
UFO Seen At Sun In 4 Places In Less Than 15 Minutes! March 22, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 22, 2015 16:24:07
Location of sighting: Earths Sun
Source: http://helioviewer.org/?movieId=t46d5

This object is seen in 4 frames. Two close up and two far away. While looking at images of the sun I noticed that one object that looks like a disk, shoots off to a far distance and then shoots back to its original close position in just a matter of 10-15 minutes. For it to do that it would have to travel at incredible speed. I put the sequence into a gif so you can see just the object near the sun and how it shoots back and forth. The UFO appears at the 12 second mark. SCW


3 Bright ORB UFOs over North Carolina on March 18th, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2015
Location of sighting: North Carolina, USA

Eyewitness states:
One after another moving NE and going upward from the back yard of our house. Last year we saw the same but one less orb.

Two UFOs Over Colima Volcano Mexico On March 22, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 22, 2015, 08:40:04 am
Location of sighting: Volcano Colima, Mexico

This is volcano near Mexico City and is one of several known for its UFOs being recorded near it. These two UFOs were caught by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. He keeps a watchful eye out for any anomalies that should not be there. The fascinating thing about this is one UFO is an black orb that looks like its descending into the mouth of the volcano. The other UFO is a disk viewed from the side. These photos were taken from the live cam, but the cam only shows photos every 20-30 seconds instead of having live video feed. If we had video, we could tell a lot from the way it moves and find out the direction of both UFOs. SCW

Carved Or Petrified Being Imaged By NASA Curiosity Rover, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Mars
NASA photo: http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/msl-raw-images/msss/00727/mcam/0727MR0031100000402932E01_DXXX.jpg

WhatsUpInTheSky37 is alway busy at searching for Mars architecture and artefacts. He posts a new video every two day so keep an eye on him. He has a lot of great discoveries. This one was last year, but I think it deserves posting. He is correct. There is a figure here in a laying down position. Also to there are a few other odd discoveries with carved lines through them. This figure could be some ancient robot caught in a volcanic lava or it could be a petrified alien species, or of course it could be just a carving. I don't believe its just a carving, because for a planet full of intelligent species to die out, it would take an advanced species. Then again, it might have been some other alien species that attacked them. So many questions, so few answers. SCW

WhatsUpInTheSky37 states:
After playing with the settings on this photograph for a couple days I am convinced that that is a depiction of some kind of life form. My astute buddy Kjell send this over talking about the perfect circle platform in the middle of the picture as well as the cube next to it. So much going on I bet you come up with some of your own.


UFO Shoots Through Clouds Following Jet, Oregon March 18, 2015, UFO Sighting News Video.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Gresham, Oregon, USA

Eyewitness states:
03.18.2015 UFO recorded following a airplane over Gresham, Oregon. Everytime I have seen them they don't frighten me, it's like I know they are peaceful, at least the ones I have seen. 

UFO Mothership in Torreon Mexico▬OVNI Nave Nodriza en Torreon Mexico Edit 20/03/2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 20, 2015
Location of sighting: Torreon, Mexico

Many have debated that the disk clouds are not UFOs that are cloaked, but actual clouds. That is foolish. These are UFOs that can create clouds to hide inside of. Also they often take on a white cloud appearance. I have seen one once, close up over White Sand Beach, Taiwan, but what I saw was a shiny white disk, ceramic-like...no smoke, so whisps of smoke anywhere. It was just a 400+ meter disk. Sadly this was back in 2006-7 and I had no camera. A few weeks later I bought one. These are UFOs. The glowing orb that comes out of it confirms it. This UFO in the video is far away compared to the one that flew over me, but it is a UFO. SCW


Black UFO Drops Off Drones In Peru, March 6, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 6, 2015
Location of sighting: Peru

When looking at this video, I paused every second to catch sight of tiny high speed black orbs coming out of this tall black UFO. The smaller ones are drones that it uses to gather intel for it. It drops them off, leaves, then comes back at a later date to pick them up. SCW

News states: 
I'm Dr. Anthony Choy, investigative journalist and National Coordinator of the Peruvian Association of Ufology (APU). This new video of the phenomenon called "Flying Humanoid" is part of a series of sightings since November 2010, I have been researching in Peru. This video was recorded on Friday, March 6th, 2015 at 6:15 pm by the young radio producer and television Cesar Rodriguez in the middle of the selvatic city of Puerto Maldonado,in Madre de Dios, south of Perú. According to the history of the witness, the sighting lasted about five minutes, in which the phenomenon had a human form, with head, trunk, arms and legs flying over the city, disappearing raised and lost in the clouds.

Retired police officer recalls the day the UFO paid a call, March 9, 1967, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 9, 1967
Location of sighting: Mississippi River, Moline to Galesburg, Illinois, USA
News source: http://www.qconline.com/news/local/retired-moline-officer-recalls-the-day-the-ufo-paid-a/article_7dc54e34-9e44-5183-8aa9-24cd82704eff.html

Hey guys, I found the actual footage that Bill shot back in 1967. Somehow it got put up for sale and is at this odd site. It can be purchased for those that may want to post it on Youtube for historical reasons. To see the UFO  you will have to jump to the 2 min mark. SCW. URL is http://www.criticalpast.com/video/65675039973_unidentified-flying-object_flying-object-at-night_daytime-in-Moline If you buy the footage, please post it onto Youtube and put the URL in comments below. Thanks, SCW

I found an old report that states (but no photo): 
March 9, 1967; Moline, IL
Policeman spotted two UFOs in the afternoon. Police officer William Fisher said he was riding his motorcycle on patrol when he spotted a boxcar-sized object hovering at about 3,000 feet. He said a second UFO materialized as he watched, and both sped from sight. Fisher took color motion pictures of the objects, one frame of which is displayed at the top of this page. (NICAP & MUFON files)

News states:
Bill Fisher still vividly remembers the strange, bright, silvery object that appeared to be hovering over the Mississippi River on the afternoon of March 9, 1967.

Mr. Fisher, then a Moline police officer, had just parked his three-wheel patrol motorcycle on 16th Avenue across from Sacred Heart School, where his son William Jr. was a student. Others saw the object, too, including neighbors, several students and a couple of nuns. Mr. Fisher retrieved an 8mm movie camera from his police trike and got some footage. It had moved away by then, and what’s caught on film is a little indistinct.

But those two minutes of footage helped make Mr. Fisher a star witness in a U.S. Air Force investigation of several UFO sightings reported from Moline to Galesburg over a few days in March 1967. Two investigating USAF captains arrived the very next day. 

“The Air Force asked, ‘How high up was it?’ Mr. Fisher recalled recently. “‘I don’t know.’ ‘Well, how big do you think it was?’ ‘I think it was as big as a box car.’ 

“So that gave them a little perspective. From where I was standing, looking that way (north), I thought it had been over the Arsenal. Of course, I was naturally suspicious — somebody spying on our government.”

In an unusual episode in a very well respected 30-year career as one of Moline’s Finest, Mr. Fisher also soon found himself sought out by a variety of UFO-ologists, from prominent Northwestern University astronomer J. Allen Hynek to a mysterious trio dressed in black who confronted him at the police station. He and his film were written up in UFO magazines and supermarket tabloids. Mr. Fisher also was interviewed for a 1972 book co-edited by astronomer Carl Sagan called "UFOs: A Scientific Debate."
Last Tuesday Mr. Fisher celebrated his 80th birthday with a surprise party at the East End Bolders Club in Moline, including a bagpipe serenade for the former grand marshal of the St. Patrick Society Grand Parade. (More at source).


Triangle UFO Glowing Like Sun in New Orleans, Feb 15, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: February 15, 2015
Location of sighting: New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

This could be a light ships, a rare visit by beings of pure light. There are many species of aliens and the a species made of light would be the oldest. Many people made comments on Youtube that it looks like a sitting Buddha, or mother Mary, but if thats true, why would they bother visiting Earth without stopping in to say hello to someone?  SCW

Eyewitness states:
That pure light in the west might be our real moon . I am doing time lapse only now in the east because all 3 of them flowt right in front of the camera. The last 2  videos i did i caught the mirrors in front the trees .

UFO Disguised As Meteor Seen Across Australia, TV News Video, March 9, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 9, 2015
Location of sighting: Australia

News states: 
March 09, 2015: Thousands of people from Margaret River to the wheatbelt spotted the fireball as it streaked across the sky this morning.

Disk UFO Over Sydney, Australia On March 19, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 19, 2015
Location of sighting: Sydney, Australia

This UFO was recorded by "ColourUFO" of Youtube. He is out almost every day, searching the day time skies over Australia using his infrared camcorder. Thats a camcorder with an infrared lens over it. Those lens can be bought from Ebay for 5-25 dollars. The sony camera is the older style that does not have an ir filter, so it allows it to see pure ir light. SCW

Eyewitness states:
The camera was used:Sony D C R-T R V.530 Digital camera with IR.850 optical filter fitted.Super Night shot position on.

This Day In UFO History: UFO Mothership Over New York City, March 20, 1950, UFO Sighting News.

Photos from Project Blue Book
Date of sighting: March 20, 1950
Location of sighting: New York City, New York, USA
Source: Project Blue Book

This cylindrical-appearing UFO was photographed over New York City on March 20, 1950. The photographer's name was deleted from Project Blue Book's files -- as were most names when the material was finally declassified and released. Upon investigating the report, Project Grudge officially labeled it: "the moon"! Some ufologists have speculated that tubular objects of this sort may be "mother ships," purportedly capable of taking on and discharging smaller "craft" in stacks, poker-chip fashion.


UFO Over Sun Pyramid In Mexico, Photo by professor, March 8, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 8, 2015
Location of sighting: Teotihuacan, Mexico
News Source: http://analuisacid.com.mx/?p=1400

Professor Ana Luisa Cid states: (translated from Spanish)
On March 8, 2015 I went to the archaeological site of Teotihuacan, State of Mexico. I took many photos, especially when I got to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun, where people are "energy charged" hole touching a stone, which considered the powerhouse of the basement.

Some researchers say that non-human entities "feed" off mental energy that we produce humans in altered states of consciousness, for example, meditations, excitement, extreme emotion, fasting, etc. Such energy is called "Psi". It is a possible explanation for the appearance of UFOs in mass concentrations. Moreover, the photos of random UFOs may be because the object passed so fast that was imperceptible to the eye, or perhaps because vibrate in another range of light that our eye does not capture, as the infrared spectrum, for example.

Mile Long UFO Viewed In Earths Orbit From Space Station Live Cam, March 18, 2015, video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit, from ISS

Using the live NASA space station cam I was fortunate enough to capture some video of this long cigar shaped object as the ISS shot past. This UFO was over a mile long and blends in with the surrounding clouds. There is no sound in the video, because there was no sound from the live cam. UFOs are not new to the space station. They are identified in videos every week, so check out the cam sometimes. You may catch the next UFO. SCW


Fleet of UFOs in Antioquia Colombia, OVNI,s en Antioquia colombia Edit 17/03/2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2015
Location of sighting: Antioquia, Colombia

This fleet of UFO orbs are amazing. At first they look like balloons, but if they were balloons they would move in the same direction. Instead we see them move in different directions and at different speeds. Unless there is a drone convention in the area, these are alien orbs. They usually spread out far from one another. However they do unite at two times. First when they are released, second when they wait for the mother orb to come meet them, which them pulls them inside of it. This looks odd when it happens, but the mother orb is just a few times bigger than these smaller orbs. SCW