Showing posts with label Phobos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phobos. Show all posts


Buzz Aldrin Monolith Found On Mars Moon Phobos In ESA Photo! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars Moon Phobos
Source ESA Photo:

Buzz Aldrin gave a interview on C-Span about 7 years ago where he stated, "visit the moon on Mars. Theres a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every 7 hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say, who put that there? Who put that there? Well, if you choose, the universe put it there."

Needless to say, this got me and other UFO researchers excited years ago, so we have all been looking, searching for this Buzz Aldrin Monolith he speaks of. 

Last night, I decided to take a look at the ESA site and the first photo I came across was in HD...and was of the Mars moon Phobos. This ESA image was just put up for the public to see on Dec 6, 2016, so its the newest out. There was only 25% of the moon visible because there was a shadow over its other 25%. I thought I could add light to the HD photo in order to explore the other 25% and low and behold, I made a huge discovery...the Buzz Aldrin monolith. 

Its much bigger than any of us thought. We all assumed that the monolith was this tall rectangular structure that was found about 5 years ago, but it wasn't. That was nothing. This new structure is very big, and must have been smudged out using photoshop on most other Phobos photos in existence. The ESA editors must have missed this one, because its 100% evidence that aliens have constructed it and used the Mars moon as a space station...and may be controlling the moon, its orbit, speed even today. 

Phobos is 7 miles in radius, thats 11km. So if we use this full photo of Phobos and compare it to the structure, we find that the structures length is 1/5 that of Phobos, meaning the structure or ship is approximately 1.4 miles long or 2.2km. Thats huge! Buzz was right!
Scott C. Waring


Megalith found on Mars moon Eros, new photo NASA source, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photo: June 10, 2000
Location of object: Asteroid Eros, crosses Mars orbit
Source URL:
Eros size: 16.8 kilometers

This is Eros, an intersecting asteroid-like moon that crosses Mars path. This building I found has been seen before, but is often confused at being on Phobos and as being the megalith that astronaut Buzz Aldrin was speaking of. This object is too small and on the wrong moon to be the object he describes. 

This white rectangle structure has another long tube striation coming out of it. Being on such a small moon with such an odd and impossible orbit, I would say that this is a radar defence station that records all incoming craft in its vicinity and reports it back to its home planet. Its clearly an area claimed by the species that built it. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Egg shaped UFO sitting on Mars moon Phobos in NASA photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photo: January 29, 1996
Location of sighting: Phobos, a moon of Mars
NASA Source URL:

I found this egg shaped ship tilted on the surface of Phobos this week. The craft has several slit openings and two very bright round lights on its top center. The craft looks bio-engineered was grown, which if you think about it, is a smart, fast and efficient way to make technology. That is why this ship has few no right hand corners or flat panels. Cool huh? Sure it is. Even astronaut Buzz Aldrin said, "there is a giant monolith on Mars. When people find out about that, they will ask, who put that there?" This is not the monolith he describes, but still very cool. This is a really amazing discovery about an alien culture that is so advanced, they grow their ships. Can you see them growing fleets of small fighter craft, and battleships, explorers and mining vessels? Makes  you look at agriculture in a whole new way. And your parents cried about changing the genetic make up of corn, rice and other vegetables and fruit. Just wait till your parents see this.  

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Buzz Aldrin Monolith Finally Discovered On Mars Moon Phobos After 7 Years Of Searching, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Below, you see the simple process of just adding light to make the Phobos Monolith visible. 

Date of discovery: Dec 11, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars Moon Phobos
Source ESA Photo:

Buzz Aldrin gave a interview on C-Span about 7 years ago where he stated, "visit the moon on Mars. Theres a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every 7 hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say, who put that there? Who put that there? Well, if you choose, the universe put it there."

Needless to say, this got me and other UFO researchers excited years ago, so we have all been looking, searching for this Buzz Aldrin Monolith he speaks of. 

Last night, I decided to take a look at the ESA site and the first photo I came across was in HD...and was of the Mars moon Phobos. This ESA image was just put up for the public to see on Dec 6, 2016, so its the newest out. There was only 25% of the moon visible because there was a shadow over its other 25%. I thought I could add light to the HD photo in order to explore the other 25% and low and behold, I made a huge discovery...the Buzz Aldrin monolith. 

Its much bigger than any of us thought. We all assumed that the monolith was this tall rectangular structure that was found about 5 years ago, but it wasn't. That was nothing. This new structure is very big, and must have been smudged out using photoshop on most other Phobos photos in existence. The ESA editors must have missed this one, because its 100% evidence that aliens have constructed it and used the Mars moon as a space station...and may be controlling the moon, its orbit, speed even today. 

Phobos is 7 miles in radius, thats 11km. So if we use this full photo of Phobos and compare it to the structure, we find that the structures length is 1/5 that of Phobos, meaning the structure or ship is approximately 1.4 miles long or 2.2km. Thats huge! Buzz was right!
Scott C. Waring

Above photo from ESA has only added light. Below is original with shadow.
July 2009 Video Interview With Buzz Aldrin About Phobos. 


Never Before Seen Photo Of Phobos Shows Metallic Glistening Surface, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 2016, but taken March 28, 2018
Location of discovery: Opportunity Rover Archive, Sol 2135

I found this photo of the Mars moon Phobos and its very unusual. I only enhanced its natural color and found that its pink on its left, silver at its center, and green on its right. Its a metallic surface! Its actually ingenious, but NASA used the micro imager to take a distant view of the moon...using it like a telescope. I have seen them do this a few times with distance mars structures, but never a moon. This is the natural color and shape of Phobos. What NASA normally shows us is a fake brown soil color egg shaped moon, which is not what we are seeing here. Obviously NASA has lied about it and I believe its because Phobos is not a moon, but a hollow space station. 
ESA illustration above. 

I remember a ESA report from 2013 that stated that Phobos was hollow and they even had an illustration of its interior. The stated, "We conclude that the interior of Phobos likely contains large voids,” states the ESA report. This explains why its orbit is mathematically impossible and why astronomers say its not a natural moon, or a captured moon, but an alien ship that put itself in orbit to protect Mars...and looking at the surface of Mars...its seems to have failed. In 1989, Russia sent a satellite to inspect made it all the way there, and took its first photo, which captured a long UFO right below Phobos...then all went black. The Russian satellite was totally obliterated from existence. One photo made it back...nothing more. Click here to view that photo of the UFO near Phobos.  This is an old well known fact among UFO researchers...Phobos was intelligently made, but for what purpose? To monitor possible threats to Mars, or from Mars? Or to house survivors of the Mars war or solar explosion that destroyed Mars? Does it really matter? The fact is...Phobos is an alien made space ship. Lets get it...we sure as hell could use it to get off this planet. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Base Discovered On Mars Moon Phobos, PHOTOS, Nov 2, 2012, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2, 2012
Location of discovery: Mars Moon (Phobos) 

I was searching through NASA photos and accidentally came across this one of Phobos, a moon of mars. At the top of the moon is a massive egg-shaped structure. It looks to be ancient or at lease semi-camouflaged to look like the surface of the moon. It really stick out like an Easter egg in the grass. Note the two massive windows with equal proportions. This structure does appear to be lopsided so it may be a ship that landed in a crater of Phobos. Since Phobos has a dimension of 27 x 22 x 18, then this egg structure is about 1/8 of the moon itself, then we can assume the structure is about 2.75 km long. SCW


A Motive For The USA to Shoot Down Russian Phobos Satellite (Mars Mission) hide the existence of aliens.

Soviet Probe Take Photo of UFO Before Satellite Is Destroyed, March 25, 1989.

In March 25, 1989 – Purportedly the above-top-secret infrared photo taken from the Soviet Phobos II probe, showing an object approaching the Martian moonlet. Estimates say the UFO was approximately 15.5 miles long.” [UFO mag, vol 7, n 1, 1992]

The Soviets had already packed “a very powerful laser” to be fired at the Martian moonlet Phobos. “All went well”, UFO mag’s Don Ecker wrote, until March 25, 1989. “Something” turned the Soviet probe into a spinner and the unmanned craft then disappeared.
“According to Zechariah Sitchin in his book Genesis Revisited, the rumor going around was that the Soviet space craft had encountered a huge ‘UFO’ while in Mars orbit. In his book, Sitchin included a photo that the Russians released, which showed a large ellipse shadow reflected off Mars. Sitchin claims that the few photos Phobos sent back prior disappearing were never released by the Russians, and that they treated the entire matter as ‘above top secret’.”


Buzz Aldrin Confirms Life On PHOBOS - EVIDENCE The USA Attacked Phobos Satellite To Stop It From Discovering Life On Mars!

Newest Update Jan 21, 2012: Fox News states that Russia was offered the opportunity today to make a moon base with NASA to be completed in 2020. THIS IS A BRIBE TO CALM RUSSIA DOWN, NASA shot down the Phobos satellite to stop Russia from discovering that aliens exist and to say sorry…NASA offered Russia a crumb of its knowledge. Is this crumb off the plate of NASA going to appease the might Russia after what NASA did to their Phobos satellite? I hope not. NASA…is in the dog house.

NEW UPDATE: JAN 19, 2012:
U.S. Removes Phobos-Grunt Data from Web.
The U.S. military has removed links to Phobos-Grunt tracking data posted on a public website detailing orbital parameters of the ill-fated Russian Mars mission that Russia says reentered Earth’s atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean Jan. 15. Click Here For More Info.

Buzz Aldrin, US astronaut confirms Mar's moon Phobos has a huge monolith made by aliens…he risks a lot telling us the truth, and only a fool would not believe him (video below). 

First off, the Phobos satellites consist of two probes launched by Russia to study Mars and it's moon Phobos and Deimos. UFOlogists have stated time and time again that those moons are artificially made and are actually alien ships. Phobos mission would have confirmed this had it not been stopped.

Evidence Phobos is artificial: 1st: Phobos is at such a low orbit to Mars it should crash, but its doesn't. 2nd: Phobos changes speed, it accelerates and slows down…impossible unless it has its own propulsion. 3rd: Scientists (Dr. Singer & Soviet Shklovsky) say that Phobos is hollow, based on calculations.

Remember that failed Russian space probe that was all over the news in December? Well, now Russia is stating that the Phobos-Grunt probe was shot down by some type of anti-spacecraft technology, and they’re insinuating it was a US job. In a very strange interview on Tuesday, the leader of Russia’s space agency, Vladimir Popovkin, said the following about the failed mission:  “We don’t want to accuse anybody, but there are very powerful devices that can influence spacecraft now. The possibility they were used cannot be ruled out,” according to the New York Time’s translation. His nod to US involvement in the incident went like this: ”the frequent failure of our space launches, which occur at a time when they are flying over the part of Earth not visible from Russia, where we do not see the spacecraft and do not receive telemetric information, are not clear to us.”


Phobos is spaceship says Buzz Aldrin & Astrophysicist Dr. Shklovsky, UFO Sighting News.

Phobos is spaceship says Buzz Aldrin & Astrophysicist Dr. Shklovsky, UFO Sighting News.

Note: Astronaut Buzz Aldrin also agrees and talks about the Phobos monolith in the video below. Remember Buzz said in many interviews that he did see glowing UFOs monitoring them while they walked on the moon (said in numerous interviews).
Shklovsky calculated the orbital motion of Martian satellite Phobos and came to the jaw-dropping conclusion that the moon is artificial, hollow, and basically a titanic spaceship. But Shklovsky was not the first one to believe this.

First to put forward his ideas that the Martian moon Phobos, generally accepted as a celestial body, actually may be an artificial satellitelaunched long ago by an advanced Martian race, was Dr. S. Fred Singer, special advisor to President Eisenhower on space developments. No mention was made of the other Mars moon, Deimos.

Now Shklovsky say that for the atmosphere to be responsible, Phobos would have to be hollow, like an Easter Egg. If the moon were solid rock, the atmosphere would have little effect. A hollow moon would be susceptible because it contained so much less mass. But if the moon were hollow, it could not be a natural object. It therefore it must be artificial made! In 1963, Raymond H. Wilson Jr., Chief of Applied Mathematics at NASA, joined Shklovsky and Dr. Singer in their Martian conclusions. He stated that “Phobos might be a colossal base orbiting Mars.” He also stated that NASA itself was considering the possibility, and was planning for special probes that would answer the question. ESA ( Eternal Secrecy Applied )hmm also say, Its origin is debated. It appears to share many surface characteristics with the class of ‘carbonaceous C-type’ asteroids, which suggests it might have been captured from this population.

However, it is difficult to explain either the capture mechanism or the subsequent evolution of the orbit into the equatorial plane of Mars.

Buzz Aldrin, American Hero talks about the Monolith on Phobos.

☯ Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” at online bookstores, or visit my UFO Video channel TaiwanSCW. Please follow me on Twitter, I'm @SCWbooks ☯