
UFOs Caught With Night Vision Over Melbourne, Australia On Aug 2014.

Date of sighting: August 22, 2014
Location of sighting: Melbourne, Australia

Here we hav Lou who is famous for his night vision catches of UFOs over Melbourne. Here he catches several UFO straveling slowly across the sky. SCW

Eyewitness states:
All recorded with a P8079HP & VARO Night vision tube - Melbourne Australia

Triangle UFO Seen Over North Carolina With Night Vision, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: May 2014
Location of sighting: North Carolina, USA

Mufon states:
 I had a small telescope and I was trying to get some good views of the moon. I also had a night vision monocular, a PVS-14 with a 3x magnifier on a tripod with a video camera attached to it and a set of night vision goggles, PVS-7D (Delta's) around my neck. I usually have the goggles with me if it's a clear night out. There were no clouds that night. I was looking through the goggles and noticed a "plane" coming toward me from the north, heading south. It was relatively low, 5000 feet or a little less. I'm pretty good at estimating distances, I'm a experienced skydiver and long distance shooter. I thought it was a little weird that I wasn't hearing it coming towards me, Doppler effect, so I started recording on the PVS-14. I probably noticed it when it was maybe at a 75* angle. As it was passing over me, I still heard NOTHiNG! No sound what so ever. So I'm trying to look at it through the goggles and record it with the monocular at the same time. As I'm watching it, I notice that as it's passing stars, I could see stars through the craft!!!! I saw stars through the "fuselage" of the craft!!! Later, I confirmed this when I reviewed the video. The craft was in the shape of a triangle. There were two lights at the rear of the vehicle, circular, with a blinking light, also circular, almost between them, it was just a little above the two rear lights. The light in front was shaped like a triangle itself, with a small, round light right behind it. So all together, 5 lights. I have, of course, seen planes through night vision goggles, helicopters, you can hear planes at 5000 feet, you can hear planes at 15,000 feet, 20,000 feet. This thing was low and slow and silent!! Even as it past over me and continued on. I watched for a total of 8 minutes and 30 seconds. When I first noticed it, again at about 75*, so if I saw it sooner, I might have seen it for 13-14 minutes? The last weird thing that I noticed, was that when I took the goggles down for a second to get a barring as to where it was in the sky, I couldn't see any of the lights, not the fixed lights, not the single blinking light. So either all the lights were very dim and the night vision enhanced them like they were made to do, or the lights were infrared, basically naked to the naked eye. It flew out of sight, heading towards the south. So to recap: 1: it was silent. 2: it was very slow moving. 3: the lights were either very dim or infrared. 4: I could see through it!!! Adaptive camouflage??? First time I've seen the real thing. 5: I couldn't see it without night vision goggles. I will attach a "freeze frame" from the video. If you would like to see the video, please let me know.


Liquid On Mars In Rover Photo! Aug 7, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of photo: August 7, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars

This is an actual photo of liquid streaming down from the rocks. If you look at the enlargement you can see that it appears to be water. Also in the cracks of the rocks above it you see moisture.
NASA states this about the photo: This image was taken by Mastcam: Right (MAST_RIGHT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 712 (2014-08-07 14:38:40 UTC). 

Why has NASA not investigated this to find out if its water or not? The mission of NASA is not to find life or discovery new things on a new planet...its mission is to delay and appease the publics appetite long enough for America to gain a mass amount of alien technology. 
Scott C. Waring


Square UFO Causes Lightning Storm Over St. Louis, Caught By TV Crew, Sept 1, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 1, 2014
Location of sighting: St. Louis, Missouri, USA
News Source: http://fox2now.com/2014/09/03/was-a-ufo-captured-during-a-st-louis-newscast-we-analyze-the-footage/

I watched this video, pausing and starting it every second to see it slowly. When I did I discovered this UFO is actually a flat square shape. It moves incredibly fast across the screen in just 2 seconds from the 7sec mark to the 9, but we can see its shape perfectly at the 8 sec mark. This UFO probably caused the lightning storm from the crafts advanced propulsion and cloaking systems mixed with a high static cloud. SCW
Fox 2 Now News States:
ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – A Labor Day lightning storm put on a spectacular show for St. Louis Monday night. Some of the storm’s flashes were used during live cut-aways during the FOX 2’s nightly newscast.  Some viewers say they saw something strange at around 9:07pm.
Anchor Shirley Washington explains that meteorologist Chris Higgins will be giving updates on the severe weather in the area throughout the newscast.  Over her voice is a view from FOX 2’s roof camera.  During that shot something flashes across the screen.  The flying object is illuminated by flashes of lightning.  In the blink of an eye it is gone. (More at source).


Long UFO At Space Station On Sept 2, 2014, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 2, 2014
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS
Method used: ISS Live Cam

The cigar UFO is back! This long golden UFO was seen behind the space station this week. The object moves with the space station, matching its speed and orbit. Streetcap1 of Youtube caught this craft near the ISS and it leads us to wonder...are the UFOs near the space station so often because they are invited guests? Meeting aliens in orbit at the space station is an excellent way to hide their existence from the public and other countries. SCW


UFO Over Volcano Popocatepetl On Mexico, Aug 29, 2014, UFO Sighting Daily.

Date of sighting: Aug 29, 2014
Location of sighting: Mexico
Live cam: http://www.webcamsdemexico.com/webcam-popocatepetl.html
 Above is actual full screen photo from archive...not altered in any way. 

I was looking at a live cam and decide to have a look at its archive photos, which are located below the live cam. I found this one on the 29th that shows a long cigar shaped UFO. This cigar UFO is the same as the one that was recorded entering the mouth of the volcano back in Feb 21, 2013 and Oct 26, 2012. I will place those video below so you can compare. SCW

Ancient Structures On Mars Found On Aug 2014, VIDEO, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Aug 24, 2014
Location of discovery: Mars
Source: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00726/mcam/0726MR0031000080402884E01_DXXX.jpg
Photo: Sol 726

These two anomalies were discovered by "Martian Archaeologist" of Youtube. The first discovery is an interesting part of a hollow container. This fragment of pottery shows its inter and its outer edges very well. The second anomaly shows two large carved stones put together to make a block that was once part of a massive structure. Please notice the cut off corners of the block both on the top a bottom match. A fantastic discovery and the person who found it is living up to their name...Martian Archaeologist. SCW