Aliens Rock to U2!
Date of sighting: May 24, 2011
Location of sighting: Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Purple UFO at U2 concert below.

Isn't purple Justin Bieber's color? Wrong concert little alien dudes.

Watch this amazing video as the rock band U2 plays live in concert in Salt Lake City, Utah and some Rock loving aliens decide to come closer...for better sound perhaps? There were thousands of people at the concert and the eyewitness stated hundreds of people were pointing at the UFO calling it a UFO. They were certain that it was not an airplane or helicopter because of its unusual lights.
Click photo to enlarge.

This is not the first time a UFO was seen outside a concert, but back in July 18, 2010 Rock For Charity concert in the UK had a giant broken moon appear and disappear above them.
Also in the Ozzfest in August 14, 2010, in Devour, California there was a UFO sighting of a triangle craft hovering at cloud level above Ozzy Ozbourne on stage. It was a pale grey craft, round and thicker in the middle.
☯ Scott C. Waring wrote “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” and “Dragons of Asgard”
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