit rover. The head has extremely long, pocky eyebrows, but the rest of the face looks similar to Obama. It has curly short hair, with a thin headband going around it.

I also found some other unusual things, and put them below. A skull melted into the stone. A dome of a roof. Another face, maybe human-like, hard to tell with the detail this species of aliens use. The like the crude style of art. Anyways, here it is again, Obama on Mars.
Scott C. Waring 

Older post about the Obama head here.
Ancient Head Found On Mars, Looks Like President Obama, Close Up HD Photo! Nov 26, 2014, UFO Sighting News. 


NASA Rover Sees Tower In Distance On Mars, April 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, sol 1283
Source phtoto:

This is an unusual structure that looks like its been created by intelligent beings. It the far distance is a tower, and NASA has been very creative in that they have been using their micro imaging camera lately as you would a telescopic lens, to see things far away. Its actually a genius alternative use for the camera. 
Scott C. Waring


Kim Wilde thought UFO seen in her garden was Michael Jackson coming back to HAUNT her, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 26, 2009
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA
News source:

Its really true, when she said she saw lights over MJs home during his death. I remember reporting a green glowing light that someone witnesses moving around his estate in the air at night. Why would aliens be interested in MJ? Really? There are just so many reasons. He is awesome on so many levels, that his music has probably gone across the universe, carried from aliens here on Earth to share with others out there. 
Scott C. Waring

Express UK states:
The 55-year-old Kids in America singer, who has sold more than ten million albums worldwide, said she watched the 'static and silent' lights on the UFO in the summer of 2009 in her Hertfordshire garden. The singer, now a landscape gardener, said she first thought the alien UFO was Michael Jackson "coming to haunt her".

Kim was Jacko's support act during his 1988 BAD tour and saw the UFO on June 26 2009 - the day after Michael Jackson died. Speaking today, the singer revealed her 'secret', saying: "I once saw a UFO in my back garden. "It was the day after Michael Jackson died and I thought, 'He is coming back to haunt me!'

"It was on a Friday night and I saw two lights in the sky that were static and silent." Kim Wilde told Event magazine: "I stood watching them above my garden from about 11pm till one in the morning. "It had a profound effect on me. It makes me think that somebody is looking after us."
She said previously that the UFO was "about 20 times the size of an aeroplane. "I believe it's similar to when someone says they've seen God."

Yin-Yang Symbol Found On Surface Of Mars In Google Map, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Google coordinates: 40°39'18.20"S 108°36'42.90"W

I like this and why? Because its an alien symbol that ties into cultures here on Earth. This is more evidence that some of the people of Mars did immigrate to Earth long ago. I have found a similar Yin-yang symbol on Mercury a few years ago. This one on Mars increases the evidence that some of the Asian culture came from Mars. Extraordinary find by researcher Marcelo Irazusta of Youtube
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
The Argentine RESEARCHER MARCELO IRAZUSTA surprises us once more with this incredible discovery. CHINESE SYMBOL YIN YANG. 


President Obama On Ellen Show Hesitates When Asked About Aliens, Feb 12, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: February 12, 2016
Location of interview: Ellen TV Show

President Obama was on the Ellen Show this week when he got to meet a presidential expert Macey, a 5 year old who has most the answers and a few mind blowing questions. She directly asks the presidents if the book of secrets exists, which he replies..."thats a secret." Then she asks about aliens which he replies, "the truth is Macey....we...we...we haven't actually made direct contact with aliens yet." This reply is a hesitation before he answers, which means he had to think up an answer, because he had to lie. Hesitation when answering means dishonesty. Any time a person visibly hesitates when relaying information (rather than, say, making an emotional appeal) to another character, it's even money or better that they're being dishonest, and are trying to barely avoid saying too much. So the truth is, Obama knows the US government has direct contact with aliens. 
Scott C. Waring


Obamas Pilot Says He Saw A UFO Years Earlier In 1989, April 7, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 10, 1989
Date of announcement: April 7, 2015
Location of sighting: Between
News Source: New York Daily News

New York Daily States:
People love to ask pilots questions. But my favorite, and certainly the most interesting, is "Have you ever seen a UFO while flying?"

The answer is yes. And here's how it happened.

It was April 10, 1989 and early in my career. I was still a first officer at a regional airline. It was about 8 p.m. and we had just taken off from Kansas City International Airport bound for Waterloo, Iowa. It was a beautiful evening, with a full moon, clear skies and crisp early spring temperatures. The weather forecast for Waterloo was as nice, with clear skies and unlimited visibility.

After a short taxi and take-off, Air Traffic Control (ATC) cleared us to our cruise altitude of 15,000 feet. We established a Northeasterly heading, pointed strait at Waterloo, about 200 miles ahead. There were thin wispy clouds all around us, illuminated by the light of the full moon that shone through the captain's-side window at our left. Despite the presence of these clearly visible wispy clouds everywhere, we weren't flying through any of them. There was also a white disc dimly but clearly visible through those clouds just off to our right.

We flew on and I commented to Bruce, the captain, about this dimly visible disc. He said that he'd been watching the same thing since we had leveled off. It looked similar to the moon faintly visible though thin fog, except the two were visible at the same time on opposite sides of our cockpit. We looked down below for search lights, you know, the kind that's sometimes used for aerial light displays or advertising at a car dealer, but there was no beam of light coming from the ground, no search light from an airport either. The captain and I had cumulatively spent many years flying and were accustomed to seeing — day and night — all manner of airplane, blimp, hot air balloon, satellite and bird. But neither of us had any idea what this disc could be.

We spent 20 to 30 minutes at our cruise altitude, all the while staring at this white disc dimly visible through some clouds that we somehow never seemed to fly through. Within about 40 miles of Waterloo, ATC confirmed the weather, still clear skies and unrestricted visibility at our destination as we began to descend. We got busy with our flying duties and for a short while, maybe for a minute, both of us had looked away from the disc, but when I looked up at it again I saw something that has been burned into my memory.

I yelled to Bruce, "Holy s--t." He immediately looked over from what he was doing. Above the clouds, where the white disc had been, was a now giant red ball. It was big and bright and just sat there above the clouds. It wasn't intense enough to illuminate us with a red glow but it was still plenty bright. We sat there in stunned silence. We obviously didn't want to hit it but quickly saw that it was flying parallel to our course. We weren't on a collision course and we also weren't gaining on it. Time became a blur as we continued our descent, this giant, red ball holding its course.

We slowly lost altitude and at around 13,000 feet, the brightly glowing ball began a gradual descent, too. As it did, it slowly started disappearing behind those wispy clouds. In about 30 seconds, like a setting sun but not nearly as bright, it vanished behind the clouds. The instant it fully disappeared, hundreds of lights began flashing from within the clouds.

As I looked on in disbelief, the flashing lights were brighter than ever and I could see that the section of the cloud that the glowing red ball had descended behind was starting to stretch apart like a piece of "Silly Putty," two halves being pulled slowly apart with the middle getting thinner and thinner. This continued until the halves grew so thin that it tore apart and, pop! Everything was gone. The dimly lit disc, the flashing lights, the thin wispy clouds that we had with us for the last 40 minutes; all of it, gone. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. Only the full moon remained off to our left.
Bruce and I just looked at each other. "Oh my God, what the f--k was that", was all I could muster. My colleague just stared out the windscreen, mesmerized. We discussed whether we should report what we had just witnessed. After a few minutes, I picked up the radio mic and asked the Kansas City Center controller if they had anything on radar. "Nope, nothing but you," came the response. "No, not right now but a couple minutes ago, at our one to two o'clock," I replied. "No," he repeated, "It's a slow night. I've got the entire sector between Kansas City and Waterloo and you're all that's been in it for the last hour." Bruce and I again just looked at each other, completely dumbfounded. "So for the last say 40 minutes or so you've had no traffic at all, not at our one or two o'clock?" I asked. "No sir, not at your one or two o'clock, not anywhere, you're all there is," he assured us. (More at source).


Cool Tweet By Buzz Aldrin Today At Stonehenge, March 17, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Tweet: March 17, 2015
Person Tweeting: Buzz Aldrin, Astronaut
Twitter account: @TheRealBuzz

This is a really cool tweet from the man that walked on the moon...Buzz Aldrin. In the tweet he included a photo of himself at Stonehenge exposing his chest to the sky showing off his foundations T-shirt with the bold words, "GET YOUR ASS TO MARS!" At the age of 85, this guy still has cool all over him. With 2,500 retweets it looks like a lot of people agree with him. Stay cool Buzz. SCW

Buzz Aldrin tweet says:
While at yesterday I decided to send a message to the cosmos. (Photo by James O.Davies).


Obama On UFOs: 'I Can't Reveal Anything' Jimmy Kimmel Show, March 15,2015, Video UFO Sighting News.

Date of interview: March 2015
Person being interviewed: US President Obama

This just came out last night. Obama came out on the Jimmy Kimmel show and shot off some smart @!#$ remarks about aliens and UFOs. Why bother reading his facial expressions or the speed his blood vein in his neck is speeding up or slowing down, when you and I both know no US president will ever release such information. 

Full disclosure will not come from the US movement, but instead will come from the public. That guy on Youtube who made just one video of an alien building he found on the moon in NASA photos, or that guy in traffic that recorded a UFO and then posted the video to the net. It will come from all of our hard work, all of our faith and all of persistence.  You see, our information is adding up by the second. If the public knows the truth, then @#$# the US governments views on the subject. We don't need them. We have each other. What we need is alien contact with the public, but when will that become an alien priority? Till then, we are on our own. Post those videos you make of the discoveries you made in NASA photos, or that sighting you had, or post the info of the UFO sighting or contact you had. We are all that matters. SCW


Giant Structure Found On Mars, Nov 18, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 18, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source:
Chance of being real: 97%

This photo was taken by the Global Mars Surveyor mission. I was searching through some NASA photos and came across this one that shows a foundation in a square pattern. The lower left hand corner is still standing and has another smaller structure near it. This structure takes ups a whopping 20% of the entire photo! These walls (building actually) were just one large structure, but over millions of years in space, they get covered by cosmic dust particles and get buried. It would take millions of years for that to happen. This is an archaeologists dream come true. It doesn't get more intestine than studying a ancient culture on another world. SCW