Showing posts with label spaceship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spaceship. Show all posts


UFO sighting of blue ball in sky, Tennessee 5-15-2010.

Event Date: 2010-05-15
Event Location: Cordova, Tennessee, US

Event Description: "I was at my house watching a storm in the distance through my window to see if it was headed this way. I was facing Eastward. The sky was overcast and no stars were visible but there was lightning far in the distance.

As i was watching the sky suddenly there was this blue tinged object that almost looked like a very bright star just appear out of nowhere traveling from left to right in my field of vision. There was no sparks or any kind of trail. There was no curvature to the flight path, i just flew very straight. There was also no sound or solid surface that i could hear or see.

It came in at a shallow angle towards the ground blinked 3 times and disappeared behind a house, but just as quickly came back up at a sharper angle then it had entered. It then changed angle again to a more level trajectory with the horizon and blinked 3 times again as it did so. It continued on to where i couldn't see it because the side of the house was in the way. The blinking was sequential in that the 6 blinks were as far as i could tell all the same duration.

I cannot say how far away or how big it was i just don't know. But i do know that it was below the clouds and moving very fast. As for feelings and reactions i was dumbstruck and stood for probably a couple minutes just trying to wrap my head around what i had just seen. I know 100% what it was not...It was not a plane, helicopter, or meteor. I see planes and helicopters all the time and i've actually seen lots of meteors and fireballs, but this was none of them.

Was it "ball lightning"...maybe but from the pictures i've seen of ball lightning and peoples descriptions of it...this looked nothing like it.

The first pic is a drawing i made in ms paint that shows the full path that i saw the object moving. The second pic is an actual photo taken maybe 5 minutes later of the area. I set the exposure to 15 seconds and increased the gamma so you can see the area clearly. In reality it was very dark outside."

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

politician admits UFO visitation and aliens are here, UFO sighting.

US politician admits UFO visitation and aliens are here

A U.S politician has admitted that UFO visitation is real and aliens have made contact with America’s leaders. The politician, Henry McElroy, a lifetime member of the Republican Party, has released a video statement regarding what he knows about aliens and UFOs.
McElroy is a former member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives but through his involvement with numerous committees on a national level came into contact with briefs regarding the extra-terrestrial issue. He claims that one such secret brief that he was able to examine was addressed to President Eisenhower and originated with the military.
The brief confirmed that Extra-terrestrials were present in the U.S and were seeking a meeting with President Eisenhower. The brief also noted that the E.Ts were benevolent and posed no threat to national security.
The video statement was made earlier this month.
McElroy is best known for sponsoring a new gold money bill in 2004, aiming to restore the use of gold and silver as currency in the state of New Hampshire.

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring

Montauk Monster ir alien DNA expeirment found on beach in Canada, UFO sighting news.

New Montauk Monster sighting? Bizarre creature washes up in small Ontario town on 21st May 2010.

Locals in a small Canadian town have been stumped by the appearance of a bizarre creature, which was dragged from a lake.
The animal, which has a long hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face, has prompted wild internet speculation that it is a more evolved version of the famous 'Montauk monster'.

The creature was discovered by two nurses in the town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while out on a walk with their dog.

The animal, which has a long hairy body with bald skin on its head, feet and face, has prompted wild internet speculation that it is a more evolved version of the famous 'Montauk monster'
When the dog began sniffing in the lake, the two women started investigating, before the dog pulled the dead animal out.
After taking some photographs of the odd animal, the nurses left it alone. When locals decided to go back and retrieve the body, it has disappeared.

The photographs have now been posted on a local website, with an explanation which reads: 'This creature was first discovered by Sam the Dog, a local dog.
'It was discovered first week of May in the creek section of town, hikers noticed Sam sniffing something in the water and they approached to see in what the Sam had detected and they noticed the creature in the water face down.

The creature was discovered by two nurses in the town of Kitchenuhmaykoosib in Ontario, Canada, while out on a walk with their dog
'The dog jumped in the lake and pulled the creature to the rocks and dragged it out for the hikers to see and these are the photos they took.

'The creature's tail is like a rat's tail and it is a foot long.'
There has been much speculation about what kind of species the animal is.

The body of the creature appears to look something like an otter, while its face - complete with long fang-like teeth, bears a striking resemblance to a boar-like animal.
Even the local police chief Donny Morris is baffled, saying: 'What it is, I don't know. I'm just as curious as everyone else.'
The pictures of the animal have caused mass speculation online, from bloggers who are all stumped as to what the creature could be.

One internet blogger wrote: 'That certainly is a face only a mother can love. It looks like some sort of otter, weasel-type thing.'
While another added: 'Some kind of mustelid - I thought otter first.
'Being in the water and bashed around has made the fur on the face and tail come off so clean like that.'

Many people have suggested the animal could be a new 'Montauk monster' - due to the similarities between these photographs and those of a different creature which washed up in Montauk, New York, in 2008.
The animal, which quickly earned the nickname the 'Montauk monster', thanks to the beach's location to a Long Island government animal testing facility, has never been officially identified - although the general consensus is that it was some kind of racoon.

However, other bloggers have speculated that the new creature discovered is a type of chupacabra, or 'goatsucker'.
The chupacabra is rumoured to inhabit parts of the U.S. , with many several hundred eyewitness accounts over the past few years.
But despite these sightings, the majority of biologists and wildlife experts believe the chupacabra is a contemporary legend.

--Please check out my books at, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring