Date of discovery: January 4, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:
I was looking in a Gigipan photo of Mars and found some interesting things. One object was a cactus-like plant with a round flower on it. The other two objects were the skulls and necks of two different alien species. One skull looks to be intelligent and semi-human like. The other appears to be very similar to a tiger. Now please keep in mind, that these are fossils. Many people make the mistake and say how could a fossil survive for so long? Because fossils are made of minerals from nature. The minerals replace 100% of the body with themselves and leave a remaining fossil made 100% out of stone. Thus, stone can last forever. I also made a video at the bottom of this post for more details, sorry for the audio problem, made the video at work on the fly.
Scott C. Waring