Showing posts with label coins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label coins. Show all posts


Strange UFO coin from 1680 puzzles the experts, March 2016, UFO Sighting News.

I've been looking for one of these off and on for a few weeks. It looks really amazing and is absolute proof that in the 1600s the French witnessed enough UFO sightings to decide to put some of what they saw on coins. 

This is a French jeton minted in somewhere between 1856 to 1680, a coin-like educational tool that was commonly used to help people count money, or sometimes used as a money substitute for playing games. It is about the size of a U.S. quarter-dollar and similar to thousands of other jetons with different religious and educational designs that were produced and used in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries. It appears to commemorate a UFO sighting of a wheel like object. Some researchers feel it represents the Biblical Ezekiel's wheel. The Latin inscription 'OPPORTUNUS ADEST' translates as 'It is here at an opportune time".

If you are lucky you can find one on Ebay (Click Here)  for anywhere between $20 US to $500 depending on the sellers asking price and condition of the coin. I heard from a guy who won a similar coin that he got for $45, because it was just listed for a few hours when he hit the buy it now button, so timing and luck are everything. Happy hunting. 
Scott C. Waring 


Alien Coin Found On Mars Has Two Different Heads, Dec 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: December 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source photo 1:
NASA source photo 2:
NASA source photo 3:
Chance of being a real coin: 90%
Now this is interesting. Paranormal Crucible of Youtube has reported finding some coin like objects on Mars. I have to admit, one of these photos is very convincing. It may be a coin, medallion or broach. The object does have a face on it, however it is not a single's a double face. There are two faces of two species on the front. One species looks semi human on the right side. The left face looks nothing like a human, but I have seen it before. The most significant discovery here is the fact that these two species put their historical figures on this coin together as a symbol of their bond of friendship. SCW

Paranormal Crucible of Youtube states:
Yet another extraordinary archeological discovery, has been caught by the mars spirit rover. The incredible image's, appear to show three possible coins or medallions, which were unearthed by the rovers Rock Abrasion Tool, while excavating a pit on the Martian surface. The discovery of these coins, proves beyond question, that mars did indeed have an advanced civilisation, dating back thousands of years, long before earth's history was born.

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