Showing posts with label astronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astronomy. Show all posts


A few alien structures in NASA moon photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 30, 2023
Location of discovery: Earths moon

Now I took the original photo and added contrast to it, because it was over exposed...meaning NASA added too much light to blur out the detail. They do that often, but I thought I would share with you a few of the interesting structures I found. Interesting fact about alien structures, since it is an alien culture, its rules of making structures are different from our own, therefore do not expect the expected, but instead look forward to the unexpected. 
Scott C. Waring 



Huge UFO Enters Popocatépetl Volcano 🌋 November 21, 2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 21, 2023
Location of sighting: Popocatepetl, Mexico

Watch as this UFO enters the mouth of the volcano. This is Popocatepetl, the volcano that I have been reporting UFOs near on live cam for over ten years. Again we see another UAP that trys to mimic a meteor as it enters the mouth of the volcano. There is an alien base below this volcano, about 5 miles below the surface area. UFOs are not harmed by heat since most will travel faster than light, which allows time travel to be possible. 
Scott C. Waring 


Three Alien Faces On Moon Iapetus Orbiting Saturn, Google Moon Map, Nov 23, 2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 23, 2023
Location of discovery: Moon Iapetus, orbiting Saturn
Map location:,27.7196464,19641127a,38.3y,63.71h/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en&entry=ttu 

Now I was looking at an Iapetus moon map and noticed a face looking to the left, like a silhouette. Then realized there were not one, but three faces all looking the same direction. One species is clearly similar to humans, another at least half similar species, but the lower face to the right is that of a dog species. All show a different expression on the face, confusion, interest and the dog species is happy.  

Oh, happy thanksgiving to those in the USA. 
Scott C. Waring


Asteroid Dinkinesh Orbited By Two UFOs! NASA Just Added Too Much Light To See Truth, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 8, 2023
Location of discovery: Asteroid 

Guys, take a deep breath, make sure you are very, very relaxed, because what I have to say is not the typical small talk. I was looking at a Gizmodo story that was about the asteroid Dinkinesh having not one, but two tiny moons orbiting it. But I noticed that the photos were over exposed...meaning they had too much light added on purpose to drown out the detail. So I added shadow and added focus then something awesome happened, I soon saw the two moons were actually two alien ships! And Dinky asteroid is actually has structures built into it, so it looks like an asteroid, but is really a space station or mother craft. Kinda mind-blowing. We don't need the gov to tell us what is and isnt real, we ourselves can research, enhance and discover the truth on our own. We already have mountains of factual pieces of evidence about UFOs and aliens existing in NASA photos themselves, I've been doing it over 20 years so I know. 
Scott C. Waring 

Chandrayaan mission shows artificial structures on Earths moon, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Nov 8, 2023
Location of discovery: Earths moon
Source: Chandrayaan India mission (must sign up to use)

Now here are some unusual screenshots from a Chandrayaan mission. The crater is made of many over lapping tunnels, something I did not expect, but this seems like an intelligently made structure on Earths moon built across the crater in order to appear like a crater shadow. I also found some tunnels to the right of the crater, but I did have to add shadows in order to see them. You will also see structures around it here and there. The moon is certainly inhabited by an intelligent species, but would they welcome a visit from humans? 
Scott C. Waring 


Hey Magician David Copperfield Answered Me On Twitter Today. UFO Sighting News.

Date of Tweet: Nov 5, 2023

David Copperfield is about to perform his newest magic trick, one that would out perform all other acts he has done in the past. He will make the moon disappear on Feb of 2024. He also suggested that people worldwide might see some moon or strange lights appearing and disappearing in the sky over the last few months, so I got onto twitter and asked him about a several moon shaped objects over the mountains of Las Vegas area that were seen on 9-21-2023. Those objects were the same shape, and color of the moon itself. Oh, and David Copperfield lives in Las Vegas. See the tweet below. 

I have seen him perform in Taiwan about 5 years ago, Davids parents sat a few rows ahead of me and my wife. Davids acts on stage and off were just mind boggling. I can't wait to see him make the moon disappear. 

I had to go on and ask him, a burning question that I have long wondered about David Copperfield, is he more than human? Is he from another world and these illusions are real? So I asked him. (tweet below). 
Scott C. Waring 

UAP Fleet Over Del Mar, California 7-20-2023, UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: 7-20-2023
Location of sighting: Del Mar, California, USA
Source: MUFON

Several video reports came in, but I chose this one because it's the best quality. Glowing spheres were seen along the ocean at Del Mar last week and the objects are each different colors. Now sure LED lights exist, but guess what? UFOs do glow these colors and are stated in hundreds of UFO reports, many are over 30 years old. 
So yeah, keep an open mind please.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Over 30 minutes viewed multiple orbs over ocean solana beach ca changing colors and morphing into and out of each other.


60 Meter Sunken Ship Discovered Off Wisteria Island, Florida Keys, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Nov 4, 2023
Location of discovery: Wisteria Island, Florida Keys, USA

Guys, I was exploring Google Earth when I found a long old ship off a small island called Wisteria island. The ship looks like it could be a US military ship that sunk during WWI or WWII, but could go back much earlier. According to Google ruler, it measures about 60 meters. ITs not a UFO, but I like to post things I discovery, things I think others may have interest in. I don't believe anyone has ever found this one or posted about it, so here it is. Someone is going to have some fun exploring this scuba diving. 
Scott C. Waring


UAP Over San Antonio, Texas Oct 11, 2023, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Oct 11, 2023
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON

This UFO was caught by an Uber while driving in San Antonio. He caught a tear drop light in the distance and it stands out powerfully against the overcast sky. Similar UFOs have been seen worldwide, often called the jellyfish UFOs, the lower part has glowing dangly tentacles like a jelly fish. Texas...its a hotbed of UFO activity. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: I was headed home from work in my Uber when I glanced out the window and observed the object hovering in the sky shining like a star but it was very close to the ground a few hundred feet from the ground.


Structures Under Moons Surface, Lunar Orbiter 3 photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 4, 2023
Location of discover: Earths moon
NASA link: 

Found this in a Lunar orbiter 3 mission photo, had to share it. It looks like a subteraining advanced alien culture does exist on Earths moon. In this photo there is some huge structures within the depths to he craters. It's no wonder why NASA can't go back to the moon, the aliens wont let them! Scott C. Waring 


Ancient Body Found Laying On Mars, Similar To Pompeii Bodies, Oct 3, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Oct 3, 2023
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found a person laying down on Mars in the most recent batch of Mars rover photos dated Oct 3, 2023. The person appears not to be made of stone, but to be petrified or turned to stone. They are in a laying down position which seems to show them struggling to survive with both arms outreaching to someone in the distance. It's very similar to the ancient Pompeii statues excavated in Italy long ago. 

I also found an object...a structure that l believe to be an alien ship that crashed in this location and parts of its outer walls were taken off and used for there things. Just food for thought. 

It would be nice if NASA would allow the public to chose where to explore and what objects in photos deserve closer scrutiny, like this ancient person...but then, the truth would come out, and NASA can't allow that to happen. 
Scott C. Waring 


UFO Over Boston, MA Causes Power line surge! 9-22-2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 9-22-2023
Location of sighting: Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Source: Email report

Caught by a door cam, this UFO was so powerful it caused a power surge in the telephone pole power cables. Watch and see a glowing line race back and forth over the lines. UFOs do that, UFOs can shut down cars, watches, lights and even cause surges in energy on power lines as you see in this video. This power surge is 100% proof that an alien craft was nearby. 
 Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

MIB or Aliens Walk Up To Door, Knock, California, RingCam, Sept 20, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Location of sighting: City Unknown, 
Date of sighting: Sept 20, 2023 at 10:45 AM.
Source: MUFON

Now this just in. A ultra rare encounter recorded by an unbiased ringcam. Two alien visitors, dressed like MIB and a dark sphere hovering behind them over the yard. That screams out alien visitation, since most MIB are aliens themselves, it appears the aliens ether look like humans or took human form to keep the home occupant relaxed. They were probably there to chat with the person gather data and scan the occupants of the home. Aliens often do this to humans who have been tagged with trackers...where the aliens come back every few years to record the scientific data, scan and sometimes examine and operate on a person before returning them to their home. Wow, my mind is melting over this video. So rare, so amazing, how will the public react?
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: My mother has a ring door bell. And she witnesses two guys she has never seen before knocking on the door. She texts her children and asks of we knew them. We do not. Then I noticed something unusual in the back ground. AN floating or flying object.


UAP Over Santa Monica, California Aug 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 27, 2023
Location of sighting: Santa Monica, California, USA

At first I thought this was balloons, however the object does not break apart and the object keeps its shape. It's a dark craft, and keeps behind the trees before moving off silently. More proof, UFOs are everywhere, but even here, most the people were not looking up in the video, only a few. 
Scott C. Waring 


Eyewitness states: Star-shaped dark object (maybe 20 ft.) changed shapes in almost geometrical way at tree-level over the bluff at Palisades Park then rapidly floated into the distance. This was witnessed by one other person besides myself. By the time I got my phone camera out it was further away, but at :17 seconds the viewer can see the unusual star shape of the object.


Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Independent Study Report Findings UFO Sighting News.


As always, NASA is suppose to have all the answers and of course does not. The public was hoping for even a hint of suggesting that intelligent aliens could exist, yet time and time again, they shoot down those expectations. Its not hard to know that NASA has the best and most sophisticated astronomy, astro photography of our solar system planets, moons, astroids...and yet they refuse to talk about the cities on the moon, the abandoned structures and ships in craters that I have reported thousands of discoveries, and yet non of my evidence was submitted, none of my evidence was even considered and I am the foremost head of my field in the US and maybe the world.

But we need to understand that NASA was created back on July 29, 1958 in order to hide alien evidence from the public so that it would give the US time to contact aliens, create trade agreements, get technological advantages and so on, before any other country did. Thus, even today the US is still the world power. Now to back this up, I would like to say the a president JFK wrote a memo to NASA just a week and a half before he was assassinated, coincidence? I think not, that totally implicates the CIA and NASA working together to keep the truth about aliens a secret from the world. 

So, no, I didn't expect anything from NASA, it's like trying to squeeze lemon juice from a rock, it's just not going to happen. However I feel that other countries like India, Russia, China, maybe even a private space program like SpaceX will be the ones in history books who announce the discovery of both alien life, and intelligent alien life, backed by 100% proof. Of course, a week after the announcement, NASA will step in and announce they discovered alien life, trying to take credit from the country or organization that already honestly made the discovery. They did this before for water on the Mars discovery, when it was already announced by India first, NASA stepped in to announce the same thing, taking full credit, not even mentioning India. So...I don't trust NASA, neither should you. 
Scott C. Waring 


Ancient alien bodies at Mexico's Congress, by Jaime Maussan, UFO Sighting News.

Here is something by a friend of my I chat with often, Jaime Muassan. He's found some alien bodies and parts that are just amazing. The aliens in this video are extraordinary, understand there are X-rays revealing the inner bone structures and organs of the small aliens. One alien even has three eggs within it, it died a mother with unborn children with it. The debate should no longer be...are aliens real, it's clear that they are 100% real, which would also explain the elongated skulls of Peru, which US gov tried to say it was natural. Aliens exist, but the real question here is, how long will it take to break the US gov and cause them to cave in and reveal the truth?

As I said before, NASA was created by the US gov not to reveal the truth, not to explore space, but to fake moon landings to make the US appear as a world power and to hide real alien evidence. If the US can contact those intelligent alien species, then they can create trade agreements to get technology that is thousands or millions of years ahead of our own. That is a matter on national security, a top priority of the US gov. Remember, president Kennedy 8 days before he was killed, he wrote a presidential memo ordering NASA to reveal the truth about aliens and release all alien and UFO information to the public. That last order was never followed, nor did he live long enough to enforce it. I feel the CIA killed president Kennedy to keep the all alien and UFO information a secret. 

Ancient alien bodies presented to Mexico's Congress, Jaime Maussan, a ufologist, presented 1,000-year-old “non-human” bodies to Mexico's Congress. Maussan said the bodies “were found buried in diatomite mines,” adding that “diatomaceous earth has the ability to desiccate the bodies; it does not allow the growth of bacteria or fungi and so these bodies were preserved for 1,000 years.” UFO Sighting News.

Scott C. Waring


Gov Released UFO, Middle East Object 7-12-2022, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: 7-12-2022
Location of sighting: Middle East, US gov keep city and country secret. 

This came out a few months ago,  however it's on the new website that the US gov say it will release all photos, videos and info of UFOs on. Not that I believe them any farther than I can throw them. The US gov is up to something here, and I will get to the bottom of it. I assure you. 
Scott C. Waring 

US gov states: In an open hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena before the Senate Armed Services Committee on April 19, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), shared a video that depicts an apparent silver, orb-like object cross the sensor’s field of view. This clip was taken by an MQ-9 in the Middle East, and while AARO assesses the object in the clip is not exhibiting anomalous behavior, the object remains unidentified. This video is a representative example of many of the cases AARO receives where there is limited data surrounding the observation. These cases are retained in AARO’s active archive pending the discovery of additional information/data that may lead to case resolution. 

Which country is Middle East? Cyprus, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Yemen. SCW


South East Asia UFO, part 2, same UFO, Jan 15, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Jan 15, 2023
Location of sighting: South East Asia

This UFO video is part 2 of 2. The video shows the earlier posts UFO video at different distances. The most profound part of the video is that this UFO has four waves of energy coming from its top, bottom, left and right. I believe these waves to be on all sides, like sides on a cube, but the UFO is not a cube. It is round, thick and disk like. Also at one point in the video, the computer tracking system detects small objects coming out of the UFO. Notice the white squares that the computer puts around those tiny drone objects. The UFO is planting drones to record and scan data, while the mother ship leaves our atmosphere. 
Scott C. Waring 

Gov states about video: In an open hearing on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena before the Senate Armed Services Committee on April 19, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick, director of the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), shared videos depicting an unidentified object with an apparent atmospheric wake or cavitation trailing it as it moved across the sensor’s field of view from left to right. An MQ-9 forward-looking infrared video sensor captured this footage in South Asia as it was recording another MQ-9. After analysis of the full motion video, inclusion of additional footage with a longer focal length, and analysis of commercial flight data in the region, AARO assesses that the object likely is a commercial aircraft and that the trailing cavitation is a sensor artifact resultant of video compression. Case resolution is pending final review. This video is the additional footage with a longer focal length. The apparent back and forth motion is an artifact of the longer focal length and the sensor attempting to zoom in on the fast moving UAP, rather than the MQ-9.


UFO Near Moon, Plane Investigates, Colorado, 4-30-2023 UFO Sighting News. Video.


Date of sighting: April 30, 2023
Location of sighting: Colorado, USA
Source: MUFON

This is a recently sent in UFO video, even though it was taken last April. A glowing white object is seen near the moon and a minute later a jet is flying towards it at the end of the video. You can hear the eyewitness notice the plane coming to investigate the UFO. This UFO wanted to be seen. It must have noticed the person looking at the moon and then decided to uncloak. Aliens are slowly trying to drop feed the public information of them so that they can one day reveal themselves to the world all at once. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: Reflective looking object looked distorted around edges a bit. No sound just steadily moved across the sky.


Glowing object over Michigan July 27, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: July 27, 2023
Location of sighting: Michigan, USA
Source: MUFON

This video just came in but was recorded two weeks ago. A person noticed a glowing white object passing over the neighborhood. It was really high up and moving fast. The full 2 min video is a bit shaky, but at the end shows the object moving past the trees into the distance. White glowing objects are the #1 most common colors of UFOs seen. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: I was outside with my dogs when I looked up and seen an orb moving. I thought it was a star at first but then when I was recording I didn't see any blinking lights and it made some weird movements. You can tell by the power lines.