Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secret. Show all posts


White Orb Seen Over Singapore On Dec 7, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 7, 2020
Location of sighting: Singapore

As you have seen over the last few years, white UFOs are the most common, but the closer you are to them, the more transparent they become. The white is less visible and you notice swirling mother of pearl colors. This one is not an orb, its a UFO with a pilot and all. Yes the ship has AI for functions and monitoring, but the pilot controls the it. Not surprising to see one over Singapore. It's one of the smallest and most powerful countries for its size. The country has tight control over Covid and is very modern compared to many larger countries. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
While walking below the MRT tracks between Bukit Gombak MRT stations towards BBDC direction, I had noticed a white speck flying high up in the sky across my field of vision. It disappeared behind the clouds proving its a high flying object, usually with the naked eyes in daylight can spot the wings of most airplanes especially military & commercial planes. This looks like a white drone of some sort flying above the clouds, I suspect the future is already here & maybe this is some sort of drone with human passengers. 

Black Bell UFO Seen Over Winterthur, Switzerland, Hovering Sept 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2020
Location of sighting: Winterthur, Switzerland 

Here is a black Bell shaped cylinder UFO hovering over the city of Winterthur, Switzerland last month. It's thiner on its top, giving it a bell shape. It was seen on Sept 2020, but reported at end of Nov. The object is standing upright and moving slowly across the area. What gets me is that compared to the apartments below it...this UFO is huge! It's about the size of a semi truck. The focus of the UFO is equal to that of the apartments below it, so I know its real. The black surface of the UFO is visible because of the light reflecting off it it. So we get some detail...or not...of its curved cylinder skin. 

This looks similar to the old Kecksburg, Pennsylvania UFO incident from Dec 1965. The UFO was similar but wider on the bottom like a bell or acorn nut and slimly brown tint to it. 

Wow, very cool and mysterious. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Black Craft Seen Moving Across Moons Orbit! Dec 1, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 1, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This UFO was recorded just a few days ago. It was seen crossing the moon. As its moving its also spinning slowly. Its turning its moving. Many UFO have similar movement and spinning, so yes, this is an alien craft. A satellite would have antennas and solar panels, this has none of that and its huge. This is 100% alien in origin. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

White UFO Seen Over Power Lines In Messina, Italy, Dec 2, 2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 2, 2020
Location of sighting: Strait of Messina, Italy

A white UFO was seen flying over the rooftops of the city of Messina, Italy this week. The UFO was moving over some power lines as if it were interested in the communications of internet, phone, TV shows that move through them. There are many UFO reports of craft seen near power lines so its not totally unexpected. Its clear aliens have an interest in humans and tapping into our communication networks is the easiest way to gather, record and learn about humanity and its current situation. This is a real UFO. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


UFO Seen During Flight From Tijuana to Morelia, Mexico Dec 3, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 3, 2020
Location of sighting: Between Tijuana and Morelia, Mexico

The eyewitness was looking out the plane window when a white fist-like UFO passed under the plane. The object which looks like a clenched fist in a white glove passes through some clouds. This means its not a light reflection from inside the plane overhead compartments. The object is outside he plane and even below some of the clouds. But its big, really big, as big or bigger than the passenger jet itself. I would have loved to see the expression on the pilots face when he saw that! 100% proof that huge white UFOs are patrolling over Mexico. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Orb Follows Plane! Orb Fleet Over Los Angeles, California On Nov 29, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2020
Location of sighting: Los Angeles, California, USA

This person recorded an entire orb fleet passing overhead in Los Angeles. However there is also a passing jet low and coming into an airport. The jet has an orb about 2 meters in front of it the whole time! The quality is bad, and the person didn't notice the  orb in front of the plane, but its easy to see. Because its in front of the plane, I realize its not only a UFO, but the old Foo Fighter UFOs seen during WWII. Good to see they are back. You are wondering why the pilot didn't report it? Because, they don't want to jeopardize their job in an already hazardous covid ridden job market. Why risk your career on a single UFO report? Pilots get fired for less. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Alien Disk Made Ring In Clouds Over Kediri City in Java, Indonesia, Nov 30, 2020, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 30, 2020
Location of sighting: Kediri, Indonesia

The eyewitness caught a rare sighting of a ring in the clouds. These are  made from UFOs pressing down from above on the area of clouds and making the UFO shape. Here we see not a disk UFO but a ring shaped UFO. Ring UFOs have been seen on SOHO sun cameras, Space station live cams, and much more. They exist...but this one is huge! About 1km in diameter. This is an alien mothership over Indonesia last week. I will place some photos below of ring UFOs near our sun and near the space station. 
Scott C. Waring 


Will We See The Utah Monolith In An Auction House Soon? Or Was It Taken To Area 51? UFO Sighting News.

 The first monolith in the Utah desert I have already predicted earlier...disappeared. No sooner has it vanished than another metal monolith with a top slightly diagonal appeared in Romania. The Romania version is clearly a fake...a reproduction. How do I know? Easy, I worked on B1 bombers and KC135 tankers planes back in the USAF. I often would have to sand down the paint on the metal to repaint it. This Romanian monolith has the rounded grinding marks of a person with poor skills at using a grinder or sander. Had they held it correctly, the sanding marks would not exist.

What happened to the original monolith? 

1. I place an 80% chance it was stollen due to its fame and the gov saying it wants it will soon be sold anonymously at Christies Auction house. 

2. I place a 15% chance that MIB or gov workers dressed in black military outfits and black trucks came and removed to object for fear its an actual alien probe or ship. NASA space probes are hollow...this monolith is said to have sounded hollow. Taken to Area 51 to cut it open and try to find out what it is and if any of its technology could be useful to the US military. 

3. I place a 5% chance on this actually being an alien ship or probe and that the object itself has moved its location, because the pilot who had walked away from it...may have looked human and was mingling and living in a city not too far away and thought this desert location was safe to leave the ship. Invasion? No...just a single craft is not an invasion. Pre invasion? Why? To take by force our iPhones, TVs, Computers? We have nothing other than our friendship and this planet to share with them. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Two Aliens Carved In Stone Behind Dragons Head, on Mars, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 1, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars

I was looking through a Mars gigapan photo when I found a dragon skull carved into the local environment. Behind the dragon head was two bipedal aliens carved in the stone behind. One alien is taller and has its arm wrapped around the neck and chest of the other shorter aliens. Also the dragon head has a very visible mouth, nose, eye and forehead. The dragon may be another species of intelligent alien that may have lived among them. 100% proof that aliens once existed and thrived on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


5km Alien Ship Found Parked In Moon Crater, NASA Source! Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Nov 27, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon

I found this long ship on the moon in an old NASA photo. The ship is huge and takes up almost 1/3 of the crater. I would estimate that this ship is about 5km in diameter, but could be up to 12km.  I added color to make it stand out more easily because it does take years of training to get your eyes adjusted to seeing in black and white as easily as in color. This is 100% proof that aliens have abandoned ships on our moon and that they appear intact and usable right now. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Ancient Pyramid, Bowed Head, Statues On Mars, Oct 7, 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discover: Oct 7, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars

I found some interesting things in a Mars gigapan photo today. I found a pyramid, bowed head statue, face, sphinx. The location itself is unique because it on top of a hill and there is no mess of broken pieces anywhere. It has been cleaned, because it is a sacred site. That is why the statue has a bowed head. Its sacred. There is also a dark face looking up to the sky which almost looks human. An the sphinx-like statue near the pyramid. All of this combined means ancient holy site. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan


Structures On The Moon In Old Moon Atlas Book, Photos, Sept 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2020
Location of discovery: Plaskett Crater, Earths Moon
Source: Book; "Lunar Orbiter Photographic Atlas of the Near Side of the Moon," page 265.

This very sharp and white ceramic-like structure is in a book of old moon photos. The book only talks about the moon, but there are alien structures in it that go unnoticed. This is another tool I often use to help expose the truth...the use of old books that have NASA photos in them. These are often photos that have not been edited so we get to see the real surface of the moon and not what NASA wants us to see. NASA uses photo editing tools to edit their photos and delete, blur or deliberately cover up with shadow anything that could be used as evidence of alien life. 100% proof live exists on our moon and its in a NASA book. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient City Found On Google Earth Under Water Near Cuba, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 10, 2020
Location of discovery: Cuba coast

I found a pyramid off of Cuba and then noticed another pyramid near it and then...a sunken ship. About 15 years ago I heard about some American soldiers from a submarine going into a bar in Cuba and shooting of their mouths about an underwater ancient city they found off the coast of Cuba. They said it had hundreds of buildings and was incredibly intact. They also said they saw numerous pyramids in it. So I have been looking for this location for years. Today I actually seem to have found part of it. Watch the video I made below to find it for yourselves. Remember this is the web browser version, not the downloaded version. Its not visible on the downloaded version, its been blacked out in that whole area! That really makes me think Google hid it on purpose so that the city will remain hidden. 
Scott C. Waring 


Area 51 UFO Shoots Past Motion Sensor Camera On July 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2019
Location of sighting: Racheal, Nevada, USA

This UFO was recorded this week by a person who used a motion sensor camera. After six hours of footage the camera caught this amazing craft shooting past. The really compelling evidence is the sound. 

If you put the Youtube video into slow motion, you easily see its a perfect metal disk. I hear the UFO shooting past at jet like speeds. The sound is just like that of a jet, but clearly the object is a metallic disk. So perhaps the sound is merely the noise of the UFO pushing aside the wind as it shoots across. Clearly another top secret Area 51 project. Imagine a fleet of these American craft flying over other countries. Puts the fear into those who see them. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Here in Rachel, Nevada. Got this footage on my motion sensor camera. Unbelievable, not sure if it's a jet or some aircraft I haven't seen before. Pretty cool nonetheless.


Giant UFO Over Lake Erie Near Toledo, Ohio Recorded By Driver, Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2018
Location of sighting: Lake Erie, Toledo, Ohio, USA

A father and son were driving near Toledo, Ohio, along the shore of Lake Erie, last Christmas, when they saw a huge object floating above the surface. They stopped and the father decided to record it on video. At first it looks like a cloud, but if you look more closely you can see how the object is symmetrical, showing a shape similar to a classic "flying saucer" or a cigar type UFO. 

The UFO probably just came up from out of the water. I believe that the ocean has many underwater bases below its ocean floor and this is 100% proof that such base do exist. The UFO is just waiting to get most of the water off of it before it cloaks. If the water is still on the craft, it cannot cloak properly. 
Scott C. Waring

Family witnessed UFO sightings in Tatacoa, Colombia On April 7, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 7, 2019, Sunday
Location of sighting: Tatacoa, Colombia

Aliens love South America. Why? So many ancient Aztec, Mayan and Inca pyramid sites. All of which worshiped the aliens as gods in one way or another. Numerous eyewitnesses have seen UFOs flying in and out of volcanos and mountain areas in South America. They also get a lot of cover from having an underground base in a difficult to reach the Amazon jungle. 

Have UFO sightings declined in the last few years? No, not by any means. Its just that most people have their heads buried in their computers and phones, so they just look up less and less frequently. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
A trip to the Tatacoa Desert, became for all the members of the Colorado Acuña family a unique experience for apparently having sighted what in their opinion is a UFO. According to Marcela Acuña López, the event that has shocked the family occurred after five in the afternoon when, after a long tourist day with her brother who resides in Bogotá, they get ready to return to Neiva. According to Marcela, at the time of her sister-in-law to make a photographic record of the sunset in the desert and from the vehicle in motion, the camera captures what according to her and her sister-in-law is a UFO (Unidentified Flying Object).

In the image that was provided by Marcela Acuña, it is clearly seen how a strange element quickly crosses the horizon driven apparently by two turbines. The family has indicated that they expect to contact experts in this field to provide the photographs and that they may or may not determine if it was a UFO.


Black Alien Structure On Moon Inspired By A Turtle, April 1, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: April 1, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths moon
Source NASA photo:

I found this black structure on Earths moon today in a NASA lunar photo. The photo is dated 1965 and was one of the earlier scout craft to survey the moons surface. This building is a simplistic design. Just six large black domes. On main, one medium size front and four small. The design seems to have been inspired by a turtle, because thats what it looks like. 

As I have said before in other posts over the years, there are three dominate types of buildings found out there. 
1. Non reflective black structures...most commonly found and easily blend into the shadows and get ignored. 
2. White highly reflective structures. These are nearly impossible to get a decent focused photo, but can still be identified with only about 60% of the structure visible while the other 40% is bright spot and unidentifiable reflection. 
3. Grey metallic structures. Most often these are smaller than the above structures and are most commonly seen around the edges of the black structures. How small? Usually about 3% the size of the black structures they sit near. Oh, and often found in nebulas.

Other structures I have found. 
4. I found many transparent glass like structures, but so reflective difficult to get focused close up. Several were pyramids, not published. 
5. I found a 24K gold ship, shaped like a wide coffin and had 4-6 deep grooves cut from front to back. I believe it was a ship not a structure. Never did publish it. Lots of things I find, I just keep to myself. I do this to learn, to teach myself whats out there. And I make posts to share some of them. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan 


Ancient Alien Face Found On Mars Hilltop, March 27, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source:

I have to say this is one of the most amazing discoveries I have ever made. This face above shows a crown, face, cloak over shoulders and chest of the person. This sculpture was placed on a hill in a way that it can overlook a large area of Mars. The face above is about 1.5 meters tall. There may actually be more of the sculpture buried below the dirt, much like the Easter Island statues also had full bodies, but the bodies were buried below the dirt so only the heads were visible. There was also a lot of other objects like pipes, giant sculpture skull, and a fallen over alien statue. 

So ask yourself, why hasn't NASA reported these objects which are in the NASA archives? To over look such important discoveries is beyond incompetent. NASAs lack of effort and lack of information about these alien artifacts is proof that they are not doing their jobs. I can't help but wonder why people still trust NASA when they have lied to the public for over five decades? I do know that outside of the USA, other countries like Taiwan has lost trust in NASA a lot...around a 50-60% drop since the fake moon landing evidence came out. 

Perhaps the public should create their own company to investigate alien life. The time has come to share all information with the public. 
Scott C. Waring


Mind Blowing Structures On Earths Moon In NASA Photo, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 25, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source NASA photo:

Sure some of you have heard about my discovery of the Yoda face on Earths moon a few years ago, (Click here to see Yoda post) but did you know there is so much more there? Its true, but to see the structures there, you must follow my instructions below. 

1. Go to URL and lift photo from site to desktop. 
2. Open photo on desktop. 
3. Goto tools bar at top (IOS mac). Then hit size. 
4. Change size, enlarge until photo is 10MB. Then close photo. 
5. Now Open photo in any photo program and add contrast like its going out of style...that means a lot. 
6. Now save photo and start searching it for structures, you will have to use zoom and have to look carefully. 

You need to do this because NASA added too much light to the photo on purpose in order to cause many of the ares of the photo to appear as white/grey and unclear. Thus bring it back into the proper light and focus creates the original photo as it was first taken. 

You will notice that the aliens built the structures square partitions. Much like remaking a house and moving the parts to the location to create it. This may be proof that the structures were created somewhere else, then brought to the moon to put together. 

Do not do this if you are sensitive. It might be overwhelming to suddenly go from believing to knowing. I do not mean to frighten anyone, but only to bring the truth to light. I actually found this several weeks ago, but hesitated till now to publish it. I was worried some people may panic. The biggest fear is not aliens attacking earth, its that they exist when science says they should not. It causes the person to call into question everything they ever learned in school, church, TV, from friends...and how aliens must have already influenced the direction humanity is currently traveling without anyone ever knowing. Its a bit deep of a plunge, but it must be taken. I did, I remember that day well. Thats why I never say I believe in sounds like I have doubt, but I don't. I know they exist. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan