Showing posts with label species. Show all posts
Showing posts with label species. Show all posts


UFOs Surround Colima Volcano Before Eruption, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 23, 2017
Location of sighting: Colima Volcano, Mexico
Live cam:

These UFOs were over Colima Volcano around the same time that the volcano erupted on live cam. Colima has been the site of thousands of UFO sightings, and most of those are still stored on Youtube today. Sometimes when its a larger UFO, the camera will actually go white screen, probably a deliberate method of aliens to stop themselves from being seen entering the volcano mouth. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
Best view this in 1080p as they are very far away. White ufos first then one dark ufo. Then 20 seconds later Colima Volcano Erupts. Streetcap1.


UFO Shoots Past Live Interview At Capital Hill, Jan 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 22, 2017
Location of sighting: Washington DC, USA
News Source:

This is a great find by UFOvni of Youtube. Its a UFO shooting past a guy giving an interview at Capital Hill. The white craft moves quickly from the left to the right side of the screen.  This is similar to what we saw at the Obama inauguration long ago on live CNN, but back then, even the CNN announcers noticed it and were trying to figure it out, but couldn't. This looks very similar. 

Strangely enough, the source video was gone, possibly deleted by CTV News after the UFO was made public, or maybe its just my location here in Taiwan. Some videos don't work outside the US. Can anyone confirm in comments inside the US if the video source works please? Thanks,
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Engine Found On Mars In Newest Photos From Mars, Jan 20, 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 20, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars Sol 1584
Source photo:

I found these two strange alien made artifacts in the latest Curiosity rover photos that came in today. The parts show that they were designed to serve a mechanical purpose of some sort. The round one even looks very similar to an electric engine. So, this is proof that aliens did have machines that could move and make their life easier. These two objects were once attached to one another and moved the longer a fan glad on a fan, but slower. 
Scott C. Waring


Many Alien Bodies Found In One Mars Photo, Proof Of Disastrous War, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Jan 17, 2017
Location of sighting: Mars
Source photo:

I dived into a Mars photo today and could not stop finding things in this one. So many artifacts and remnants of the culture that was once here. The body in the photo above is face turned away from us, but the back of the head, shoulders, neck and lower back are all visible, but what really blows my mind is that this body looks to have had its arms and lower body torn if from some crude metal weapons rather than lasers or phasers and such. 

There was some writing...because someone asked me about how often I find it, well, a lot. So here is another example of it below. The cutest object I found was a turtle like creature that looks alive and wandering around over some rocks. As you know, tortoises do live in the most extreme environments with temperatures that get up to 120+ degrees in places like Needles, California. LOL, I found a tortoise there once...then let it go.  I found a lot of things, only reported the best finds. There is still a lot more in this photo waiting from others to find them. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Guy Surprises UFO In His Back Yard In New Zealand, Jan 13, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 13, 2017
Location of sighting:  Rangiora, New Zealand
Source: MUFON #81538

The shape of this UFO is uneven like it has a deep thick indent going through it. The UFO was probably scouting the backyards of the community and was surprise that in the other yard when it noticed someone playing with their dog. Lucky for him he had a camera or he would most defiantly have missed it ever being there. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

I was trying to make my dog jump into the air to get an action shot of her, I do this often & end up with alot of bad photos. I was about to delete this off my camera when I noticed what looks like a large rock in the sky with a blue glow. I did not see this with my naked eye but wish I had so I could have zoomed in on it!


Alien spaceship over Italy, video shows green halo in the sky, Jan 9, 2017, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  January 9, 2017
Location of sighting: Italy

The green area of the UFO is the outer edges of the craft, the dark center is not a hole, but a window area or solid area that can be turned clear for observations.  The photo below shows the clear area on top of the UFO in the Rocca Pia, Italy case that lasted for decades. This new video makes me think the aliens below the castle at Rocca Pia are becoming interactive with humans again. This is good news.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states on Facebook:
UFO sighting of 9/1/2017 at about 19.38 hours. I don't know what was and what it is to call it but it is very strange. I was always in the company of my girl Angelica Scupola. Here's the video you do your considerations and especially tell me what I saw.


Spaceship Parked Near House Recorded By NASA Curiosity Rover This Today! Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 12, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, 200 meters North of Sebina
NASA source 1:
NASA source 2:

I found a spaceship parked near a house in todays most recent batch of Curiosity rover photos posted to their site. There were actually two different views of it in two photos. At first I only saw the house in the distance with its four long long rectangle dark window openings. Then I soon realizes that there was a space ship parked just a little ways from the house. 

You see, this is phycholoical manipulation that NASA has been playing for a long time. They take photos of mars and change the to a red color...they call it false color most the time, or they will only show black and white photos like here. Its very difficult for the untrained eye to make out any detail in a photo when its in black and white. 

Since childhood my favorite photographer in the world has been Ansel Adams and he only take photos in black and white, I have learned a lot from his photos. You see, when you change a landscape into black and white, some more prominent subjects that are obvious to the eyes are now, less so. Red objects become dark grey, yellow objects become white grey, both becoming less attention grabbing.  NASA is relying on the fact that most people have not learned to focus on the fine detail in back and white photos, but you can learn fast with effort. It just takes practice. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Ancient Foot Found On Mars With Muscles, Also Growing Rock, Alien Full Body Statue And More, Jan 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Can you see the alien foot?

Date of discovery: January 11, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found an alien foot, that has a lot of detail to it, which makes me believe that it is from a living being, not a foot of a statue. The rest of the body is gone. Its just nowhere to be found. I searched, but could not find it, so either the rest of the body was totally destroyed with the weapon that shot it, or when it was shot, only its foot was affected, which broke off, stuck to the ground while the being hobbled off best it could. You can see the muscles or bones in the side of the foot. You can also see that its big too (our big toe area) is much longer and similar in shape to our thumbs. 

I also found what appears like a round colorful rock with two leaves on each side of it. It was sitting on the very edge of a rock cliff. 

There was also an interesting statue, very primitive, naked, but clearly shows that it had two legs, to arms and a head with an extended back cranium. 

There was also some interesting writing. For us its just lines, but for them it had enough meaning to make it permanent. 

A large black odd shaped structure was also visible, but difficult to know for sure what it was used for. 

The more we find, the more questions we have. 
Scott C. Waring, Taiwan

Below are three screenshots of a rock flower. An object that looks like a rock, but blooms and can even move very slowly. For you remember the Mars donut? Or another example is the living yellow rocks found in Apollo 20 mission and were retrieved. 

 Below is another example of the alien writing on this planet. 

Below are two important items, an alien statue standing upright, but wit an extended cranium. Also a big cat face in the lower right, bigger than the statue.

Dark Triangle UFO Over Neighbourhood In Louisville, Kentucky Following Google Map Car, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: January 2017
Location of sighting: Louisville, Kentucky, USA
Source: MUFON #81433

This is a cool report, but was lacking the Google coordinates to confirm it. I luckily found the coordinates and yes, the triangle UFO is there. At the coordinates of 38° 6'23.28"N 85°51'20.04"W if you go into street view by dragging and dropping the orange person icon in this location, you will notice a dark UFO hanging over a white house. I look around the neighborhood on street view and found that the dark triangle was following the Google car for a little ways. The triangle was sometimes in front of the trees, meaning its size was only about 1 meter from corner to corner. It was probably cloaked, but the Google cameras digital eye caught it. Google has a program that blurs faces, license plates and apparently UFOs now. If you notice the blur over the window and the blur over the UFO appear to be made by the same cover up tool.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
My son was looking for his phone and realize it was on his bed, when he picked it up google satellite was some how pulled up on his phone, he was like what the heck .. so he started looking at what the satellite map was on.. he realized it was on our house, he was shocked to see a object hovering over our house.. the object appears to be triangle in shape and brown in color... he snapped shot from different angles ... I am not sure what this object is, it could be a leaf or something on the satellite lens... but looks to be a UFO.., would love for your team to look at pictures and let us know if this is a object on the lens or if a UFO was really over our house!
Below, notice the UFO is in front of the trees and is a perfect triangle. 


Dyson Sphere Found Near Aquarius Constellation Using Google Sky Map, Jan 2017, PHOTOs, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 10, 2017
Location of discovery:  Near Aquarius
Google Sky Coordinates: 22h35m54.80s -4 25'27.22"

Looking through Google sky is a lot of fun. Its a bit slower that Google Mars or Moon to find an alien structure, but when you do, its well worth the effort. 

This is an alien megastructure...also known as a Dyson sphere. That is a megastructure that completely encompasses a star and captures most or all of its energy output. It makes sense, since the more technologically advanced a species grows, the more dependent on energy that species becomes.You can see the light of the sun...which is a green light shining through the gaps in one side of the sphere. These gaps may be unfinished areas, since it take millions of years to construct, or it could have been made that way so ships can travel easily in and out. You see, the inside of the Dyson sphere would have the the inside area that is 600 million times that we have on Earth. That is a lot of room for a lot of people. 

Sure it might take a long time to build such a large sphere, but if aliens constructed millions of robots, they could work 24/7 for a million years and probably finish it. They could even mine their own materials and construct their own materials. Then...the aliens just wait for the work to be finished, while they do something more important with their times.
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Statues On Mars And Solid Gold Writing Found, Jan 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: January 2017
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

I found this statue of a person that is similar to some ancient sculptures on Earth long ago. The statue also has a second one near it, its face I made yellow and the other orange to help you see it better. There was also a gold world...I say gold, because the material is gold, which I find a lot in NASA photos. Near the single gold word is a drawing in gold of a bull. Also a few tiny structures, but the entrances are in the shape of faces and the doors are the mouth area. There was also a single bone laying out on the surface. I do not believe that NASA could explain any of this away, even if they tried. 

This are of Mars is so odd, I am wondering about all the broken structures...they look more like intelligent tiny creatures the size of termites made them. Have you ever seen termite mounds above the ground? This is what some of their larger structures look like, but with levels. This species seems to have a hive mentality, working together to create a hive mind...something that humanity will have difficulty relating too since each person try to emphasis their own individuality. This difficulty we have, may also be making us overlook important evidence right in front of the NASA rovers.
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan