Showing posts with label tall whites. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tall whites. Show all posts


Hundreds of Giant UFOs Orbiting Our Sun, NASA/SOHO Images Confirm. Nov 29, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 29, 2016  02:25:30
Location of sighting: Earths sun
NASA photo URL:

While looking over some SOHO images I decided to enlarge some of the UFOs in the photo. Now please know, the UFOs in each photo are different because the sun is rotating, and there are a lot of moon size and earth size UFOs around our sun. 

Back about 10 years ago, two Russian scientists announced that they have found hundreds of UFOs orbiting Earths sun at any given moment in time. That these UFOs can increase and decrease speeds for no reason, and that they can make sudden right turns at speeds that should be impossible, especially for a moon size UFO. Now, are these unmanned giant drones sent to get energy for planets far away? I would say yes, but they don't have to be unmanned if their technology can protect them from the incredible heat. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Alien Walled City Found On Mars, Lets Talk About Why NASA Shuts Up About It, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: November 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source NASA photo:

This walled city was found by Martian Archeology of Youtube and his name really fits. He found an ancient city with walls on all sides, but a small space between the walls. This is impossible to form this large in nature, but for intelligent beings...its the norm. 

You are asking yourself why NASA would not reveal such evidence to the public, correct? Its because if they keep the public in the dark, then they have can leak tiny discoveries to the public in order to keep their NASA funding budge and satisfy the publics curiosity about space. They will also not be pushed, or made to rush to Mars and other planets and moons if the other 194 countries on Earth are not aware of the alien civilisations that are out there, and the technology and abandoned bases, spaceships and energy germinators, mining facilities and space stations to be found. NASA wants to get there first to lay keep the US #1...otherwise a tiny country like...say...Taiwan could make a maned mission to Mars and make friends with an advanced alien race, gaining weapons and technology that would give them world power over night. you understand why NASA shuts up about life out there?
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

UFO Shoots Out Of Sun On NASA Camera, Nov 27, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths sun
Source Photo:

This UFO shot out of the sun yesterday but was seen by Streetcap1 of Youtube. The UFO may have been using the suns energy to fuel itself or to recharge in some way, but its leaving at high speed. Notice that the UFO is a glowing white, but the suns plasma is a yellow. This tells us the craft is made from a different material than the suns surface. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
The fact that the UFO is a different color and shape to the rest of the 'Connected Line' is what convinced me to upload this. I was not a great believer in this Plasma SUN Energy Theory, but this has got me thinking. Streetcap1.


Two Wheels Found On Mars Surface Near Rover, Sol 729, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 729

This excellent discovery was reported by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. Its a pair of wheels on the side of a hill on Mars. The wheels are very similar to mine cart axels and train axels. This is absolute proof that beings on Mars did make advanced forms of transportation. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible of Youtube States: 
A remarkable image photographed by mars curiosity rover, appears to show a wheel and axel on the surface of the red planet. As we zoom in, we can clearly see two circular objects in parallel, very similar in design to a wheel and axel. The object, clearly looks out of place in the martian landscape, and is clearly recognizable among the rocks.

As you can see with these filtered images, the object is definitely not natural, and instantly stands out as artificial. Could this be final proof of past life on the red planet. or can the anomaly be explained away, as only tricks of light and shadow.


How To Find 3 Alien Bases On Google Moon Map, Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

1st building: 21° 0'55.18"N 17°43'42.90"E
2nd building: 20°17'44.22"N 18°38'50.18"E
3rd building: 23°34'40.40"N 16°55'9.44"E
Date of discovery: Nov 26, 2016
Method used: Google Moon Map (free version)

While using Google Earth, I found a few structures made from black non reflective material. The black structures really stand out so when Google deliberately blurred the map, the dark areas were not affect so much. 
Scott C. Waring


Alien influence in historic works of art of the Bible, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of painting: 1600s
Artist who made painting: Ventura Salimbeni

Aliens have influence our lives it more ways that most are aware. Here an artist painted the Sputnik satellite 450 years before it was created. It also closely resembles a lot of the UFOs seen around the world...especially the ones we call cloud orbs.  The artists must have hand some mental visions given to him from an alien...much like the famous french warrior Joan of Arc had in the 1400s. Aliens can, do and have mentally manipulated humans since the beginning of our existence. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Video states: 
Alien influence in historic works of art of the Bible? Why are there UFO like objects in the Glorification of the Eucharist?

What is a machine resembling the Sputnik satellite doing in a painting from the year 1600?

Ventura Salimbeni of the 16th and 17th century was assigned to do three painting for a church in Tuscany, Italy. Out of the three, he did one very odd looking one.

The painting, which is quite large and still stands today. The top of the painting is said to be symbolic of God the Father and God the Son with scepters touching what was known as the universe.

The thing is...this just looks a little bit too uncanny for symbolic reference. 

If the sphere is said to represent the universe, why did the painter not include any stars or other celestial objects?...and why does the sphere seem to reflect light much like an actual shiny ball would?
The ball even appears to have seams that hold it together.

The strangest and most outlandish part of it all are the two quote "scepters" that stick out from the top of the object. 

These scepters bear absolutely no resemblance what one would have looked like at the time. 

In fact...they even look engineered to be antennaes. Look at the base of each of them and how they are slightly wider as they connect with the object. They even get thinner as they reach their end...perfectly resembling an antennae. 

They even look as if they have a "telescoping" like design...such as if they could shorten away when not needed and expand when needed.

Plus, there are two of them...two of them positioned in a way to maximize radio wave transmission.

What exactly was the vision the artist saw when he painted this work of art? What inspired him? This is truly odd.

White Alien buildings Found On Earths Moon, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, 

These white ceramic like buildings are very common on most moons and planets in our solar system. Here are some nice close ups of these buildings, very similar to that which is found also on dwarf planet Ceres...except that one is a white cube pyramid surround by tiny white structures. They look like normal structures like we might see on Google Earth map...I guess aliens are not so different from us after all.
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 of Youtube states: 
The thumbnail is of the Luna 17 lander which nasa released today. The linked photo I found by reading the text on where it landed and getting the very large original photo. I could not find the lander but found these instead. Streetcap1.


Fast White UFO over Melbourne 20th of November 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 20, 2016
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia
Video recorded by: Peter Maxwell Slattery

Check out the speed on this UFO. The white reflective surface of it prevents us from getting a clear view of it, and allows it to blend into the clouds easily to hide. 

This UFO is over Australia, yet its the same type of ship that is seen by thousands over Denver, Colorado in the US. The alien species that uses this type of UFO probably have several bases located in the Australian outback. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Alien Cities Found On Venus IS 100% Proof Venus Is Inhabited Now. Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 24, 2016
Location of sighting: Venus

This is a great video that shows structures on Venus. Theres structures were made into computer renderings to make them more clear. Recorded but he Magellan probe, few people care to look for structures in this map, but the fact is, its easy to find them here. Much easier than on moon maps. 
Scott C. Waring

Mondodesconocido of Youtube states: 
The Magellan probe sent to Venus that operated in the late 80s and 90s, collected an enormous amount of images that have finally been published by NASA in which huge cities, artificial structures and all kinds of elements that seem to obey constructions appear intelligent effected by some kind of alien race that inhabited or colonized the second planet in our solar system, in the following video, we show those buildings that we have found and their interpretations in 3 Dimensions of them. The Link where the maps is as follows, where you can check yourself the images shown in the video as well as find new locations with suspiciously artificial elements.

Giant UFO Passes Venus And Sun, Caught On SOHO Images, Nov 18, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 18, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

A very long UFO passed by the SOHO/NASA satellite on the 18th of Nov. It was caught by Streetcap1 of Youtube and is clearly long rectangular shape. 

Certainly a ship like this looks boring, but anti gravity tech could make an elephant fly, so some alien species will focus on efficiency over aesthetic beauty. You could understand how one would be more useful than the other. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Fleet Easily Seen On Moons Horizon With Camera, Nov 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2016
Location of sighting: Earths moon

Its been known by a lot of astronomers that if the edge of the moon is observers well enough, you will see fleets of UFOs in orbit move around the moons horizon. These objects are clearly in orbit around the moon and may be there to protect the moon from humanity. 

We haven't been back to the moon since the Apollo missions, and there is no intention of going back. Many Apollo astronauts have stated that they saw UFOs near on and near the moon, so maybe these objects are a form of protection from future Apollo missions landing on the moon. It may be owned by a species thats not so friendly about sharing. 

The video was recorded by Geril Vigil of Youtube, but brought to my attention by Mister Enigma of Youtube
Scott C. Waring

White Structure On Dwarf Planet Ceres Comes Into Focus...Its A Giant Base! Nov 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Nov 21, 2016, photo taken Nov 15, 2016
Location of discovery: Dwarf Planet Ceres

This is the dwarf planet Ceres and this photo was released by NASA just this week, so its as fresh as it gets. I noticed they had a great shot of the white spots on Ceres, so I decided to have a go at it. 

I only added shadow to the photo to bring it into focus. The white ceramic-like surface of the building is difficult to see unless its I made it darker. 

As you can see, the largest of the white spots came into focus and is really a massive building complex. There is a tall main part of the building that is like a mountain at its center. Around that building, there are a lot of small vining out buildings surrounding it. 

This is what NASA didn't want you to see. 

As I have said before, there are three main types of buildings on planets, moons and asteroids. The black non-reflective chaotic structures...appear to be grown instead of made. The smaller white ceramic bright white structures, clearly not grown, but made. And then the smallest of all the buildings, the grey metal structures which are often seen surrounding the edges of the tall black buildings. 

Ceres is controlled by a species that only uses the white ceramic structures...which means one main species is in control of it. Its my guess that the Tall White alien species who were given a small part of Nellis AFB to live, also are the inventors of this white ceramic material used for many structures. It just makes sense. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Seen Over Phoenix, Arizona Gets On Local TV News, Oct 2016, 2 Videos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 28, 2016
Location of sighting: Phoenix, Arizona, USA
News source:

These UFOs are controlled by the Tall alien species given an allotment of land for an underground base behind the old shooting range of Nellis AFB.  What we are seeing, is several Tall White UFOs going out to meet another incoming UFO and safely escort it in, an important Tall Whites ship entering the base. Much like a military escort of sorts, since the Tall Whites will always be a bit concerned about the safety of their children when near humans...and US military has the armaments to cause them a significant threat. Tall Whites are overly protective of their youth, which are probably on the ship that was coming in. How protective, take a Klingon from Star Trek and amplify its anger by 5X and you got a protective parent Tall White Alien, 3 meters tall. Tall Whites are about 2 meters tall until age 400 years, which is the moment they are considered an adult. Also for its reaction speed is 3X the speed of a human. Info from Charles Hall, employed to work with the Tall Whites for 2 years. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
After a night like Tuesday night, a lot more people will be keeping their eye to the sky.

The internet exploded with pictures, videos and claims of a UFO sighting over the East Valley.

So what was it? A comet? Space junk? Airplanes? Give us your thoughts on our UFO poll.

"With the air traffic patterns in the Valley, what we see are a lot of stacked aircraft that are coming into Sky Harbor," said Dr. Sky, a TV personality and radio host of a talk show that's syndicated across the country and in Canada.

The topic of discussion on his show -- outer space and the universe.

"[Airplanes are] a possibility," he said, adding it doesn't look quite right.

"I'm 41 years old. I've seen a lot of things in the sky," said Christinna Herrmann. "This is nothing I've seen before."

So, was it a UFO?

"Anything that you, or people, saw that we call a UFO is simply accurate," said Dr. Sky, solely because we were not able to identify it.

So, was it aliens?

"Firmly I believe that we already know about alien visitation," Dr. Sky said, citing the Roswell incident from the 1940s. "We're going to continue to search for what [everyone] saw in the skies of Arizona."



Fleet of UFOs Pass Over Yellowstone Park On Live Cam! Aug 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Aug 27, 2016
Location of sighting: Yellowstone Park, USA

This is the most breathtaking and detailed UFO sighting all year long! It was caught when Jeanette Foresta of Youtube was watching the live cam and caught a whole fleet of UFOs passing over Yellowstone on live cam. At least one UFO (first photo above) is a TR3B type UFO but is over 100 meters across! As it moves, it actually rotates, just like disk do. The shape corners are darker...signs of a TR3B when light speed engines are turned off. When it powers up, those three ends will glow like white suns, also the center top and bottom will glow (4 white balls of light at once). 

Behind it is one disk. You can also see the light reflecting off its metal sides and what looks like sever other TR3B 100 meter UFOs further away. 

Jeanette Foresta has recorded Yellowstone and posted it to Youtube many times before over the years, so this is not a fake, she keeps a watchful eye over this area of the park. 

Yellowstone park was allotted 3,468 square miles of land, by the US government, so obviously the US knows about an active alien base or bases in this area, and hoped that stoping construction would limit human activity in the area. 

This is the highlight of my month...maybe my whole year of reporting. I live for moments like this. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I have another one ready to make public. Let's give it a minute aye? It's the same. Maybe you want to take a better look at them all. :)

I took the mouse halo out which was in the very first video I did of this, a few months ago. It was kinda in the way. I felt I should do a better job of it because it's a once in a lifetime capture -Maybe? :)


Donald Trump Face Found On Mars In NASA Rover Photo, Is He An Alien? UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 1, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 2010, Opportunity rover
Source NASA Photo:

I have found Trumps face on Mars in an Opportunity rover photo. The face, nose and hair looked so much like Trumps that I had to share it with you. The photo below has his face super imposed upon the rock so that you can see the incredible detail. Is this a symbol of an alien in the Mars culture that had power and that cause the people of this planet to feel empowered, enough to make his face permanently in the scenery. Is this a sign that Trump is an alien, or decided from the aliens on Mars? Possibly. He does seem to have a magical power in his voice that causes mass hysteria and loyalty. 

There was a case long ago in Rocca Pia, Italy where aliens met with humans there for several decades (click here to read). They called themselves the W56, and said there was another group called the CTR. The CTR was said to exploit the human race for financial gains. I am wonder if Trump is a member of the CTR. 
Scott C. Waring 新北市新莊區幸福路, 台灣


Two UFOs Flying Into Military Owned Land, Tall White Alien Ships Inbound, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Holy cow! Did you see that? Check out Steven Barones video below that shows two UFOs flying into Nellis AFB privately owned land. Thats right, this area is 100% military and only they can come and go, but these are not fighter jets. These are Tall White alien ships. The base of the Tall Whites is located at the end of the Nellis old firing range, which is mostly out of sight from Los Vegas, but object flying in to it will always be within view. 
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone states:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of July 28, 2016, and the older clip in the same spot on November 12, 2015.

Last night was very stormy all the way around the city. There were moments where it wasn't too bad but when you combine the lightning and wind with a daytime temperature of over 115 degrees you know the night isn't going to be very productive. I only took the night vision camera out because it can handle a little wind. I wasn't seeing anything so for the fun of it I aimed the night vision camera at a mountain which is only about six miles away and that is to the top of the mountain and not the base. I aimed the night vision camera that way because of an earlier video I caught right there. I included a small portion of the older video in this one because both events happened in the same spot. I don't know what it was I filmed last night but I don't think it was a meteorite or I would have seen it the entire time. It only showed up for a fraction of a second. I am publishing it because it came down where the older objects did. Ironically it was facing the exact direction to the north where Area 51 would be. I do believe these objects were much closer than Area 51 though. From my home to the center of the base at Area 51 is 77 miles in a straight line. I ended having to come back into the house because it was getting even windier and the lightning was getting closer.


Tall Whites ETs Have UFO Escorts For Incoming Ship To Tall Whites Base Inside Old Firing Range At Nellis AFB.

Date of sighting: July 21, 2016
Location of sighting: Nellis AFB, Nevada

Charles Hall worked at the Tall Whites base in Nellis AFB, its located at the end of the old firing range...the location of these UFOs seen in the video below. What we are seeing, is several Tall White UFOs going out to meet and safely escort in, an important Tall Whites ship entering the base. Much like a military escort of sorts, since the Tall Whites will always be a bit concerned about the safety of their children when near humans...and US military has the armaments to cause them a significant threat. 

Oh...message to Tall Whites, come to Taiwan,  I want to meet you guys. 
Scott C. Waring 

Steven Barone states:
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of July 20, 2016. Red Flag is the U.S. Air Force's premier air-to-air combat training exercise and is happening from July 11 through July 29, 2016, this year so I have eight more days where unusual things like this can happen. Participants often include both the United States and allied nations' combat air forces. The exercise provides aircrews the experience of multiple, intensive air combat sorties in the safety of a training environment. Of course, this can happen whether Red Flag Exercises are happening or not. This most likely happened out on the Nellis Test Range. Very strange indeed!


UFO Caught Exiting Alien Base New Volcano In Mexico, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 17, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico volcano

This UFO was caught on infrared video over a volcano in Mexico last month and shows a long UFO shooting away fast from the volcano area. Although it didn't come from the volcanos mouth, it only means that aliens are now using alternate exists around the volcano to slow down the attention that they have been getting.  
Scott C. Waring

British Cop Witnesses TALL WHITE Aliens Inspecting Fresh Crop Circle In 2009, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 2009
Location of sighting: Wiltshire, England
New source:

This sounds like an amazing sighting, and I have never heard about it before. Any info about tall whites helps a lot. The police officer says that they moved oddly, which the do, because the shape of their leg (from the knee down) actually goes opposite direction from ours, but some kind of holo-emitter makes it appear human like, but they still cannot mask their odd walk. 

Here is an example of a real tall white youth caught by the Google Earth camera at a Mexico pyramid. Its since been deleted by Google but still exists on the net. Notice her legs? Those are the legs of a tall white, and her size says she is under 400 years old. Above 400 they grow another meter tall, until about 700 where they die a natural aged death.
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
Not many people know this, but back in 2009 a British police officer witnessed ‘Alien Beings’ inspecting a fresh crop circle in a middle of a field!

The Police Sergeant who has not been named, witnessed the event back in 2009.  The Policeman was off duty at the time when he noticed the unusual ‘Beings’ in the field.

The Police Officer pulled his car over and walked over to the field to see what was going on as he apparently had a ‘strange’ feeling about what he was seeing.  

However, as he approached the ‘men’ — who were all way over 6ft tall with long blond hair – he suddenly heard “the sound of static electricity” and the trio ran away ”faster than any man he had ever seen” so fast that it apparently almost seemed ‘unreal’.
Leaving the scene of the strange event the Police Officer jumped quickly back into his car and travelled back home to Marlborough, Wiltshire, and then contacted paranormal experts and told them he had spotted a UFO.

Not surprisingly the Police force that the Officer works for, refused to comment at the time and stated “That it was a personal matter!”

The unnamed Police Officer asked for support off a Gentleman called Andrew Russell who is a Crop Circle Investigator.

Andrew described in detail what the Police officer saw on that unusual day:
​”At first he thought they were forensic officers as they were dressed in white coveralls. He stopped his car and approached the field. ‘The figures were all over 6ft and had blond hair. They seemed to be inspecting the crop. When he got to the edge of the field he heard what he believed to be a sound not dissimilar to static electricity.

”This crackling noise seemed to be running through the field and the crop was moving gently, close to where the noise was.

”He shouted to the figures who, at first, ignored him, not glancing at him. When he tried to enter the field they looked up and began running.

”He said; ‘They ran faster than any man I have ever seen. I’m no slouch but they were moving so fast. I looked away for a second and when I looked back they were gone.

”I then got scared. The noise was still around but I got an uneasy feeling and headed for the car. For the rest of the day I had a pounding headache I couldn’t shift.”
This strange incident happened on July 6th as the Police Officer was driving down the road.  Apparently the three very tall figures were inspecting the odd-shaped Crop Circle in the field. 

They all appeared deeply interested and analyzing the Crop Circle – was it them who made it, or possibly was it their fellow colleagues from a far!?
The crop circle had been there in the field for a few days before this incident.

When the Police Officer walked over the unusual beings, they suddenly become ‘disturbed’ looking and ran off at speeds beyond the Officers belief! As soon as he looked away for a split second they were ‘gone’

A spokesman for Wiltshire Police said:
”The police officer was apparently off duty when this happened so we have no comment to make because it is a personal not a police matter.”

Another Crop Circle Expert, Colin Andrews, who investigated the incident alongside Andrew Russell, said he is ”convinced” by the police officer’s story and does not see any reason at all why the Officer would of made this story up!

”I am quite convinced the officer had an experience that day and one that we have not fully explored.” I think with the unusual movement of the being and the poltergeist experiences there is too much additional information to say that is something in nothing.” He said

Some have suspected that this was the Tall White Aliens that the Officer had witnessed. The Tall whites have even been acknowledged by Edward Snowden, who believes that they are very much in contact with Planet Earth and watching our every move.