Here is a great discovery by UFOmania of Youtube this week. It shows a deliberately carved formation that has squares and frames around them. The carvings look like words written in order, from a language we wont know for thousand of years yet. Scott C. Waring
UFOmania of Youtube states: It appears to be a metallic-looking part of a spacecraft that smashed on the surface of the planet or at least it is an abandoned or nonfunctional vehicle or part of a machine which has been used on Mars.
Date of conference: Sept 2016 Location of conference: Ozark Mountain, Arkansas, USA
I really wish I attended this conference. It had lots of great speakers attending. Here is Jim Marrs, talking about how the US has trained psychic warriors to both gain information, and to kill. Scott C. Waring Video states: Jim Marrs continued his presentation REMOTE VIEWING ALIENS at the 2016 Ozark Mountain UFO Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas! Remote Viewing, a psychic technique developed and utilized by the U.S. Army, may have been instrumental in ending the Cold War. This practice has since been used to take a look at the different extraterrestrial species interacting with the people of Earth.
This documentary has been on my mind a lot, so I want to share it with you. You may like it as much as I did. Its informative and enlightening. Scott C. Waring
What happens when a UFO crashes? Some experts claim that the UFO wreckage and even the pilots are transported to a top-secret facility in Dayton, Ohio called Hangar 18 located on Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Declassified Government documents prove that the disk from the famous Roswell event and fragments of other mysterious crashes were shipped to Wright Patterson. Hear stories involving elected officials, UFO researchers, and former base employees, some of whom are going on the record regarding Hangar 18. They spin a tale of flying saucer debris, alien bodies, cryogenic chambers and a vast underground network that may hold the secrets to the UFO mystery. Is there a conspiracy to hide UFO evidence from the highest branches in the U.S. Government, or is it all just a myth?
Date of sighting: Sept 2016 Location of sighting: England Here is an interesting photo of a green alien behind the dog on the trail. I say alien, because it has been seen before, running along someones house a few years back. I was in personal contact with them back then, and she said it was a small running creature that disappeared...sinking into the ground. I saw her photos and they look similar to this. Scott C. Waring
Australia outback is large and mostly uninhabited, so its only logical that the US gov asked Australia to a lot a large amount of land to aliens for their personal use (underground bases)...probably land that is a preserve, with no hunting, no living on, no harming the trees and such. Its a well known fact that the US works on its top secret aircraft outside of the US in order to confuse the public. And the USAF probably got some new tech from them. This looks a lot like one of those projects called the TR3B. As a matter of fact, I just reported this UFO passing over Yellowstone park on live cam a few days ago. Probably made by Bigelow Aerospace. The witness states that the UFO was 100X bigger than a plane. I stated a few days ago, that the UFO over Yellowstone was over 100 meters long, possibly up to 300 meters. It fits. Scott C. Waring
News states: A GIANT triangular UFO “100 times bigger than a plane” that emerged on the Tablelands on the weekend has shocked a young family. Kyle Mathiot was playing with sparklers with his two young boys and partner Deborah Price in the front yard of their Herberton home on Saturday about 7.30pm when they spotted something strange in the distance. “I notice one light up in the sky and it was way, way too big to be a star,” Mr Mathiot said.
“I went to get my partner’s phone, and started taking pictures of it and all of a sudden there was another two lights, and it was in the shape of a triangle, with a big light up the front and another two lights up the back.” Mr Mathiot, 21, took several photos of the aircraft as it hovered in the same place for about half an hour before it disappeared. “It was zipping around like no plane or drone we’ve ever seen,” he said. “The lights were about two centimetres apart in the sky. “It had to be a massive object. “It definitely wasn’t a drone. It was 100 times bigger than a plane.” He said he was amazed by the sheer size of the unknown object. “I kind of like that type of stuff. I’m kind of a believer but I’m not freaked out, just in shock,” he said. “I’ve never had an experience like that.” An Australian Defence Force spokesman said there was no evidence of military aircraft in the Herberton area at the time of the sighting. Alec Brimacombe, the Far Northern investigator for UFO Research Queensland, said Mr Mathiot’s photos certainly appeared to show a triangular object. “I’m not aware of any reports from Herberton but there were sightings of smaller objects around Tinaroo last year,” he said. “Certainly there are a great many reports of flying triangular objects seen around the world.” He said in other cases, the large size of triangular UFOs was often mentioned. “If the object was sighted with the naked eye, then it cannot be a photographic anomaly,” he said. “The three points of light suggest a structured triangular object or craft. “As to what it is, we just cannot say. “It sounds too large for a drone and the zigzag movements are not characteristic of planes – civilian or military.”
amazing ancient Aztec carvings in stone. They show alien figures, UFOs
and even stars in the sky above them. It looks like the ancient
civilizations had contact with aliens and these aliens must have been
helping them in some way, perhaps giving them focus and teaching them to
build the pyramids and cities.
Video states: "FernandoCorreapresentsthe findings of thezonadeOjuelos, Jaliscowhere there arecleartracesof ships, flying discsand planets.A realmystery.Local peopleclaim that they aregenuine partsthatshould be investigated."