Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts


Baalbek In Lebanon: Megaliths Of The Gods Full Lecture, Why We Can't Build Them Today, Nov 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of video: Nov 2018

This is a video by the famous Brian Forester. His analyses of different ancient structures, shapes, configuration are very thought provoking. He says these structures are impossible to have been made with primitive tools and methods. I have to agree, even with todays advanced technology, I highly doubt that we will ever see an actual 100% replica of the great pyramids ever built in our lifetime. The blocks of stone are too big, too heavy and too solid. Todays tech and machines are not use to such incredible weights and sizes. 

To build an Egyptian pyramid that matches in every way to the original...whole new tools, transportation, machines and methods would have to be invented. Today in 2018, we just couldn't do it. 
Scott C. Waring

Bright UFO Captured Over Kent, England. November 3, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 3, 2018
Location of sighting: Kent, England

Glowing lights are once of the types of UFOs often seen during UFO encounters. I myself have seen more than my share. This has a shape of a AI drone ship. One that can travel at incredible speed and not have to worry about passengers, however aliens can see, hear, smell, feel the wind and even monitor a humans thoughts and  things when using this drone to interact with its surrounds. 
Scott C. Waring

Video states:
This footage was was filmed by Pete Tyas at 06:30am in the town of Deal in Kent, England. We can see this bright object moving silently through the early morning sky. Also it looks like the object has dropped something but it could be a star but there is no doubt about the bigger craft.


A Giant 2.6-Meter-Long Sarcophagus Has Just Been Found In Egypt, UFO Sighting News.

Giant alien coffin was found this week. Why dont people learn the lessons from the freaking movies? I mean seriously... for all we know, those who made the discovery just doomed the entire human race. Though I can understand curiosity, but a giant sarcophagus? This is nephilim territory. What if they found the Tomb of ISIS? Interesting find either way... shame we probably wont know much more about it due to censorship by the powers that be. Though I hope I am wrong and we get to know who it is that was buried in there. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Tom Hale By Tom Hale 03 JUL 2018, 14:52 Archaeologists in Egypt have a hard question to answer: who is the colossal figure buried inside this massive sarcophagus? The discovery was made during an excavation in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria. Measuring a whopping 2.65 meters (8.7 feet) in length, the discovery is the largest granite sarcophagus ever found in the area, which is renowned for its ancient relics. An initial look over at the black granite sarcophagus indicates that it dates back to the Ptolemaic period, an era of Egyptian history that started in 323 BCE following the death of Alexander the Great and ended in 30 BCE after the death of Cleopatra VII and invasion by the Romans. In an announcement made on Sunday, Dr Ayman Ashmawy, head of the government’s Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector, noted that the tomb was found at a depth of 5 meters (16 feet) beneath the ground's surface. Along with its considerable length, it is also 1.85 meters (6 feet) tall and 1.65 meters (5.4 feet) wide.

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Please follow us on Twitter at @UFO_Sightings_X and will will post all the updates we have at our site on our Twitter feed. Thanks, and remember to hit follow. 


Indisputable evidence that aliens exist found in NASA panoramic photo, July 2018, UFO Sighting Daily News.

Date of discovery: July 9, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Here are some interesting artefacts that I found in a Mars photo this week. One is trilobite that is about 1 foot across, and similar to ones found on earth. Two or three appear to be landed ships. These are all from one photo and its really big. I made a video of me looking through it finding various anomalies. As you see it doesn't take me long to find them and its something anyone can do if they put the time in to try. The evidence that aliens exist is currently found in NASA photo and can be used against NASA to prove it in a court of law, since the rover photos are indisputable evidence. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Cloaked In Clouds Seen Observing Neighbourhood In UK, June 18, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 18, 2018
Location of sighting: UK
Source: MUFON

The person left his home in the UK to smoke a cigarette and to his astonishment he saw this ship partially hidden in the clouds. The UFO had a very sharp edge going around it, but the front and back were hidden by the clouds around it.

Remember, the easiest way to hide and observe humans is to fly a UFO low to the ground where you can observe them below. 
Scott C. Waring

Below is negative colors. 


Home Security Camera Records A Fairy Visiting In London, England, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 10, 2013
Location of sighting: London, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #90907

This report took place back in 2013, but was reported today. Look closely at the objects that were caught on a outside home security camera and you will notice a strange resemblance to a fairy. Could they be an alien species visiting this planet? Yes, most likely. Stories of fairies have existed for hundreds of years. For a story to last so long, some truth must be in it.

Humanity only knows a small percent of the life that exists on our own planet, and this could be a species that has visited often enough that stories of the little flying people have spread far and wide. 
Scott C. Waring


Two glowing UFOs over Great Britain During Evening, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Tandragee, Great Britain
Source: MUFON #89738

This UFO report came in today, but actually occurred last April. UFOs have been occasionally seen over England and the local news there has found no definite conclusions about what they are. This is a great photo, that shows two UFOs. One is the side view of the UFO, the other is the top view since its turned. Extraordinary catch. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was going out to the garage to sort out my laundry when I seen one very bright sphere in the sky just above the local milking parlour, so I stood and looked for a while, then maybe a minute later another one appeared to the right of it, at that a ran and got my 19 yr old daughter and partner, when they come a 3rd one appeared again to the right of the first 2, so I got my phone to take pictures and a video, as quickly as it came the 3rd disappeared, I took a video but it didn't puck them up, unfortunately I flippin deleted it but I took a photo, then about 5 minutes later the second dissapeared then the first, just like turning a light off in the house. If it was clouds covering them the first one on the left would have went out first, but it was a clear evening with no clouds that I could see. I was disappointed when I reviewed the picture I thought the camera didn't pick them up but as I zoomed in the 2 white spheres appeared. I am watching nasa's unexplained files and seen a few guests had mufcon after their name, so looked it up and seen report a sighting so that's what I'm doing lol could be nothing but thought I'd let the experts have a look. 


Glowing pink disk over Great Britain photographed by eyewitness on Nov 9, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Great Britain
Source: MUFON #88113

Here is a great photo of a glowing classic disk over the eyewitnesses neighbourhood. The object looks flat and long with a raised and lowered center...a classic disk shape. Great Britain is famous for its glowing UFOs and its wonderful to finally see one of them. Excellent photos. Being surrounded by ocean, GB may have an alien base under the ocean not far away...where this UFO was either heading or leaving from. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was out in the garden having a cigarette when I saw a light moving in the distance.  I wondered what it was so I took a photo and showed my girlfriend. And after this I always been looking up when I go in garden. Also I zoom in to the photo and to me it looks like something I never ever seen before.


New Mars Faces Published In Journal Of Space Exploration, March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Photo above has been focused only. 

Original photo and drawing above (untouched)

This is interesting. I got an email from a friend and reader of my site and a new face has been discovered on Mars. The face is actually similar to a lot of other smaller faces I have reported to you in that it has not one, but two faces in it. On face wearing an elaborate helmet, and on the helmet is another face. On the persons neck is a alien word "33" but the second 3 is smaller. I believe these mean "friendship." Since the big 3=the big face, and the little 3=the little face. 

But wait, I sharpened the image, and brought out detail of a third face...its on the big faces chin area. I will put it just above here...with the 33 visible in it so you see the location. The sharpens photo is below. So, now we know, "33" really means "three friends, or cooperation." 

This is a professionally published paper in the Journal of Space Exploration. They evidence is analyzed over and over again. Fantastic! The evidence is growing. Professionals from all walks of life are participating in find the evidence right in front of us. 100% real proof that ancient aliens once existed on Mars. 
Scott C. Waring-Masters in Counseling, BA in El Ed. 

The email states: 
Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress on Mars – featured in science journal.

Purcellville, Virginia –A Geoglyphic formation observed on Mars depicting a bearded profile with an avian headdress is the subject of a new science paper, published in the current issue of the Journal of Space Exploration (Volume 4, Issue 3, November 2016). The paper, “Bearded Profile with Avian Headdress within the Southeast-Facing Slope of an Impact Crater in the Utopia Planitia Region of Mars,” reveals a profiled portrait of a bearded, human head wearing an avian headdress. The facial features include an eye, nose, mouth, mustache and beard, while the headdress consists of a large nesting bird. The formation is documented in four NASA images that confirm the consistency of the portraits human and avian components.  When compared to a collection of similar terrestrial motifs, the Martian structure not only duplicates their aesthetic design but, reveals a lost legacy perhaps shared between two worlds.

Contributors to the paper include members of the Society for Planetary SETI Research and The Cydonia Institute; William Saunders (geomorphologist), George Haas (sculptor), Michael Dale (geologist) and James Miller (image analyst).

A direct link to the Journal of Space Exploration paper is provided below.

Photographs and supportive materials are available on request.

If you need additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience.

*The Society for Planetary SETI Research (est. 1991) and The Cydonia Institute (est. 1991) are independent organizations of scientists and researchers with a common interest in the study of anomalies observed on planets and satellites within our solar system whose origins may be the result of intelligent design. Their members come from a variety of disciplines including physics, astronomy, engineering, geology, archeology, image processing, and the visual arts.

👽 UFO Over Great Britain With High Detail On March 23, 2017, UFO Sighting News. 👽

Date of sighting: March 23, 2017
Location of sighting: Great Britain
Source: MUFON #82800

Here are some fantastic UFO photos from Great Britain this week. All I did was enlarge them, not altering of color or light. The one photo above in particular is very highly detailed and is standing up long ways, but in the lower photos we see a disk, a rectangle and a cylinder craft. This may be a morphing craft, that changes shape, but I believe that its turning slowly, rotating, giving the eyewitness a new perspective of the UFO every photo. Remarkable. We have seen reports of this UFO all over England last month, but to see it close up...amazing. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Got done feeding my little one and I glanced out of the window in our dark dinning room and saw what i thought was a bright star but when looking at it more closely it was pulsating different colours so i went out side and did a few zoomed in pictures went back in and zoomed in on those and well i have never seen or heard of a star changing colour and shape at random. Watched this thing for 2hrs roughly slowly moving across the sky. I had originally thought it was a plane or chopper but i heard nothing and it did not move. We have lots of planes flying over our house as well as the odd chopper so I'm pretty darn sure it was not either of those. Left me puzzled and slightly unnerved as this is not the firs time i have seen something like this in the same area of the sky i saw this thing tonight.


UFO In Blue Sky Takes Color Of White Clouds, March 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 22, 2017
Location of sighting: Unknown

This is a great capture of a cloud color UFO that moves away from the camera. The person didn't state their location, but we can see that the UFO has a shape that is very similar to those of the glowing diamond UFOs seen over England three weeks ago. 
Scott C. Waring


Glowing UFOs Over Durham, England On March 22, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 22, 2017 (???)
Location of sighting: Durham, England

This is a fantastic video of UFOs over Durham yesterday. There person used an old night vision camera that had its date settings wrong, so the exact date is still unknown. I have seen lights like this here in Taiwan once. It was very similar in most ways, but there were more of them, and they were traveling from one horizon to the other, but when they saw us they looped over my family at midnight as we walked home. These are energy beings. They acted alive and highly aware of the people who were watch from the ground. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Saw some strange lights in the sky to north from Durham England, they where around every night for a month last year. Recorded with infared hunting scope hence the poor quality of recording. They really were stunning. Il be honest the moment the camera shuffled at 55 sec mark, it got real close, and did spook me. Thought i would share so they can be identified.


UFO Over Dublin, Ireland On Feb 26, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 26, 2017
Location of sighting: Dublin, Ireland
News Source:

Glowing orbs have been seen all around the world this week. It may be orb shaped due to the focus of the camera causing a distortion. The camera is a lower quality and its focus is poor. Had the quality been better, its shape may have been more disk shaped. 
Scott C. Waring

Dublin News states:
This video shows eerie footage of what some people are claiming to be a UFO flying over Leopardstown in Dublin this evening. The video was recorded by a Dublin Live reader, who did not want to be named, but said he saw a green light flying over Leopardstown. He said: "I was driving home and at Leopardstown I saw this bright light flying over me. "I thought nothing of it but when I got home my Italian students who are staying with me told me they had seen a light flying beside Bray Head and they recorded it." Despite claims it's an alien spacecraft, our reader added: "It's probably just a drone, but it does look very strange." The Irish Aviation Authority were unavailable for a comment on Sunday.


UFO Disguised As Plane Over St. Helens, England On Dec 30, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 30, 2016
Location of sighting: St. Helens, Merseyside, England

This is an odd sighting of a UFO over a small town in England yesterday. A UFO that is disguised as a plane using plane lights is a common technique for UFOs to escape detection at night. Nice catch by Kelly Latham of Youtube. 

Eyewitness states: 
Weird UFO seen in St. Helens that ain't no plane!!


UFO Over Derbyshire, UK Excites Snapchat Eyewitnesses On Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Derbyshire, UK

Here is a unique video that starts with Ferraris and ends with a UFO over Derbyshire. The UFO is at 2:10 of the video and is only seen from the car for about 30 seconds, but it gives us a great view of it. The last view of the UFO we see that it a triangle, then disappears totally, as if it knows its being watched. It looks like it powered up to shoot away. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Diamond shaped ufos over derbyshire UK.. skip to about 2 mins.. sorry about beginning (snapchat 🙄🙄) tbh I don't know wat i saw they are really big in size diamond shaped silently traveling at some big speeds and colliding with each other at times!! as I was driving and kept on pulling over to get them on camera I travelled a radius of about 5 miles.. I said 20 mile radius on snapchat as I was kinda excited. 😊 some other vehicles must have seen them it was pretty busy any other footage or any ideas as to wat it is because at the moment they are unidentified flying objects.. if u can help clean up the video or anything to help show and zoom in on the diamond shape let me know... I deleted sound because was inappropriate words used sorry 😔. was really exciting wateva they were lol😂😂 so excited I didn't even realise the trucks speeding along the motorway 2ft away from me... was more interested in getting these things on camera🤕🤕 was also really scared to I wasn't about to be letting some little green men stick anything in my bum 🍢🍢😐😐😅 either way if these things are real and I know wat i saw they wernt planes or any kind of drones, helicopters lol that I've seen and I've watched a million videos on you tube about that stuff.. 🤓🤓 if it was any kind of prank I'll look stupid in a week or 2. BUT fair play.. good prank ya fooled me 🖒🖒 either way I better watch ma bak 👀👀 if they where some kinda ufos then that must mean the MIB are real 2😅😅😅 🕵🕵😐😐😑😞😞


UFO Cloaked In Cloud Dome Over Rhyl, UK On Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Rhyl, United Kingdom

A UFO wanted to get a closer look over the UK this week and decided to bring its cloud cloak with it. The cloud is staying together well and clearly hiding something within it. Excellent photos and thanks to SecureTeam10 for the heads up. It makes sense, they want to get close, but not be seen, so they just make the cloud cloak move with them...they may even have walked on the surface around or in the houses below. 

Here is the exact location it was seen (Google Map) but its not useful, since its not seen on the map itself, but was seen in person by the eyewitness. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen Over Neighborhood Zig Zags As It Moves Over Homes, Aug 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 2016
Location of sighting: Bolton, Greater Manchester, UK
News source:

UFOs are easy do frequently visit neighbourhoods. They can scan the life forms and even record their thoughts while dreaming or awake. The zig zagging pattern shows it is 100% controlled, but is it alien? Maybe, but they put the cam in due to thieves breaking in, so its possible that the thieves are using a drone to scan then neighbourhood for who is home and who is gone, searching for empty houses, looking though the windows to record interior. It sounds like hi tech thieves to me. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Diane Veard was concerned about burglaries so installed the security camera and instead captured something out of this world

A bizarre UFO has been caught on a camera which a worried family installed after a spate of burglaries in their neighbourhood.

Resident Diane Veard was on holiday in Greece with her partner and three children - but when they went online to check footage from their security camera, they were staggered to find the device had captured what looks like a spaceship.

The motion-activated camera had caught a would-be intruder prowling around outside their house with a torch, so they kept watching, but a bigger shock was to come.

Footage from 11.20pm on August 15 shows the camera triggered for a second time by unknown causes and then a bright white light can be seen streaking across the sky through a gap between two houses across the street.

The light appears to turn abruptly and travel at high speed in a different direction.

“We’ve had the camera a few months. We were actually looking for a thief. There has been a lot of robberies,” said Diane, 48.

“We didn’t know what triggered the light the second time. It couldn’t have been our cat, Alfie, as he was in the cattery while we were on holiday.

“But because we’d seen this intruder earlier, we kept watching the video.


UFO Causes Family In Devon, England To Get Excited, Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2016
Location of sighting: Exmouth, Devon, England

The light seen in the video is too powerful to be a drone, and its shape indicates it is an orb. Orbs are the most common type of UFOs seen during both day and night time. Such glowing orbs have been seen coming out of lakes and oceans, but are common seen around mountain tops and ridges, most recently in Colorado. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A mum and daughter have shared this mysterious footage - of what they are convinced is a UFO. Tanya Davis, 43, and Charlee, 15, were baffled when they spotted the bright light in the sky above their house. They claim the unidentified 'vessel' remained overhead for two to three minutes before slowly disappearing out of sight. Pals have suggested that the 'UFO' could in fact be a drone - but Tanya and Charlee, of Exmouth, Devon, don't agree, saying it was "too big" and "silent". In a quest for answers, they even called nearby Exeter Airport to see if they could shed any light on the mystery - but to no avail.


Swindon, UK UFO raw footage sparks fears of aliens. Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2016
Location of sighting: Swindon, UK
News source:

America uses other countries to test fly their top secret projects. Like the Aurora Project back in 1990s testing out the TR3B, or Dudly Dorito they called it in the UK. Well, the US has never stopped and test flights might have, but training pilots to fly them has continued, as you can see from this TR3B training flight. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
FOOTAGE of a mysterious flying object seen in Swindon’s skies by dozens of residents on Sunday has prompted more confirmed sightings and sparked speculation over what it could be.

As reported in the Adver yesterday, former BT engineer Graham Woodward was driving home near Westcott Place with his son Stefan, 18, at 8.19pm when three ‘brilliantly white lights’ in the shape of a triangle with a red light in the centre appeared in the sky.

The 62-year-old of Nelson Street is convinced it was not a drone nor a military or commercial aircraft as it had no blinking navigation lights. He could also not hear the sound of an engine when he wound his window down.

“It certainly was unlike any flying object that I have ever witnessed before,” he said.

The small aircraft only hovered for around three minutes before it veered to the left and vanished out of sight. Graham was so perplexed he even called police on 101 to report what he had seen.

And yesterday Richard Newton shared a video with the Adver of what he describes as ‘strange lights’ hovering above Liden at the same time on Sunday as Graham spotted the mystery triangular object.

“It was not a drone,” Richard said.

However, after viewing the video Graham says what he saw was slightly different as the red light in the centre was not flashing but he noted the similarities of the three bright lights in a triangle.

While an Old Walcot resident, who phoned the newsroom after reading the article about Graham’s sighting, said: “He’s not a crank, me and my wife saw it too.

“We saw those three lights in the sky about 8.20pm coming back from West Swindon near Kingshill Road. It was definitely three bright white lights and it didn’t look like an aircraft.”

Another added: “I saw something like that last year for several weeks in the Greenmeadow area while delivering newspapers at about 6am to 6.30am. It would just stay in one spot then it just vanished.”

However, many have taken to the Adver’s Facebook page to dispel suggestions the video shows a UFO, instead some believe it was a C-17 Globemaster, which is a large military transport aircraft, possibly heading to Brize Norton.

One person said: “My boyfriend is in love with planes and he said it's a c17 as it has a red flashing light.”

Another added: “I can confirm from radar data that it was an RAF c17 at 8:20pm on Sunday night.”

But Graham is not convinced. He said: “I definitely saw a triangular shaped craft over Westcott Place which is nothing like a Globemaster in shape.

“Having just searched the internet there seen to be very many accounts and pictures of exactly what I saw last Sunday night.”