
NASA Scientist Tells About Find Life In Mars Rocks During NASA Mission! VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Astrobiologist Richard Hoover and his colleagues at the Centre for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham have been making worldwide headlines for years due to their proof that scientist have already obtained valid evidence of extraterrestrial life. However, other NASA scientists who still work for NASA and fear for losing their jobs remained skeptical. SCW


Grey Metallic UFO Near The Moon In NASA photo, Feb 21, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Feb 21, 2014
Location of discovery: Near Earths Moon

Was searching for anomalies in NASA photos and came across this one. A grey-purple disk on the right side of the moon. 

Feel free to copy this video. I made it and you may use it on your own channel. I don't need credit, I just want to help teach the world about the existence of aliens. 

Scott C. Waring


Ancient Carved Structure Near NASA Mars Rover, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 2014
Location of discovery: Mars

Eyewitness states: 
I was sitting at the courthouse today flipping through my Mars Images application when this one popped up! Totally awesome! There looks like cut blocks, statues, work equipment, and even machinery spread around this whole area. What do you think? Just plain old rocks ehh? As always I give you the photo directly from the NASA website..

WhatsUpInTheSky can be found below: 
http://www.whatsupinthesky.com - Anomaly Website
http://www.willfarrar.net - Personal Website

UFO or Moon At ISS today, Feb 19, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Click photo to enlarge. 

Date of sighting: Feb 19, 2014
Location of sighting: International Space Station

I saw this on live cam today...and the glowing object came out from nowhere, then disappeared behind the ISS. The sighting lasted for over 10 minutes, but when it went behind the ISS, I stopped recording, because it took 3 min before it reappeared! Too slow to be the moon! A few minutes later it reappeared from behind the ISS and defended downward. The UFO looks to be triangle in shape but hard to make out. 

This could be the moon since the ISS orbits the earth every 90 minutes, but I do believe the moon would pass by so slowly, but would be much faster than this object. This object seems to linger near the ISS, but we need to consider all possibilities. 

Feel free to use this video on your own channel. I made it and its for the world. SCW


Giant Cube On Mercury and Other Structures! Photo #2 NASA Source, Feb 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: February 10, 2014
Location of discovery: Mercury
NASA Mission: Mariner 10
Photo ID: PIA00066
Exact Location on Mercury: Shakespeare Quadrant, Southern Half, H-3
NASA Photo: http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/jpeg/PIA00067.jpg

I found these structures last week and want to see what you guys think about them. This is Mercury and most people seem so pre-occupied with Mars that everyone forgets there are other planets and moons we need to search. Mars is dead...although there may be alien bases under its surface, there is very little for us to see there. 

My favorite discovery in this photo is "the cube," that sits in a crater so that it will look like the shadow of the crater at long distance.

And to our neighbors on Mercury...please announce yourselves to the people on Earth. They are as ready as they will ever be. You know thats true. I don't want your tech, your medicine or anything other than your friendship. I realize that the molecules in the human body, and the molecules of the planets, and the molecules in your alien body were all created in the star systems. We are linked. Your people and mine are akin to the stars. We can't come to you, but you can come to us. See you then. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan