
UFO Over Same Russian City That Had Meteor Explode Over It Injuring Over 1,000 People, Feb 16, 2013.

Date of sighting: February 16, 2013, but person put 1-16-2013 by mistake.
Location of sighting: Chelyabinsk, Russia

This UFO was seen over the world most popular city on on Feb 16, 2013…Chelyabinsk, Russia, the city which had a meteor explode over it with a force of 30 Hiroshima A-Bombs. This brings up several questions about why the UFOs were there. First, did the UFO cause the meteor to explode in the sky instead of the ground which would have killed thousands? Was the UFO there to check out the damage and reaction of the people? Third, did aliens cause the explosion in the first place as some kind of warning the Russia? SCW

Black Cube orbiting sun on day meteorite hits Russia.

Date of sighting: Feb 16, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

On Feb 16, when Russia was hit with a fragment of the asteroid that NASA predicted to miss us, this black alien cube was seen in two different positions over our sun.


UFO Over Oldham, England On Feb of 2013 at 7:45 am.

Location of Sighting: Sholver, Oldham
Date of Sighting: February 2013
Time: 07.45
Witness Name: P.E.
Witness Statement: I was out early in the morning taking photos on the millenium green.after a night of snow.i had just taken one photo with a passenger plane in it.when i turned round towards shaw i noticed two round objects fliying high and fast.and then noticed another two .i took photos on my canon eos 400d.

Source: http://www.uk-ufo.co.uk

Glowing UFOs Over Fresno, California on February 2013.

Date of sighting: February 2013
Location of sighting: Fresno/Madera, California, USA

Eyewitness states: 
A triangle UFO caught heading towards Madera California on hwy 41. The lights that appear to the left of the triangle are house lights on the horizon. This was filmed at about 10pm. Using Google Earth to measure the distance from here I was filming to the house lights, this craft was at least a mile away. The lights on the bottom left hand side of the video were houses on the horizon to show how high up this object might had been. I zoomed into the triangle craft to get better detail but as I was zooming out I accidentally got the house lights again at about 1:57


Cigar UFO Recorded Near Our Sun By NASA, Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: Feb 8, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Camera: LASCO C3

I discovered this photograph while looking at NASA photos of the sun. In the photo you can clearly see a cigar shaped UFO. It really makes me wonder how long NASA will keep these secrets from the public? The edges are perfectly parallel to each other. Both ends of the cigar are perfectly rounded.

My name is Scott C. Waring and I am a UFOlogist. I wrote four books and numerous articles. I seek the truth.


Three UFO Sightings In Melbourne, Australia Using Infra-red, Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: February 2013
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

Eyewitness states: 
Recorded above Moonee Ponds, Melbourne. I use a Samsung sdc-435 (Day/Night Security camera) During daylight, I just attach a 950nm infrared filter on the lens. The lens is a 5-50mm, set at about 15mm. I don't see them because I just let the camera run for about 8 hours every day, then just fast forward the footage.


Many UFOs Seen Entering And Leaving Volcano In Mexico, TV News Video.

Date of sighting: February 8, 2013
Location of sighting: Volcano Popocatepeti, Mexico

Bright Red UFO Near ISS On Feb 11, 2013, NASA Live Cam.

Date of sighting: February 11, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, on International Space Station

This bright red object was caught near the International Space Station last week on the live Internet NASA cam. It shows a red UFO not entering the atmosphere but instead matching course with the ISS itself. Notice how its orbit is perfect. 


UFO Summoner Robert Bingham of LA, Does It Again, Feb 2013.

Date of sighting: Feb 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Griffith Park, Los Angeles, California, USA

I respect this video because the famous Robert Bingham who can summon UFO orbs from the sky within minutes is being interviewed. Sadly the interview is done by "ThirdPhaseoftheMoon" who is famous for making fake CGI UFOs (Computer Generated Imagery). I never take serious UFO posts by them, however Robert Bingham is not aware of their reputation and probably did the interview because of that. 

Listen to what Robert Bingham has to say about how he did it and what they saw. It really is amazing and if you feel adventurous, search "Robert Bingham, UFO" on Youtube for some real UFO summoning…always successful by him. I have done this myself and it worked, however the orb came up from behind me and when I flipped the camcorder (on tripod) around to fast and it startled the semi-transparent orb…(tennis ball size) here in Taiwan. It was about 4 meters from me on the roof of a 8 floor building. I was inspired by him to try and yes it worked. SCW

Glowing Orbs Over Nottingham, England On Jan 17, 2013.

Date of sighting: January 17, 2013
Location of sighting: Newark, Nottingham, England

Eyewitness states: 
Hi, was at work with my company, traffic management for the LAMMA show in Newark Nottingham in January, working outside all day, obviously, when about 1pm we noticed that there was some strange lights in the sky, performing patterns, phasing in and out, multiplying and vanishing just as quick. The most we counted in any 1 sighting was around 8 individual orbs. At 1 point a perfect triangle was formed just rotating almost on an axis in the skies, I’m not very good at judging distances buy they were lower than a plane flies and maybe slightly higher than a helicopter would fly at. They were coming in intervals of around every 30 minutes for a few hours. After the 3rd showing my manager, Marcus, Told me to point my brand New camera at the sky and wait for them to reappear. The reason I bought this camera a few weeks before was for this exact purpose, staring into the skies is a huge pasttime of mine just waiting to catch a glimpse of the unknown.

I was sat still, withy camera for well over an hour and nothing came back, it was almost as if they knew I was waiting and didn’t want to be captured. Was a very eerie feeling, infact the whole day was eerie. Isn’t usual a grand topic at work but for some reason both Marcus and I individually felt compelled to bri up extraterrestrial topics of conversation with many people that day, and then this all begun.

Anyway, shortly after around 4pm, at dusk, I was called to assist in a problem on the other side of the park, t was around that time that the lights returned. Obviously my camera was down and in my work truck but I pulled my HTC out and captured this video….