
Space Station Shaped UFO Caught In SOHO Photo, Oct 11, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 11, 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: http://sohodata.nascom.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/data_query

It looks like the space station we saw last week has come back. I went to the SOHO site to confirm it for myself. It's there, but in the next photo taken just 20 min before and after this photo the space station is gone, so it must be traveling at incredible speeds. 

Below I show the date, image type and other info circled in red so that you can confirm it for yourself or so you can help UFO researchers worldwide by keeping an eye on the photos. SCW

White Cloud Appears Near ISS This Week Possible UFO Trail, Astronaut Tweets Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2013
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, Near ISS
Source: http://io9.com/what-on-earth-created-this-bizarre-jellyfish-cloud-outs-1443885400

Astronaut Mike Hopkins who happens to be right now on board the International Space Station, jumped onto Twitter the other day and posted this breathtaking photo above. On Twitter he said, "I saw something launch into space today. Not sure what it was, but the cloud it left behind was pretty amazing." 

Now NASA tries to inform the ISS of all nearby events like satellite launches, missiles launches, rockets and such, but not this week. This event unfolded with NASA in the dark. Sure there is a government shut down, but they still have a lot of people on hand at NASA to keep track of the ISS and help then out. So if ESA and NASA didn't know what it was and didn't know about it till the ISS photos tweets from space, then what was it? It appears that the astronauts aboard the ISS got to see a UFO leaving earths atmosphere leaving behind it a contrail that ended in space. Look at the dark circle at the center of the cloud with its four leaf clover appearance. It looks like this UFO kept going into space and beyond. 

Then to match his friend on the ISS, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano got a similar shot of the same phenomenon, but from a different angle above and he also saw the contrail of the craft that made it, which is the photo at source.

The astronauts didn't say they saw the craft that made the cloud, but only said they saw the cloud, so what if it wasn't leaving the earths atmosphere, but instead coming in from space? I strongly believe this to be true. 

If NASA cams were not down, we could have seen this for ourselves...but they spent more money to take them down, than to leave them up and running, so we missed a great opportunity this week to get actual video of the craft. 


UFO Fleet Near the International Space Station In ESA Photo, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2013
Date of photo: Unknown
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit, near ISS
Photo URL: http://www.esa.int/images/s119e010500,5.jpg

A great discovery by Streetcap1 of Youtube. In this photo taken by the ESA (European Space Agency) we can see three disk-like UFOs with humps in their middle. When you add light to the photo, you see there are actually six small disks and they are flying in pairs. A rare catch finding UFOs in an ESA photo. They usually edit each photo really well, often better than NASA does. Before you scream fake, go to the ESA link above and have a look. Then add light to it. Close the photo, then open again and add more light to it. SCW


Beautiful UFO Over Taitung, Taiwan On October 10, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Taitung, Taiwan

Finally after many months of a dry spell, we get a UFO sighting near me, here in Taiwan. This was on my Facebook and thought we need to share it. I have seen this two months ago in Taiwan and uploaded video during the day. Click here to view. SCW

Eyewitness states (translated from Chinese):
Early this morning in Taitung area, just below the belt of Orion about ten times the distance away was an unknown flash, fixed time is about 1 to 2 hours, because I used a hand-held digital camera FULL HD no tripod, and the UFO moved away and closer, so screen looks a little shaky.  You can see the lower left corner of the movie there is a rooftop water tower, on the right there is a building metal, the flash is fixed, not airplanes, not like satellite, which is the third witness this flash for the first time in 2010 in Daren Township sky. The second time in taimali, but the distance did not come close to this!! shooting time is about two o'clock in morning, - two twenty. This video was uploaded soon after. In the clouds the UFO is still faintly visible, in a fixed position flashing. Clouds occurs around 2:24 am covered!!

If you have advanced knowledge of what this is, please tell me!! Thanks!!

Possible UFO Enters Atmosphere Over Urals of Russia, Oct 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2013
Location of sighting: Urals, Russia

This Glowing object was spotted above the mountainous region of the Urals in Russia this week. The object enters Earths atmosphere then as its traveling suddenly explodes in the opposite direction, all the time moving forward. After the explosion or the object disappears from view. It is possible that this is a UFO entering our atmosphere and because of the extreme heat and angle of trajectory, it became visible while entering in the evening sky. Just because the object was gone doesn't mean it was gone...it could have cloaked once thought the atmospheric regions, making it invisible to the onlookers. What are your thoughts on this? SCW


UFO Big Orb Over Mexico Tijuana- OVNI Esferico Desaparece 9/10/2013

Date of sighting: October 10, 2013
Location of sighting: Tijuana, Mexico

Glowing Orb That Changes Shape Over New York City, October 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: October 2013
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA

This colorful orb was seen over NYC this week and it seems to change shape without rotating. Usually you see a spin on orbs that may contribute to the change in shape, but there seems to be no spin visible. Has anyone else in the NYC area seen this orb in the skies this week? SCW


Ring UFO Found In Gemini 5 Mission Photos In Earths Orbit, Close Up View, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 1965
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit
Date of discovery: October 2013

The Gemini 5 mission was called "The 8 Days Or Bust," mission. They had to endure life in space for 8 days, which is the time it would take a mission to fly to the moon, land, then come back to Earth. It was a test so that they knew what they needed to do, and how it would effect the astronauts. Later Conrad said that he wished he had brought a book along to help pass the time. 

This ring UFO looks to be very close the the Gemini module in Earths orbit. Its detail is good enough that we can see that it does have seems in places. The object seems to have an aura around it making some visibility of its edges difficult. As I have said before, one of the three types of material that make up structures and UFOs is a white ceramic like material in appearance. This looks to be one of them. SCW

Possible Alien Creature Seen In Park And Church Roof tops In Santiago, Chile Sept 29, 2013, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 29, 2013
Location of sighting: Bustamante Park, Santiago, Chile
Source: http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca

News states:
On 29 September around 21:00 hours near Bustamante Park in the downtown area, a strange flying creature was seen flying from one tree to another. Its size was estimated at around 2 meters tall and shaped like a manta ray.

Ignacio, a young man who was the privileged witness to this brief yet disconcerting flying being sighting, does not wish to disclose his identity but made his narrative available to journalist [Juan Andrés] Salfate on Canal La Red. His description is specific, remarking that the entity had wings from the upper part of its body down to its lower part. He made a drawing of what he saw, which we present in this report.

Eyewitness testimony soon appeared in other places in Santiago. A witness named Sylvia confirmed the image of this human-looking “flying manta ray” in the Los Barrenchea Commune. Someone even stated the following by e-mail, from a location near Bustamante Park:

“My wife and I saw this creature in one of the towers of the San Francisco church in Santa Isabel, and it was eating something similar to a dog. I think that if you inspect this tower you will find its remains. Unfortunately, I have no evidence to give you beyond my wife’s report and my own.”



Date of sighting: October 6, 2013
Location of sighting: San Antonio, Texas, USA

Eyewitness states: 
October-06-2013 a U.F.O ORBs was captured on video traveling high in altitude over San Antonio,Texas..***This U.F.O ORB was observed at 3:36 PM***...As I was Skywatching using a SONY with a 950nm IR Filter ..A glowing Orb was observed traveling overhead..I began filming,as you can see on the video its a U..F.O orb.This orb seems to be emitting some kind of energy,not reflect the suns rays.When zooming out you can clearly see it was at high altitude..It was traveling west at a high rate of speed...In my opinion this glowing object was clearly no weather balloon/aircraft or satellite.