
Triangle UFO Seen Over California During Sunset, Oct 2, 2012.

Date of sighting: October 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Century City, California, USA

Eyewitness states:
"I was at work on the 15th floor of a skyscraper and noticed a beautiful sunset developing when looking out my office window which faces west. Noticed the object as the sunlight appeared to reflect off of it. At first, I thought the object was a cloud. Then I noticed that it appeared to have substance and the constant shape. It was hovering. I then noticed that there appeared to be a trail leading up to the object. That trail became more and more visible as the sighting continued. I invited several of my coworkers to observe it. We were all somewhat mystified and mesmerized by it. Didn't lose sight of it until I hand to leave the building for the day." 

MUFON Source Photos:

UFO Sightings Daily

UFO Recorded In Daytime Over Japan Volcano, Oct 2012 VIDEO. UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 3, 2012
Location of sighting: Sakurajima, Japan

This a great capture of some UFOs buzzing around the top of a volcano in Japan yesterday. This footage was recorded from a live cam. Volcanos are UFO hotspots and this one is no exception. It is thought they come from somewhere inside the mouth of the volcano where there is a cloaked entrance to an underground alien base. 

Live web cam here: http://www.opentopia.com/webcam/8683?viewmode=java 



UFO Seen Over Park In Daytime, Massachusetts Oct 1, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: October 1, 2012
Location of sighting: Minuteman Park, Massachusetts, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"Caught this object under the Sun on the way home from work. Looks like a backward jet with lights all over it. Too fast to be a jet. Amazing UFO. Recorded over Minute Man Park, Westboro, Massachusetts. 5 PM. October 1st, 2012. Peace to all!"

US President Obama and Michelle May Have Role In Mayan Dec 21, 2012 Prediction According To Dresden Codex.

On Tuesday, Nov 6, 2012 when they hold the US presidential election…if the winner is Obama then the prophecy is one step closer to coming true.

Many have asked me about what will happen according to the Mayan prediction that will take place on Dec 21, 2012? I have to say we have little info to help us, but the greatest of all the information happens to be the last page the ancient Mayan Dresden Codex. This book is thousands of years old and is inscribed with unknown hieroglyphs, was written by Maya Indians who once ruled over much of Central America. The number 13 was magically important to the Mayans and they believed that, starting from the Birth of Venus, after 13 of these longest periods, or baktuns, the world would come to an end.
But lets look at this page from our current perspective. What do you see...a black god at the bottom with an eagle over its head. The only black leader in the world whose symbol of power is the eagle happens to be US President Obama. Now this sounds odd, however if you look at the upper right hand part of the Dresden Codex page you will notice a silhouette of what looks like a woman...not just any woman. It looks like Michelle Obama, President Obama's wife. This seem to indicate that the Obama's will have a very important role in this prediction and Barack Obama will have almost God-like Powers. This power could be his official Government powers or he could be an alien. 
Next to Michelle Obama in the next box is a clock like picture...with twelve hour marks on it. Its hands are on the 11, 2, 5, 8. If you take 11+2=13 (one baktun of time) and 5+8 again is 13 or one baktun of time. This indicates the last two baktuns are finished. 
The long reptile is spewing out water which is indicated mostly by its colour. Had it been fire there would have been an orange or reddish tint to it, but this could be either a  devastating flood or a symbol of cleansing or renew. Possible involvement of a reptilian species. Remember Earth was once ruled by reptiles and may yet be again.
The History Channel reported:
"The last page of the Dresden codex actually shows the destruction of the world via water…"
"This graphic illustration depicts the destruction of the earth by flood…Others see it as a day of rebirth…Others see it literally, with very severe consequences (Mayan Doomsday Prophecy, Decoding the Past. Original air date 08/03/06)."

Notice what Mark Van Stone at the website of the Foundation for the Advancement of MesoAmerican Studies, Inc. states:
"In any case, p. 74 of the Dresden does indeed appear to be a Flood, maybe even the one described in the Popol Vuh…Except there are no people being washed away, nor other indications of destruction, except the black warrior God L, who also presided at the 4 Ajaw 3 Kumk’u Creation (3114 BC) on the Vases of the 7 Gods and of the 11 Gods…"

So although the "transit of Venus" does happen in 2012, and is part of the Mayan Dresden Codex, this does not mean that the world ends this year. Perhaps the water is a symbol of cleansing...meaning humans everywhere experience a higher level of awareness all at once, changing our species forever...technology can do this and is. We will find out in...79 more days. SCW


Giant Cube UFO Near Sun Has Amazing Shape, NASA/SOHO photos, Oct 2, 2012.

Date of sighting: October 2, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Hey guys, I just came back from jogging this afternoon, looked in the mirror and realized I got a sun burn from the last two hours. Well it's time for some pay back. I checked out the NASA/SOHO photos and found this one. This is on the official NASA iPhone app called, "SOHO." This photo shows incredible detail of the edges of the UFO. I love this beautiful silhouette of the craft. It might even be mistaken for a doorway into the Sun, but it is a cube mothership. Sure it's big…about three Earths across, but when you have robots to build for you and your lifetime is FOREVER, then size should not matter. Also…we really do not know the size of the aliens inside, they could be giants compared to us. Clearly they are harvesting something from our Sun and lets hope it won't harm us in the process. Dec 21, 2012 is just 80 days, 2 hours, 53 minutes away. Soon we will see if this cube has something to do with it. (Click here to view more of this cube at our sun) SCW

UFO Leisurely Hovers Over Mexico City In Day Time, Sept 24, 2012.

Date of sighting: September 24, 2012
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

This interesting UFO was caught moving over the mountains of Mexico City, but not before someone noticed it and caught it on video. With six and a half minutes of footage we have some idea of what it looks like and the direction it was headed. Its taking its time like its busy scanning the countryside for something. SCW

UFO Orb Seen Over Gallup, New Mexico On Sept 29, 2012, VIDEO.

Date of sighting: September 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Gallup, New Mexico, USA

Eyewitness states: 
"stepped outside -looked up and saw this Silver ball flying from North to Southwest -it was plusating and moving slow-camera footage is shaky @ times -but so what ..."


Giant UFO Cube Returns To Sun In NASA/SOHO PHOTOS, Sept 2012.

Date of sighting: Sept 27, 2012 and Sept 30, 2012
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

One of our readers made me aware that the UFO cube has retuned. I searched in the NASA achieves and found it. Then got lucky yesterday and saw it again. It is back and what its up to is anyones guess. For those unfamiliar with the cube...its a giant 3 dimensional craft seen in SOHO photos since 2011(Click here to see old photos) and always has its cloak up causing it to look transparent, however the UFO is much to large for the transparent shield to work correctly. Here we have two angles of the craft. one with steps on its ends (most common) and another side with squares within a perfect square. A cube is a very simplistic design...much like the simplicity of a flying saucer. Some people say its pixilation, but you have to know that a cloaked ship would be semi visible depending on its angle to the sun and the angle of the camera. Even aliens make mistakes. SCW

UFOs Are Real, Should Be Studied, Says Ex-Project Blue Book Director Col. Robert Friend, Sept 2012, VIDEO.

Retired Col. Robert Friend, a former director of the Air Force's nearly 20-year UFO study, Project Blue Book, says that science should continue looking into the mystery of flying saucers.
Friend, assigned in 1958 to direct Blue Book, was charged with trying to determine if UFOs were a threat to national security and whether they could be of scientific interest.
"When I first took over the program, I wrote two staff studies, and in both instances, I recommended that [UFOs] be put into another agency which would give them full scientific investigations and analyses," Friend told The Huffington Post over the weekend at a special lecture titled "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed."
The event, held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas, featured Friend, seen below, three other retired military colonels and a former United Kingdom Ministry of Defense UFO investigator.
These days, the retired 92-year-old colonel acknowledges that he's spoken to more Air Force pilots than most people will ever meet, and he's heard their stories about strange things they've encountered in the sky -- objects that have come very close to their aircraft.
Despite the roughly 700 UFO cases labeled as "unidentified" during the Air Force's investigation of more than 12,000 reports, Blue Book was closed down in 1969. The project's conclusion: UFOs posed no security threat to the nation, nor did they display any technological abilities "beyond the range of present-day scientific knowledge."
But Friend, who was Blue Book director until 1963, didn't totally agree with the official findings.
During his tenure, he unsuccessfully tried to get the UFO issue moved to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as well as to the then-newly created space agency, NASA. He's had conversations with pilots and military officials who tossed the idea around that some UFOs might be alien in origin.
"Yes, there were some people who had those opinions. I, for one, also believe that the probability of there being life elsewhere in this big cosmos is just absolutely out of this world -- I think the probability is there."
Friend, the oldest surviving member of the famous Tuskegee Airmen of World War II, was joined on Saturday at the UFO lecture by the man who served as Friend's chief spokesman for Blue Book between 1961 and 1963, Col. William Coleman.

Below Col. Robert Friend Has Spoken About UFOs Way Back in 1988, check out this older video Below.

Glowing Orbs Seen Over Cincinnati, Ohio On Sept 2012, VIDEO.

Photos below by the mans daughter, separate camera. 

Date of sighting: September 29, 2012
Location of sighting: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

There are two videos, one taken by the father and one taken by the daughter. I can only put one here due to the daughter not allowing the video to be embedded. So I will put the photos above and a link here to the second video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU2DI41ox2M&feature=channel&list=UL

Eyewitness states: 

Springboro/Lebanon means you were looking nearly southeast. These were nearly due south from where we were. Middletown is approximately 2/3 the distance from your location to ours and northwest of us. The brightness was greater than a flare and there was no smoke trail involved, which is always visible with flares whether air deployed, flare gun or military pop flares and always illuminates the chute from which it is suspended. No. These were not flares or parachutists. Each of us is tasked with, accountable for and will be judged by our choices, decisions, behaviors and actions within the framework/circumstances within which we live or encounter. I am what I do when it counts- and we are mostly not cognizant of how much it counts. We are even accountable for every idle (in greek that translates to idle, non-productive) word spoken. I have only offered a possibility, not an irresponsible guarantee that it is so.