
Mysterious Glowing UFOs Over Hessdalen, Norway Still Amaze People Every Month.

Location of sighting: Hessdalen, Norway

Now it's my personal belief that aliens have an underground base in this area and not just a small one either. For sightings to go this much, there has to be a large alien population underground. Dig straight down about 2-4 miles where the grass was relocated and I promise you will find the base. Now if you want to look out for UFO in Hessdalen, you can watch any of the three live cams in the link above. I myself have recorded two UFOs on these cams so yes, it works, but they are easier to see at night. SCW

Unusual lights have been reported here since 1940s or earlier. Especially high activity of Hessdalen lights took place from December 1981 until the summer of 1984 when lights were observed 15 to 20 times per week. The frequency of the lights caused a gathering of numerous tourists staying there overnight to see the phenomenon. Since then, the activity has decreased and now the lights are observed some 10 - 20 times per year.

The Hessdalen light most often is a bright, white or yellow light of unknown origin standing or floating above the ground level. Sometimes the light can be seen for more than one hour. There are several other types of unexplained lights observed in the Hessdalen valley.

Alien Face Discovered In Chang'e 2 China Moon Map, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 27, 2012
Location of discovery: Earths Moon

I found this face last year, but most the information about it has disappeared off my UFO site for some unknown reason, so here I am posting it again. This is an an alien face that I discovered using the Chang'e 2 Orbiters moon map. 

A lot of people visit my site and ask why I look for faces? Its the whole reason I made this site, to find the 56 space faring species that nuclear physicist Bob Lazar was taught about in the USAF at Area S4. I'm looking for them, one face at a time. Their faces tell us their character, their life they have led. Wouldn't you like to see the aliens that we are working so hard prove exist. Well..here is one of the 56. 

Aliens have for millions of years made faces carved in stone of their most famous, most notable figures in their culture. These are what I want to find. These are what the NSA and CIA don't want me to show you, but let them try to stop me. Watch the video I made below if you want to find it. SCW 


Newly Found Apollo 11 Video Shows UFO On Backside Of Moon 08-02-2013 World Global UFO Sighting News

Date of sighting: July 1969
Location of sighting: Moon

Eyewitness who discovered it says:
Found some rare footage of Apollo on the backside of the moon showing 2 UFOS flying right by the window Link for video from NASA once here choose the APOLLO 11 16MM ONBOARD FILM.

Diamond UFO Seen Again This Week Over Bogota, Colombia On July 1, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 1, 2013
Location of sighting: Bogota, Colombia

This diamond UFO was seen this week over Bogota, Colombia. The main characteristic of this UFO that stands out from other sightings is its phasing in and out of view. I tried to get sceenshots of the process above. This effect will also explain why a lot of people use to take photos of UFOs and yet often they came out fuzzy or blurry looking. I do believe this effect is caused by the propulsion system they use. SCW

Guy Relaxes In Back Yard And Catches White UFO Over Ireland, July 2013.

Date of sighting: Early July 2013
Location of sighting: Northern Ireland

Eyewitness states: 
This UFO is among the best and most proven footage from Northern Ireland, seen by many people over West Belfast and published in their local paper the huge disc shaped saucer was tilted on its side and gave a white impression.  The UFO was at around 30,000ft height during time of recorded sighting. So have you seen such activity before?


Human-Alien Hybrid Aborted: Shocking Videos And Photos NSA and CIA Don't Want You To See!

Date of event: 2010
Location of event: Italy 

News states: 
The photos and videos you will see are supposedly a human/alien hybrid fetus, collected from an abortion performed on an Italian woman in 2010 who claims to have been abducted and impregnated by aliens. Aliens first began visiting Giovanna when she was 4 years old. She is now 41. The woman from Italy claims to have been impregnated by aliens several times. Apparently the creatures removed the other fetuses at around 2 months. Giovanna claims that the creatures speak to her telepathically and that they have told her they want to create a hybrid race that is genetically close to their species.Because we are supposedly biologically compatible with their race, we have been chosen. Or more specifically, Giovanna has been chosen to propagate their race by means of a new hybrid species. Giovanna relates that the aliens visited her often when she was a young girl. At that time the aliens would use her for research, collecting biological material (tissue and blood). Their nocturnal visits left marks on her body, along with a phosphorescence material that Giovanna says is something they use as a disinfectant to prevent her from getting infections from them and to prevent them from getting infections from her. When examined by researchers, the phosphorescent substance taken from Giovanna’s room provided evidence that the substance was not natural and that it included no nitrates or phosphor. It was also magnetic. Doctors also found something implanted in Giovanna’s head but could find no scar indicating how the object got inside her head. The object implanted was of undetermined origin and could not be qualified.
With her cell phone, Giovanna took photos of the spacecraft and aliens that are referred to as “raptors,” reptilian-like creatures. The images appear not to have not been altered. When Giovanna was sent to be examined for her pregnancy, doctors found a cardiac rhythm that was similar to that of a baby’s cardiac rhythm. But they could find no baby, and because Giovanna was having problems with the fetus, doctors performed an abortion. What they found was a placenta and a hybrid human.

Dr. J Allen Hynek Admits Astronomers do see UFO's! (1977), A Found Father Of UFOlogy.

Photograph above: On July 14, 1978, United Nation hearings on UFO matters, initiated by Granada. From left to right: Dr. Claude Poher (GEPAN, France), Sir Eric Gairy (Granada, initiator of the hearings), Kurt Waldheim (Austria, at the time Secretary General of the UN), Gordon Cooper (US astronaut, UFO witness as pilot in the 50's) Dr. J. Allen Hynek (former USAF UFO consultant, astronomer and ufologist), Dr. Jacques Vallée (French ufologist).

Dr. Josef Allen Hynek ( May 1, 1910 - April 27, 1986 ) was Chairman of Department of Astronomy Northwestern University , professor, and ufologist. He is perhaps best remembered for his UFO research. Hynek acted as scientific adviser to UFO studies undertaken by the U.S. Air Force under three consecutive names: Project Sign (1947-1949), Project Grudge (1949-1952), and Project Blue Book (1952 to 1969). For decades afterwards, he conducted his own independent UFO research, and is widely considered the father of the concept of scientific analysis of both reports and, especially, trace evidence purportedly left by UFOs. Also his book called The Ufo's Experience a Scientific Inquiry 1972.

Two Amazing UFOs Over Oregon Caught With Night Vision, July 25, 2013.

Date of sighting: July 25, 2013
Location of sighting: Oregon, USA

Eyewitness states:
The object flashes and catches my attention and is moving slow, so decide to start filming. Fortunately it is heading almost overhead to the north, but slightly west of the position on the ground. The night vision portion shows no structure between both objects. Zooming in the HI-8 portion reveals amazing detail. One of the objects is a cluster of of orbs and the other is the airplane type mimic light, yet both are moving silent above with almost 8 minutes of running time.


Old Horse Found With Eyes And Anus Cut Out, Farm In Argentina July 2013.

Date of discovery: July 2013
Location of discovery: Fernandez, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Translated from Spanish
Source: http://www.visionovni.com.ar/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1112

This horse was found this way by its owner in the town of Fernández, Santiago del Estero.

The peculiarity of the case is that the animal was aged, so it is presumed he died in those days, then late the next morning they discovered a sharp cut in the eye area and one in the anus area.

Given this information, we asked the farmer for photographs of wounds so we could share the pictures.

The photos we received, show a cut with the total eye organ missing. It also has a cut in the skin about the eye bowl (2 cm. Approximately), with flush cutting areas and areas with irregularities cuts, similar to the action of the knife.

Anal area, may be a flat, circular section of approximately 18 cm in diameter, with detachment of the bristles of the queue, a "kind" rising above the anus.

It is noteworthy that around the body, on the ground, we did see the typical kicking the dying animal, with many marks.

No residual blood is observed, or the eye socket, or around the anus. Also on the ground. Yes appreciated, fresh bleeding hinted in one of the nostrils.


Equine owner expressed surprise at the cut that appeared in the eye area, saying that he had never seen anything like it.
Moreover, during the night he did not hear any noise, nor any evidence of action of scavengers such as crows, common in the area.

He stated that they did not work on the body with knives, and if someone had, by the proximity of the animal to the house, they would have heard, because the farm has dogs that alert any them of any movement.

Crop Circle Found In Field At Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, England July 15, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 15, 2013
Location of discovery: Hackpen Hill, Wiltshire, England

Crop formation didn't start in the 1940s-1950s like many skeptics say. Precious few references have been found in early historical records that point to possible crop circles. Probably the most renowned is the "Mowing Devil" case of 1678, in which a farmer's field was said to have been visited by a devilish entity that trampled the crops down in a circle. The event was captured for posterity on a wood engraving, but today's modern cerealogical sceptics dismiss its relevance. Professor Robert Plot published a book entitled "A Natural History of Staffordshire" in 1686, in which he made passing reference to rings, circles and other shapes found in grassy fields. Much debate has ensued over Plot's observations; detailed as his notes were, some researchers still consider his evidence flimsy at best. They feel it more likely that Plot was describing "fairy rings" caused by common fungi. For many more, the jury is still out. Despite having been on both sides of the fence in the past, it is nonetheless my belief that any evidence for early crop circles - however vague - must be considered if we are to remain true to the open spirit of cerealogical research.