Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label animal. Show all posts


Glowing Orb Caught On Wildlife On Cam in Georgia, Nov 22, 2013, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 22, 2013
Location of sighting: Waycross, Georgia, USA
Source: MUFON

Eyewitness states:
I placed a infrared trail camera in my woods on my back land line about 3 weeks ago. Camera was set to take a 10 second video ever 10 minutes. A 2GB SD card was changed out on the afternoon of November 19, 2013. This card stayed in the camera until the afternoon of November 22, 2013.

When I viewed the videos on the night of November 22, 2013 I found that two of the night videos, one at 01:45AM and the second one at 01:55AM, on the morning of November 22, 2013 contained the following: 1. A raccoon feeding on some corn. 2. A white ball suspended in the air above the raccoon which moved, shook, and dropped down toward the raccoon. The second video ten minutes later at 01:55AM shows the raccoon backed up looking at the white ball and then deciding it was time to leave. The white ball was dancing around going back and forth, up and down, goes off camera and comes back and video ends. In the second video the white ball seems to be smaller than it is in the first video.

There were no white balls of light in any of the other videos before these two nor was there any in the videos following these two. These two videos would have covered a time span of thirty minutes twenty seconds. ten minutes before the video started, ten seconds during the first video, ten minutes between the first and second video, ten seconds during the second video, and then ten minutes after the second video.
I dont have any idea if this qualifies as a UFO, or not, but it is above the ground about six feet and moving around like a ball dancing in the wind. The only eye witness is the raccoon and I dont know where it can be located. If it had not been for this moving white ball I would have deleted these two videos. However, because of it I have placed them in a folder to keep.

Had to use September for month account it would not take the actual month of November when I tried to submit.


Glowing Orbs Recorded By Deer Cam In South Texas, TV News Video, Oct 31, 2013 UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: October 31, 2013
Location of sighting: Hill County, South Texas, USA

KSAT News states: 
Often glowing orbs would be seen around got a farmers attention. When the farmer moved his deer feeder to a low spot on his property near an old dry pond bed. He placed a mounted camera nearby to capture the animals that come to drink, but instead he captures glowing balls of light and flashes of light along the ground. He also saw it a few times with his own eyes, like one night he was walking near the feeder states; "on the ground there were like two gigantic flashlight beams. Like searching the ground. Right around me and I looked up at the sky and there was nothing." 

This is not the first time such glowing orbs have been recorded by animal cams. This unexplained phenomenon happens every so often and the images captured are...mind blowing. SCW

Check out these other catches:


Old Horse Found With Eyes And Anus Cut Out, Farm In Argentina July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Fernandez, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Translated from Spanish

This horse was found this way by its owner in the town of Fernández, Santiago del Estero.

The peculiarity of the case is that the animal was aged, so it is presumed he died in those days, then late the next morning they discovered a sharp cut in the eye area and one in the anus area.

Given this information, we asked the farmer for photographs of wounds so we could share the pictures.

The photos we received, show a cut with the total eye organ missing. It also has a cut in the skin about the eye bowl (2 cm. Approximately), with flush cutting areas and areas with irregularities cuts, similar to the action of the knife.

Anal area, may be a flat, circular section of approximately 18 cm in diameter, with detachment of the bristles of the queue, a "kind" rising above the anus.

It is noteworthy that around the body, on the ground, we did see the typical kicking the dying animal, with many marks.

No residual blood is observed, or the eye socket, or around the anus. Also on the ground. Yes appreciated, fresh bleeding hinted in one of the nostrils.


Equine owner expressed surprise at the cut that appeared in the eye area, saying that he had never seen anything like it.
Moreover, during the night he did not hear any noise, nor any evidence of action of scavengers such as crows, common in the area.

He stated that they did not work on the body with knives, and if someone had, by the proximity of the animal to the house, they would have heard, because the farm has dogs that alert any them of any movement.


Email Report: Possible Life Found In Mars Curiosity Rover Photos, June 2013.

Date of discovery: June 2013
Location of discovery: Surface of Mars

We were emailed by D.J. recently and she discovered some very fascinating objects in some Mars photos. The above photo shows a disc-like structures and also in the lower part is what looks like an alien animal reaching out with one arm in front of it. Strangely enough, the arm ends in finger-like appendages. 

The below photos seems to show a turtle-like creature sticking its head out. Also some alien animal on the right side. On the bottom two photos, there is a face on the left that looks like an elf with its hat and on the right side is a gold coin object. 

I have to say she (D.J.) discovered some very cool anomalies. I really love the above photo with the outreached arm. I will try to get more info on it soon. Great work D. J. and thank you for sharing your amazing discoveries with us. SCW


Rat On Mars In NASA Photo By Curiosity Rover, Lizard Or Rodent, May 2013.

Updated on May 12, 2014: I added more photos seen below. Added grey scale photo and an HD video. 

Date of discovery: March 2013
Location of discovery: Mars

This odd creature was discovered on Mars by a person in Japan in March. This animal was not the first to be discovered in NASA photos, but is in a long line of strange creatures that have been found. Remember the last one we reported that was very similar to a squirrel (left had column of our site)? Well this one also seems to resemble a rodent, but also may be a lizard. With water existing on Mars in small amounts, its possible to find such desert animals wandering around...although very rare mind you. Then again, is NASA placing animals from tiny cryogenic chambers inside the rover onto the surface of Mars to conduct tests? Check out the NASA photo for yourself and tell us what you think about it in the comments please. SCW

Japanese Source:


Two Objects In Mars Photo That May Be Indication Of Life On Mars, March 2013.

Date of discovery: March 2013
Location of discovery: Mars

Look carefully at the giff image above and you will see actually two photos. One with two tiny objects in the sky and the next with nothing. Many people will say these were objects on the lens, but since the photo before and after don't have the objects that argument is flawed. So are the objects living insects or birds? That is more likely since a creature that can move farther and faster by flying has a high chance of survival since it can find shelter and food easier. Was this a UFO...well it is unidentified and it is flying and certainly is an object...but probably not a space craft. This really looks like two living, flying creatures. SCW


Life Discovered On Mars Surface, Gorilla-like Creature In NASA Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: unknown
Location of discovery: Gusev Crater, Mars

I found this interesting video on Youtube and the person seems to have found an actual animal on the surface of Mars. This creature's face has a mouth, cheeks, firm eyebrow area, and to top it off it has a gorilla-like body. Of course this could just be another ancient carving that survived the test of time. Remember the other famous statue of a woman human-like figure (actually 3) on mars? This has been on my mind for a while and finally felt it was time to put it on the site. If you want to see it on the NASA site it's in the upper right corner and the source is below. SCW


Big Game Camera photos Deer having UFO Sighting, see photo, UFO Sighting News.

Big Game Camera photos Deer having UFO Sighting, see photo.

Date of Sighting: August 25, 2010

A motion-activated camera at a Fort Worth family's favorite hunting spot is capturing shots of mysterious objects.

Lisa Brock-Piekarski's game camera is supposed to take pictures of the deer on her Archer City lease. But the pictures show something she can't explain.
"What I see looks almost like a Frisbee," she said. "You see a several lights going around, and they're all symmetrical and lit up, and it just looks like an object in the sky."

Brock-Piekarski's is hesitant to call the string of lights in the sky UFOs, although she can't identify the flying objects.
"We've seen falling stars, all kinds of stuff out there because you're away form the city," she said. "Anytime there's a meteor shower or anything, you can see it a lot better, but I've never seen anything like that."
Brock-Piekarski said the pictures were taken by a single motion-activated game camera. The equipment wasn't moved, and it doesn't have a flash. Instead, it uses infrared. She said she has ruled out light posts or cell phone towers because the area is pretty empty.

"There's nothing back there but trees and sky," she said. "There's no hills, no buildings, nothing back there. It's all flat."
Timestamps on several pictures also show that the object hovered in the air for almost two hours.
Whatever it is, she is now a little hesitant to go out to her deer blind alone.
"It's creepy," Brock-Piekarski said. "I don't know if I want to be sitting out in my deer stand by my self anymore, hunting."
Archer City, which is just south of Wichita Falls, is also close to Sheppard Air Force Base. The installation did not immediately return requests asking if it had planes up the night the pictures were taken.


--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring or at YouTube and search "TaiwanSCW" to see my personal UFO dicovery videos.