Date of discovery: April 26, 2017
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1677, Nav Cam Right B
Date of photo: Taken at 25 April 2017 07:08:02 UTC
NASA Source:
I found two little faces next to each other and both different species in the newest Curiosity rover photo. The face in the photo above on the far left has dark black large eyes, ear, nose, mouth, chin, and tall forehead...the statue is not much different than those found on Easter Island, except this one is about 6 inches tall. The face to the left of it is that of a feline species (cat) and has a pronounced nose, mouth, chin, and eyebrows.
There was also a crab/spider life form not far away. Perhaps this is why NASA always puts these photos in black and white, so we have a harder time without the colors to help us.
Scott C. Waring