Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gold. Show all posts


Alien Artifact Found On Mars Surface Near NASA Rover, Aug 29, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 29, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2011
NASA photo:

I was looking over some grey Mars photos taken by the rover, when I notices a carved object with an thick edge sticking out from under a rock. The object looks like its been carved using machines. The shape is like a rectangle but with a thick edge around one side. Its bewildering why NASA would not report such things. I'm sure their funding would multiply ten times if such alien artifacts were reported by them.
Scott C. Waring


Baby Blue Sky Seen On Mars In Many NASA Photos, Aug 2018, UFO Sighting News.

 Original photos, unedited! 

Date of discovery: August 24, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars

Source photos by spirit of blue sky on Mars below.

While searching through the NASA index of Mars photos, I happened to stumble upon a few that reveals the true color of the Mars sky. NASA usually takes the Mars photos and puts them into false color...which is very dark brown red. It also like to take photos and put them into black and white, to confuse the eyes. NASA often puts a note below red photos of Mars that they are in FALSE COLOR, so although NASA does this without an explanation...they do it letting the public know in the photo descriptions. False color makes the planet look red, like dark soil from a garden bag. 

Clouds on Mars, same as Earth, NASA Link:

In these photos I found we have a normal view of Mars. The colors of the rocks very between white and blue. The sky blue and cloudless, although I have reported clouds in the sky of Mars in the past, so they do exist. The sky, looks a lot like todays sky on Earth. I just wanted to let you in on a little secret that NASA doesn't want you to know about, or to see.

Why does NASA usually put Mars photos into FALSE COLOR? To prevent Mars from looking as hospitable as it really is. To make it look impossible to live on. To hide the blue sky and white clouds, normal earth-like ground so that other countries will not pool their resources and make their own mission to Mars without NASAs assistance. Imagine half of Mars claimed by China and the other half by Russia. That would be impossible for NASA to fight, so America would no longer allowed to build space stations on the red planet, unless they made serious payments to China or Russia.  
Scott C. Waring

Above is a false color photo that the public normally sees, but its fake, its not real but NASA gets away with it because they label the photos False Color and the public never asks why?

Below are the side by side view of Mars photos NASA released. So...Mars does have a blue sky like Earth and clouds like it may be more hospitable than scientists previously believed. 


UFO Cloaked In Cloud Caught In Santos City Philippines. July 10, 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 10, 2018
Location of sighting: General Santos, Philippines 

This awesome UFO was hiding above a cloud during sunset and for a few minutes the cloaked craft was visible to the naked eye. Such beautiful colors and notice the round disk edge of the craft. This looks to be at least 500 meters across. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Unfortunately, I had only one phone at hand, the "good" HD Camera is currently defective. The colors were actually much more intense ...


Moon size UFO recorded by NASA near Earths sun, July 31, 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 31, 2018
Location of sighting: Earths sun, SOHO images

Here is a moon size UFO near our sun this week. The UFO has several long arms, which makes me think this is a space station that wanders our solar system. Currently its near our sun because its trying to use some rare particles that the sun produces to power its craft and devices. Found in the SOHO NASA images, this UFO is just one of many per day that visit our sun. Some UFOs are many times bigger than this, yet go unreported, would the public react if they knew that not only were we not alone in our solar system, but UFOs bigger than earth itself commonly passed by our planet? The public would panic, suicide rates would skyrocket, alien religions like Scientology would become powerhouses in the religious sectors, anti alien groups would form and arm themselves. And what effect would this have on financial and judicial systems of the world? There would be chaos! Therefore the governments of the world remain silent. 
Scott C. Waring


Two UFO Over Mexico City Seen Close Up, Dec 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

These two UFOs are keeping perfect distances from one another. There are no strings or ropes, not advertising, so we know they are not balloons. The are metallic or at the least...reflective. The shapes are not that of balloons, but seem to be slowly changing. It was probably one UFO, but had slit up to explore apart. Notice how the UFOs have a very white, cloud like appearance? Perfect camouflage to hide in the sky. How long before the US military has craft that hover and make clouds to hide in?

Mexico has always been a UFO hotspot, so much so that even the ancient Aztecs and Mayans said the gods often moved through the sky and exited and entered through the volcanos. In other words, they saw the UFOs and mistook them for gods. Something advanced technology could easily do when near a civilisation no technologic advancements yet. 

Nice video reported by UFOVNI of Youtube. 
Scott C. Waring


Cube UFO As Big As Earth Returns To Sun, Dec 22, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 22, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

This cube UFO was caught by Youtube user UFONearSun. I have seen this UFO a hundred times over the last 5 years and it is a solid object. Look closely at the blue photo above. Notice anything strange? Did you notice the light extending out from the sun and around the cube? The light is going out further than other places around the sun. This means that the light is reflecting off the dark surface of the UFO and the UFO is getting hit by the suns heat. The object in space has solid mass and has some of the suns light reflecting around it. This is 100% proof that this is a real UFO. Sometimes we can even see 3 of its sides, but here we only see one. Aliens deliberately try to not expose more than one side to Earth, so confusion will continue at what it is. This UFO is so close to the sun, its easy to estimate its big or bigger than Earth itself.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


More Faces Found Near Mars Curiosity Rover, Recorded This Week! Dec 22, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 22, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars sol 1553
Camera: NAVcam Right B, taken Dec 18, 2016 18:39:35 UTC
Source 1:
Source 2:
Source 3: 

The hard thing about black and white photos is that its even more difficult for the mind to decern important detail. This is why NASA publishes these photos in black and white. Because they know that most people only see rocks. You need to train your brain to make it out. I have been debating if I should teach this or not, because what if NASA starts teaching what I instructed? Then what? I'm helping NASA so we never find artefacts again? No...I'm not ready for that. NASA has stolen my work before and used the discoveries to edit their photos using photoshop. Click here to view that post.

This one photo has not one, but three or more faces that just stand out like a drive through Jack In The Box Face staring right at you. These are close, and two of them are wearing a hat. One...a globular face has no hat, but its skin is very wrinkled, my favourite one of them all. 
Scott C. Waring

White Light UFO Over Mountain In Slovakia On Dec 19, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 19, 2016
Location of sighting: Slovakia

Just a few days ago, this glowing UFO was seen over a mountain top in Slovakia. UFOs tend to be seen over volcanos, like those in Mexico, and mountains, like those in Colorado. 

I myself recorded a similar UFO here in Taiwan, just a week after it was also seen in China. It glows as bright as the moon. Its huge, and just suddenly appears, then after 15 minutes its just gone! Absolutely mind blowing to know...they are watching you as you are watching them. 

Hey, I will include the video I took in 2013, here in Taiwan...right over my apartments...never saw it before and never saw it again.
Scott C. Waring


Spoon Found On Mars In Rover Photos In HD, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 21, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This is a fantastic discovery of an eating utensil near the Mars Curiosity rover. It was found by UFO Hunter of Youtube. The spoon is actually the second spoon to be found on Mars, and this one is an exact duplicate of the earlier discovery...there is almost no difference in the spoons found. They perfectly match! Also I explored the photo a little bit and found that in the upper left hand corner there was another eating utensil that resembles a spoon but with a triangle end to it. Now that could also be a stirrer or even a knife if you use the opposite end of it, but its dimensions match the spoon. Its length, width, and thickness all match the spoon. 

Remember we have found many faces on Mars, so there were many species, big and small on Mars. This one shows that the beings that used this spoon had hands similar size to our own. That would make them our size, how cool is that?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan.

Click here to view other spoon found on Mars, with a overboard floating near it. 


White UFO Over Fairborn, Ohio On Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 4, 2016, reported today.
Location of sighting: Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #80238

This is a fantastic catch. A wingless craft moves across a perfectly blue sky. The craft looks like a rocket, but has no contrail and moves way too slow to be a rocket. About 6X too slow. Its also not a meteorite, because of its speed which is about 10-15X too slow. It is an unidentified flying object. In every sense of the word, this is a UFO. I would be deeply interested in the flight data and radar records for Fairborn if that were at all possible.
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
I was at Maplewood Park in Fairborn, Ohio with my girl friend on the swings. I looked up and saw a shiny, pill shaped UFO fly overhead. It was completely silent and looked like it was really high in the air. I thought it was really odd to see an object flying so high in the air, not making any noise, and it was metallic. So I pulled out my cell and started recording right away. It went straight, at a steady pace, looked like it was floating across the sky. My girl friend and I just watched it and kept swinging. I'm not sure what I saw that day, maybe it was a satellite or a blimp. It makes me wonder because I was only a couple miles away from Wright-Patt Air Force Base. I lost sight of the object when it flew out of distance and on the other side of the tree.


UFO Fleet Moving Toward Beach Over Lake Michigan On 9-26-2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 9-26-2016
Location of sighting: Lake Michigan, USA

Lake Michigan is home to many UFO sightings over the years. Most of those are bright lights, usually orange, but these ones are moving to the shore. That make them unusual. Most the UFOs seen over this area in the past move up or down, but not toward the beach. This is amazing. I really like this video. I just wish we had a good close up of the craft. Wonderful video. We really need a live cam of Lake Michigan so we can keep an eye on this location. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states:
Mysterious lights in the sky over lake Michigan. They appear to be some kind of hovering aircraft, they move too slow to be airplanes. Video & Pictures by Ignacio Alvarez on Monday, September 26 2016. -The Photos you see at the end of the video were shot a week earlier.


Alien Golden Mask Found On Mars In HD Photo, Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

This golden alien artefact was found by Streetcap1 of Yotube. Its a magnificent discovery that shows the uniqueness of the alien culture that created it. There are a lot of signs of melted gold in this area, and a few broken structures made from this gold. This is proof that even aliens regarded gold to be more special that the normal black substance they normally made structures out of. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Streetcap1 states: 
Looks like a possible damaged sarcophagus with possible gold mask on Martian photograph. If you subscribe to the theory that Mars once had intelligent life and water, but suffered a major nuclear war, then this find is not beyond the realms of possibility. I have found a pyramid, large triangular craft etc... on Earth's Moon, so this to me is not as crazy as one might think. Streetcap1.


4 Major UFO Sightings Caught On Camera & Still Unexplained By Open Minds, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Here are four very interesting sightings that you might not have heard about. All have video evidence, and all have many witnesses, and have never been disproven. Awesome video, by Open Minds, and very enlightening. 
Scott C. Waring 

1. Bakersfield, California
In 2015 unidentified flying objects were spotted in the skies for a period of three months. 

2. Denver, Colorado
UFO's were seen at the mile city of Denver when one was caught on video by a local TV station.

3. Puerto Rico
The homeland security footage just might make you a believer.

4. Phoenix, Arizona 1997.


Germany Reports That Red Baron Shot Down UFO On 81st Mission! Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of event: 1917-1918
Location of event: French battle lines
News source:

Its possible that the Red Barons two front machine guns could have damaged not the UFO, but the airier antenna on the top center of the craft. Not all craft have this antenna, but Area 51 UFO nuclear engineer Bob Lazar said it controls steering of the craft. If this antenna was hit by the Baron, then yes, a UFO would lose control and be forced to land to make repairs. 
Scott C. Waring

German News states: 
He was already a living legend: ace Baron Manfred von Richthofen, also known as the "Red Baron" - because of its bright red painted aircraft. He is 80 victories as the best fighter of the First World War.

Was UFO his 81st launch?
But perhaps it was even 81 kills, as now the BILD newspaper speculates citing statements from a fellow aviators Richthofen. This would be the "Red Baron" the world's first aviators ever, the something is ever succeeded.

The assertion is Nigel Watson in his book "The UFO's of the First World War" (in German: "UFOs in World War I") on. Richthofen's Mate Peter Waitz Rick makes it such statements - he claims to have accompanied Richthofen on this patrol.

Large silver and disc-shaped object
As the morning broke up two in the spring when the weather from their airfield on a reconnaissance flight, said to have discovered von Richthofen a large silver disc-shaped object that was also lit in orange.

Without long to torches took von Richthofen chase - and shot the UFO from heaven. Two aliens should be then fled into a forest, writes the Bild newspaper.

With the history of Comrade von Richthofen's probably gone so late to the public because he did not know that it could have acted as an alien craft.


Aliens Warn Drillers Of Oil Field That Below Ground Is ET Base, April 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Religious Buddha Symbol Meaning Pure Goodness. 

Date of discovery: April 10, 2016, but is at least 50 years old.
Location of discovery: Whites Sands, New Mexico, USA
Google coordinates: 33°12’22.6″N 103°35’05.3″W

Lets start off with this, because its most important. This is not a symbol of Hitlers Nazis, but is the ancient buddha symbol that means pure goodness...thats thousands of years old. You see, the Nazi cross turns the other way...and thats why Hitler took the buddha symbol and flipped it backwards, so it would mean pure evil, but here in the photo above is the pure goodness buddha symbol. I think I visit enough temples in Taiwan to be able to tell. 

Also the writing in the rectangle above is alien symbols. The symbols are very similar to those found at the Roswell UFO crash on small metal beams and parts. 

This formation is 600 meters by 491 meters across says Google ruler, if you don't count the circle thats all the way around it. This is far out there in an area called White Sands. This sign is 40 miles East of Roswell, NM the famous crash site of a UFO. There are alien words in the rectangle above. Words that declare ownership of the area. The same kind of writing found on fragments of the UFO that crashed at Roswell 40 miles away. 

So, you ask, why are aliens writing here in the middle of New Mexico? Its easy. This is a waring. There are thousands of oil rigs set up in this location. The closest one is just 40 meters away. Drilling down, deep into the ground, right through the ceiling of the oil and even below cutting through the floors of the oil lakes, causing it to spill down into the underground base. Yes, this symbol is there as a warning to humans...not to damage their base underground. The symbol of pure good at its center means that they don't want to pose a threat to us, only to share the land...below the ground. 
Scott C. Waring