Showing posts with label destination truth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label destination truth. Show all posts


Fallen King On Mars, Has Been Updated With New Photos Daily.

Hey guys, as promised I have been updating this post "Fallen King of Mars," daily with 5 or more photos added. I will continue for a few more days. There seems to be an endless supply of ancient artifacts in this photo, so...check it out if you have the time. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien Faces On Heart Of Pluto Indicate Planet Ownership, Sept 27, 2015, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of discovery: Sept 27, 2015
Location of discovery: Heart of Pluto, Pluto
NASA Source:
News Source:

I was examining the newest photo of Pluto when I noticed a big head on the top that was attached to a spine. As I looked down the spine, I found that the entire heart was all faces smashed together.

I realized this was done like a farmer brands his cows to let others know who owns it. Aliens branded Pluto. They want anyone that thinks of taking control of it to know and ask permission first from one of those alien species on the heart. It doesn't mean its an inhabited planet, it only indicates owners.

You say alien don't need signs, but how do you know? Cultures differ a lot from country to country. They will differ even more from species to species. Some won't like to use technology all the time. Some will. Either way, this is a branded planet, so I see why NASA just kept on walking. 
Scott C. Waring

Hundreds Of UFOs Finally Proven To Be Real, Sept 27, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This is rather cool. UFOvni2012 just made another video of the sun like he did last month. This time, he caught a giant object passing in front of the sun. Maybe this big thing isn't a UFO, maybe its one of our planets, but what is very important is that this has a few black dots on it. You see, this confirms that the black UFOs on the edge of the sun are not glitches in the program, but are actual UFOs collecting energy from our sun. The UFOs almost move at the speed of light when changing positions. We found the evendence we needed to prove these are real. Thanks UFOvni2012 for an awesome catch. 

Oh, and to view the UFOs better, please watch in full screen mode, and switch the settings to HD and slow the speed down to .25 so you can see the UFOs. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Return Giant UFO Sphere Passes Around The Surface of The Sun, Sept 25, 2015

UFO Over Moon On Sept 27, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Moon

This footage was shot by Youtube user Crrow777, and shows  a great looking black UFO moving across the moon. The UFO is not a disk, but is actually uneven on all sides. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Three objects were shot transiting the moon this night which is one day before the lunar eclipse. This is the first objects of this kind shot in months and in the past object (UFO) activity seems to increase around and during eclipses. Eclipses are manipulated events. I will post the other footage soon.

UFO Over Guadalajara, Mexico On Sept 27, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2015
Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico

This UFO was found by "alberto ignacio alejo ibarra," of Youtube. It shows a semi-tansparent object in the sky with many sharp corners. Its hard to discern its correct shape, so I altered the color above to better see it. Mexico has several bases under a few of its volcanos. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I recorded this from my house, this object parese have diamond-shaped guadalajara jal 09/27/2015. Mexico.


UFO Fleet Over Glasgow, Scotland On Sept 26, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 26, 2015
Location of sighting: Glasgow, Scotland
Source: MUFON #70844

Eyewitness states:
I was on my phone and someone messaged saying that the moon looked beautiful tonight a it did. I the looked out the window to see 4 red lights in the sky. At first I thought it was glare coming from the window, then I opened my window to discover these orbs flying across the sky. I took a picture then called my mother. I habe never felt so nervous in my life. When I was speaking to her she could see the orbs flying where I was I could see exactly where they were coming from. I seen 4 orbs form a diamond shape then orb into one then shoot across the sky one at a time. All In there were 7-8 orbs flying in the same flight path.

Creepy / Strange Statue Imaged On Mars Surface! Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I've been watching this guys videos over a year now and he is an up and coming researcher and I even have hopes he will replace me one day as his skills grow. He is one of the best out there. Just listen to what he has to say and consider it. If you find something, send it to him, he may go over it in a video. 
Scott C. Waring

Whatsupinthesky37 states: 
What a creepy image here. I found this one today while looking through the latest MAHLI images on my iPhone. This looks like a the ghost mask in Scream sitting on a statue on in the middle of nowhere Mars. Very strange. Check out the geometry and ruins of building foundations and similar looking debris around this and let me know what you think! What is this thing??? As always here is the NASA image..

WUITS Website Article W/ Enhanced Images:


Alien Figure Watching Mars Curiosity Rover From Hillside, Sept 25, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 20, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Photos 1:
Photo 2:

Guys, I found this figure in a Curiosity rover photo. I was at one of the two blogs that NASA has for the rover and caught sight of something standing upright on two legs. When I made the photo 5X bigger I found that the figure seemed human-like. I have reported about 10 figures over the last 3 years...all of them small beings like this. Some of them looked alive, others looked petrified by some cruel weapon. Why does NASA ignore these alien figures? Because finding life is not part of their public mission, but is on the rovers covert missions it performs. Publicly, the rover is there to appease the curiosity of the public...thusly they named the rover...Curiosity. 
Scott C. Waring


Dark UFO Over Martian Surface Observes Rover, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: September 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA photo:

I have never seen this kind of object on Mars before. The UFO is dark, more so than the surface of the hill, which means its not part of it. It has a pole line above and below that seems perfectly balanced. It could be that the small alien people we have been finding are still alive and this could be one of their craft observing the rover. It has a good vantage point from the hill.  
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
This is a photo from Opportunity Rover on Mars. I am posting the Link below. Opportunity is still LIVE and updates pictures almost daily. There are just too many anomalies being found by myself and other Ufologists to dismiss them as nothing. One day we will be proved right. When you have seen these things right above you and I have, it changes your perception of all you have been taught. People don't believe you, so I'll keep posting what I find.


Predicted Lunar Wave Filmed, Wave Hunters Sept 23, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 23, 2015
Location of sighting: Earth Moon

This is an interesting prediction by Crow777 of Youtube. I have seen the lunar wave for myself in my Sony camera and I have always believed it was due to the moon being an artificial structure in itself. Yes, I believe the moon is an actual massive alien ship. I thought the waves was the moon trying to keep itself in orbit with small bursts of energy. 
Scott C. Waring

Crow777 of Youtube states:
The lunar wave was filmed on the 20th of Sept. which makes this the 2nd predicted capture in a row. Also, Houston Skywatch, Randy and Crow meet via phone while trying to film the lunar wave. This clip shows three stars (lights) occulted or blocked by the moon. Lastly, footage of Saturn is shown filmed from both the east and west coast which demonstrates the angle difference.


Medieval Knight Found On Mars In NASA Photo, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 The photo above is enhanced, the photo below is original from NASA site, but is in False Color. NASA puts most their photos in black and white or false color to confuse the public into thinking it looks more red than it is. 

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This video was made by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube and shows what is either an alien body or a statue depicting one of the species of aliens that once existed on Mars. I believe I have seen this before, but forgot when. Probably last year. Nevertheless this is still an extraordinary discovery and a massive amount of evidence in itself. NASA will never admit the truth, but the public seems to be finding it very fast. Also it look like the alien is holding onto a shield. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states:
A bizarre artifact has been found on the red planet by the Mars Curiosity Rover. After studying this official NASA image i strongly believe that this artifact is possibly the carved top or lid of an ancient tomb. Possibly holding the remains of a martian knight, or king.


Old Man On A Chair On Mars Near NASA Rover, Sept 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2015
Location of discovery: Mars

At first, I had to laugh at this, but then I took a closer look and it was a very pleasant surprise. Streetcap1 of Youtube found what look like a old man with a beard and a whitish robe over his right shoulder. He also looks like he is sitting down, cross legged and watching the rover nearby. It looks like Streetcap1 and I are on the same page, because I found something similar I was going to post today, but I will save it for later this week. Very cool little guy. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states:
Notice the steps leading up to a platform, where what looks like a humanoid figure rests peacefully in a chair. Been there for millions of years maybe. Also above the steps is a 'built looking' construction. Maybe nothing, maybe something.

Two UFOs Near SOHO Satellite, Changes Direction, Sept 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Near SOHO satellite
Time: 19:42

Guys, I was looking through the LASCO 3 photos and found two UFO shoot past the SOHO satellite as it viewed the sun. The first moves so fast, it looks like it has a trail and it reveals how it made a hard left turn towards the satellite. The second just appeared after the first as if it were chasing the first UFO. 
Scott C. Waring


The Solar Obliteration Technique An Affordable Way of Seeing UFO's, UFO Sighting News.

Thanks to an earlier post, I became aware of a method for photographing UFOs with any normal camera, anywhere there is sky. This method is called the Solar Obliteration Technique. Just put your camera on a tripod (to keep it steady) and point it at the suns outer edges but not at the sun. The sun itself should be blocked by an over hanging object like a roof or tree. Then after recording the video review it on your computer and pause it often or put into slow motion to see if you caught a UFO. This is a very affordable UFO hunting technique and I myself have mentioned similar experience with the sun but during sunset when the suns rays bend a different direction right before it sets.

The person in the video below is a Michigan resident, "John Bro" Wilkie is a ex-military propulsion technician -- with extended experience in the sighting and documentation of UFOs. He is also the original author of 'Solar Obliteration' - and for this, has appeared on multiple television and radio segments including Coast To Coast AM-- for over a decade now. A longtime member of the Screen Actors Guild, 'John Bro' has also portrayed space aliens on several network Sci-Fi television shows -- including 'Star Trek: Voyager' and 'SPACE: Above and Beyond.' Visit John's websites: and