Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weather. Show all posts


UFO Over Mount Shasta Is Supply Ship For 12,000 Year Old Alien Base! March 2017, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2017
Location of sighting:  Mount Shasta, California, USA

This UFO showed up over Mount Shasta, a famous religious mountain where many have claimed to see people surrounded by an aura around there body. Many who have climbed the mountain trails have said they encounter beings along the way that claimed to be from an underground city below the mountain that is over 12,000 years old! One appeared to be Saint Germain. (click here on more info on that encounter). This UFO over the mountain was there to pick up and deliver goods, supplies and passengers to this ancient city. I am sure you have heard of these stories before. I myself first heard about them over 35 years ago. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Shoots Out of UFO Shaped Cloud In Arizona On Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  Dec 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Arizona, USA

In this video, we see a bright light shooting upward into the clouds from a UFO disk dark cloud. Arizona is a famous hotspot for UFOs and alien bases, so its nice to get this substantial evidence of their existence in that area. This is an alien ship, shooting off through the clouds, leaving earth. It almost looks like a meteorite, but its not falling, its going up! Did you notice that the cloud the UFO comes from looks like a giant disk cloud? 
Scott C. Waring



UFO Shoots Below Motorcycle While Jumping On Video! Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Unknown 2016?
Location of sighting: Unknown China?

There is very little about this video we know for sure, but its unique in that its a motocross biker thats making an unusually dangerous jump. As the rider gets into mid jump, a UFO shoots past him. Why? Because he is risking his life doing what he loves, and aliens love that. Thats something that they do not fully understand...taking risks. Aliens have lifetimes that are either incredibly long, or infinite, but accidents do take their they calculate the risks of everything in their heads before they do anything. Imagine calculating risks as you cross the street, then again as you pass a homeless guy talking to himself, then again as you walk under a construction crane (lots in my neighbourhood). Thats what they do. They calculate the odds before they ever take a risk, but no humans. That makes us unique and worthy of more studying. 
Scott C. Waring

Bizarre Spherical “Death Star” Cloud Hovers Over Japan On Dec 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Fujisawa, Japan

This sphere cloud was was seen over Japan last week and its holding together especially well. Clouds like this are often made by UFOs that want to hide, yet come especially close so they can scan and observe the humans on the ground. The unique thing about clouds made by UFOs is that they can hold together for hours, where most clouds change shape second by second. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

News states: 
UFOmania States: Japanese news site Rocket News has reported the appearance of a bizarre spherical cloud seen hovering above a train station in the town of Fujisawa just south of Tokyo. Some of the photos of the cloud show an otherwise clear blue sky, with the otherworldly orb of cloud floating ominously low to the ground.


Ancient Submarine Found On Mars Surface In NASA Photo, Dec 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2016
Location of discovery:  Mars
Source photo:  MSL1272

This alien artefact was found by Mars Moon Space TV of Youtube. The object looks like a submarine. You can see that parts of its outer hull have broken open and exposed the inner levels of the vessel. Again this week (and we have heard this every month for two years now) NASA has said there were lakes and oceans on the surface of Mars. This vessel was probably a craft that sailed that ocean long ago. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Forms Giant Worm Hole Over Norway Turning Night Into Day, Dec 2016, Three Videos, UFO Sighting News.

The UFO is forming a black hole around you see? Its not exploding, its creating the hole first...the it will enter with a flash of light and the hole is gone. 

Date of sighting: December 2016
Location of sighting: Phaethon, Norway
Photo source:

What you see here is a UFO opening up a wormhole to just disappear. As proof I would like you to see the photo above. I added light and all around the UFO, you see blackness. Its not natural...its a black hole being formed by the UFO to shoot through time and space. Some alien was too lazy to leave Earths orbit and just took off in one hell of a hurry. 

This is not the only worm hole to form over Norway, back in Dec of 2009 when President Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize for things he had not done yet, just months after he became president. Aliens made the wormhole to come to the Nobel ceremony...a sign of their approval...since aliens controlled the Nobel Peace Prize judging board that year. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


UFO Over Small City In Argentina Gets Locals Concerned, Dec 2, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2, 2016
Location of sighting: Cerro Los Blanquitos, Argentina 

This glowing UFO is similar to both the UFOs seen by thousands over the mountains of Denver, Colorado and the UFO that was seen at a ancient temple thousands of years old, Dome of Rock, which was also seen by thousands. You may call them angelic beings, but I call them a highly evolved alien species, which have a position that humanity may one day share. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata states: 
** This isn't the first time that Roberto Ruiz has an experience like the one on Thursday, when he went out to photograph a storm. Watch the video**

Photographer Roberto Ruiz from Jáchal (San Juan Province) witnessed a luminous object in the skies over his hometown on Thursday night, when he went out with his colleague Nito Martín to photograph the storm.

Their lenses were aimed at Cerro Los Blanquitos around ten o'clock at night, when a powerful greenish light became visible at the mountain's crest. According the eyewitnesses, the object moved and later vanished behind the summit.

This is not the first time that the photojournalist has had a similar experience. In August 1984, Ruiz alleedly saw a UFO from the window of a plane on which he was flying.

UFO Appears And Disappears Over Brazil December 5, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 5, 2016
Location of sighting: Brazil

Here is a video posted on Youtube by user Gagare1952. The video shows a UFO that is making a cloud trail. Its telepathic emotion sensors realised that someone had noticed it, so it immediately you see in the video below. 

Have you ever seen such a UFO in the sky, only to have it disappear with seconds of noticing it? Yes, you have, and so have most the population on Earth. Out of sight, out of mind. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Hovering Over NYC On Nov 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Nov 1, 2016
Location of sighting: New York City, NY, USA

Here is s UFO that hovers in place and is clearly not a drone or plane. It was recorded by Brianf121 of Youtube. The object appears to want to look like it has plane lights on, and yet, its not moving. Its a nice camouflage, but lucky for us, someone noticed it hanging there. Some UFOs do have the ability to change their outside appearance with lights or hologram imagery, to make themselves appear as a normal plane.

Eyewitness states: 
Not sure if this was a UFO or not.


Guy Asks UFOs To Come Closer...And They Did, Nov 1, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: November 1, 2016
Location of sighting: Lansing, Michigan, USA

Updated on Nov3, 2016: DWC Coffman stated, "Scott Waring thank u for the kind words. stay positive and get some energy crystals and focus your mind and heart on the benevolence. Alot of ppl would say I'm nuts but they haven't lived my life I assure u the archangels and the prime creator are 5th dimensional space brothers." The he continued..."I actually have had a life full of paranormal and I meditate and focus my vibrations and thoughts on them and light and have many pics of ufo's over my house so no I wasn't concerned. I could tell u some things that would make your skin crawl that have happened to me even this summer."

Here is an interesting video of a man using meditation and focus to call the orbs over to his area. It them come when he asks them too. Its really rare to see this many UFOs come when a person summons them. Usually just one will appear. This person...DWC Coffman of Youtube, must be a very focused and pure hearted person at this moment in time. Does summoning work, yes, I have done it myself, but only a single UFO came. This is spectacular. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Forgive my speaking I talked to them while I meditate and they always show up, I have many photos.

Alien Face Near Alien Base In Copernicus Crater, Lunar Orbiter V photo, June 2013. UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 11, 2013
Date of image: August 1967
Location of discovery: Copernicus Crater, Earths Moon
Mission: US Lunar Orbiter V

Let me repost this old discovery I made back in 2013. I believe that it's important and a lot of todays readers might not have seen it before. Thanks,
SCW, Nov 2, 2016

This structure seems to stand out from the rest of its environment and that face on top of the hill also seems to be highly detailed. The face itself looks like someone from the Renaissance. Its very human like in appearance which is nice but I would have rather found a species less similar to our own. More fun and more interesting that way. 

This shiny white structure is in the photo in the lower left hand area. I enlarged the photo until it was 39.9 MB or 544.1X732.66 cm. Also you may have to adjust your computer monitors lighting. Some monitors are normally dark and adding light lets you see more detail in most things. 

I believe it was so visible because the Lunar Orbiter was taking photos at just the right moment and just the right angle to see it. This base seems small so it would not be visible using a telescope, but normally would be air brushed out by NASA if it was seen today. These old photos are a more accurate of a record of the moon than todays photos. Don't believe me? Google UK hacker Gary McKinnon who hacked into the NASA air brush room and see what he said about what he found. SCW


UFOs over Melbourne ECETI Aus Sky Watch October 29th 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 29, 2016
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

This is a really amazing video of a powerful glowing orb summoned that hovers over some people in Melbourne this week. They are part of the US ECETI ranch group, but stationed in Australia. 

The UFO comes over them on an overcast night, hovers, and then moves about in the sky some before it leaves.

They mentioned a Star Language, which is some sort of positive thinking and feelings of love so the UFO will come. As I have said before, UFOs often are equipped with emotional sensors, which are also useful to protect it as well as find those who are receptive to their appearance. 
Scott C. Waring


Strange Fossilized Creature Or Statue Found On Mars, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 28, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo:

Paranormal Crucible of Youtube found this incredibly unusual and interesting object on Mars. As he said, it resembles a fossilised animal or a statue, but its difficult to tell without being able to examine it close up. The dark patch is is curly hair coat and its face area had significantly less hair. Statues usually have one color for all of it, this has two or three. Even its two teeth are extremely white...unlike any other color on the creature. I have to say its a fossil because of its hair and its teeth. 
Scott C. Waring

Paranormal Crucible states: 
Interesting object found on the martian surface, this time a possible statue or fossilized creature. Even without processing the image you can clearly see that it looks artificial. Resembles a bear or sloth-like creature to me, possibly with a shell, but to be honest it could be anything.


Dark Black Structures On Moon In Navy Archives, Oct 28, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 28, 2016
Location of discovery: Moon, dark side
Photo source:

These are three of the dark black structures that I have been talking about over the years. They are radar absorbent like a Stealth Bomber, and camouflaged to hide well among the terrain.  Look at the screenshot below. You will see all three structures. They are chaotic and totally not what you would expect, but thats aliens...they think differently from us in every way. 

Do you see the giant black building with glowing lights all around it below? Let your eyes adjust to it and try to make out some of its detail. kind of remarkable aren't they?
Scott C. Waring


4.5 Mile Tower Found On Earths Moon In Navy Archives, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 26, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

I found a tower this week in the USN archives. Sadly they have deleted most of their thousands of moon photos from long ago. You know, the ones of structures on the moon that were half blurred out, and half revealed. Yeah, those ones. 

This tower is on the map in the far lower right hand corner of the map. It has a distance measure that says it is 2 miles wide and 4.5 miles tall. Many towers have been seen on the moon in the past, but this does confirm that it does exist, and that this could be the same tower as those seen long ago. 
Scott C. Waring


Cigar UFO Leaves Colima Volcan During Massive Eruption On Cam, Oct 2016, Mexico, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 9, 2016
Location of sighting: Colima, Mexico
Live cam:

This UFO was seen by Streetcap1 of Youtube this week. He caught a UFO leaving the side of the mouton during a volcano eruption. The UFO is long, cigar shaped much like many of the past UFOs seen around Mexican volcanos on live cam. The UFO could not leave from the mouth since there was an eruption, so they took a side path. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
It warps on out of there.



Breaking NEWS ALERT... UFO Spotted in Air Traffic Over New Zealand, Oct 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 7, 2016
Location of sighting: New Zealand

I checked the FAA site just now for the plane ID ZED-KG-DG, but it does not exist on their records. Its not a plane serial number, manufacturer or ID number of any plane known. Its an unknown...a UFO. An ID given to objects on radar that the FAA have no control over. The screenshot of me checking the FAA site a min ago is below here. Alien craft travel across this planet daily, on radar, yet they are ignored by the FAA, because they were told to do so by the US government. How long can this charade keep up?
Scott C. Waring

News states:
News from New Zealand ... Airline tracker system IDs a object going 150 times faster than a plane.....First time ever technology confirms and shows that UFOs are real...Great video...


Hubble sees star shooting 'cannonballs' twice the size of Mars into space, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: Oct 2016
News source:

This is a bit terrifying. A sun is shooting cannonballs of plasma out into space in all directions and they are 2X the size of Mars. How many planets has this already destroyed and its going to continue for a long time. Lets just hope that we don't become its next target. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
PASADENA, Calif., Oct. 6 (UPI) -- NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has captured images of large plasma 'cannonballs' being ejected from the vicinity of V Hydrae, a bloated red giant located 1,200 light-years from Earth.

Researchers believe the hurled blobs of plasma may explain the formation of planetary nebulae.

Hubble data suggests the cannonballs are roughly twice the size of Mars and travel at speeds fast enough to span the distance between Earth and the moon in just 30 minutes. A single blob is fired every 8.5 years. Astronomers estimate the stellar cannon has been firing plasma balls for at least 400 years.

Scientists can't quite fully explain the phenomena. The red giant from which the blobs appear to originate can't account for the ejected material. Instead, astronomers suggest an unseen companion star is the progenitor. (More at source).



Date of video: July 2016
Makers of video: ThirdphaseofMoon of Youtube.

Here is a cool video that discusses a few anomalies, including a star inside of a circle found on Google Earth and some glowing orange UFOs clouds. Very interesting. Two of those circle clouds do not look natural to me. 
Scott C. Waring

ThirdphaseofMoon states:
ALIEN DEMONIC UFO SYMBOL RUSSIA FOUND!!? EXTREME UFO WEATHER PHENOMENON 7/14/2016  Keep Your Eyes on the Skies! We are not Alone! 52°28'47.4"N 62°11'08.7"E Satanic Star specifically for aliens?


Giant UFO is Hiding In The Great Cloud Rectangle, May 12, 2016 Evening, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 12, 2016
Location of sighting: unknown

Its a well known fact that not only do UFOs hide in clouds, but they actually create the cloud around them. For instance the 1957 Fort Belvoir, Virgina incident is an example of this. Back then a soldier took photos of a black UFO ring that headed over the base, but changed from a ring to a disk cloud in just under a minute. But his amazing set of photos while it was changing was groundbreaking for all to prove that UFOs do make clouds. 
Scott C. Waring