
Alien Recorded Watching Family In Mexico, Scales Wall Like Spiderman, July 2015, Video, UFO Sighting New.

Date of sighting: July 2015
Location of sighting: Nuevo Laredo, Mexico
News Source: http://brazilweirdnews.blogspot.tw

This report was sent to me via Twitter and I have to admit its interesting. Mexico is the most active country in the world for UFO and alien sightings. No one knows why, but we do suspect there are many alien bases below most of Mexicos volcanos. SCW

Brazil Weird News states:
MEXICO. TAMAULIPAS state. NUEVO LAREDO city. FIRST HALF OF JULY, 2015. In the outskirts of Nuevo Laredo city, in broad daylight - the owner of a ranch, hearing strange noises outside the house, decided to investigate. Using the camera of his telephone, he got film an elusive alien being. With humanoid features, the creature apparently was naked exhibiting an extremely pink skin, moving on the roof of the residence. He was agile, slender, had long arms and legs, small head. Perceiving he was being watched, the stranger fled, got out of the rancher field of vision, who wasn't identified in the reportage. The video about the occurrence, in Spanish - was posted in Youtube by a local television news, El Mañana. Preliminary analysis of the material showed that the images have no cuts, animations or transition effects, indicative of the footage authenticity.

Massive Mothership Near Earths Sun, NASA Ignores It, July 15, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 15, 2015 at 03:48
Location of sighting: Earths Sun Orbit
Source Photo: http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov//data/REPROCESSING/Completed/2015/c2/20150715/20150715_0348_c2_1024.jpg

Found by Streetcap1 of Youtube, this UFO is awesome! Every time I try to ask NASA about these UFOs on Twitter, they ignore me. They have never answered be and refuse to talk about these giant UFOs near our sun. These craft sometimes are even moon size. This one look like its about the size of Idaho, yet does the NASA care? I will try to send a message to them again on Twitter today. Lets see if they respond? SCW

Eyewitness states:
This object has structure and for NASA to dismiss it as nothing is an insult to people's intelligence. If they post data then they must expect ufohunters to find anomalies and share them.


UFO Fleet In Rockland, Main On June 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Rockland, Main, USA
News Source: http://www.wcsh6.com/story/life/2015/07/16/possible-ufo-sighting-in-rockland/30257033/

These three glowing orbs are alien ships that travel together in triangle formation. Each orbs speed is perfectly matched and the none of them are seen leaving the formation. Often orbs are seen this way because its safer for them to travel in groups. Why are they glowing? Maybe they are not trying to be noticed, but are going about their business and their propulsion makes their cloaked vessels visible. One thing is clear, no city in the world is off limits to aliens. New York and other famous cities...are just tourist attractions for them. They may even walk among the crowds on the sidewalks and you won't even know they are not human. SCW

Eyewitness states:
My brother Tyler took this video from his phone from Rockland, Maine. On June 14th.

News States:
ROCKLAND, Maine (NEWS CENTER) -- A Rockland man uploaded a video on YouTube of, what he calls, an unidentified flying object (UFO), and it's causing a lot of local chatter. Ty Pendleton took the video on June 14 around 9 p.m. at his home in Rockland. Three lights in the sky caught his attention, so he decided to take a video of it. At first, Pendleton said he thought it was an airplane, but didn't hear any sound. As seen in the video, the three lights move in unison. Pendleton said he believes those three lights are a UFO. "Nobody can seem to explain what the image is. Nobody can explain it, so that's one reason why I definitely think it's a UFO," he said. While astronomers are fascinated with the idea of UFOs and life on other planets, a director at UMaine's Astronomy Center is a bit skeptical about the video. "I think it's probably not an alien spacecraft that's come to visit us, but there could be any number of explanations, just the weather here on earth can get kinda crazy, so it could be any number of things and we definitely can't make the leap to 'Oh, it must be aliens,'" said Scott Mitchell, the Center's director.

International Space Station evacuated due to UFOs! Raw Footage! July 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: Someone asked me on Youtube why I posted the link to the news saying it was debris? I said, Russians can't just come out and announce they are tracking UFOs near the space station, nor can they say they may have to evacuate the ISS because of aliens, without causing a public panic. Astronauts use code words to play down the sightings. Watch this Buzz Aldrin interview to understand more.

Date of event: July 16, 2015
Location of event: Earths orbit

The space station tried to blame the Russians for the evacuation by saying it was Russian debris of a satellite that caused the evacuation, but in reality, it was two high speed UFOs. I took this footage directly from the NASA site, and as you can see, NASA was very frantic at trying to track these UFOs that sometimes they jumped to far ahead of the UFOs with the camera. 

This is 16 minutes of raw footage of them following the UFOs, fearful that they may crash into the space station. 

I found this footage, because of Streetcap1 of Youtube found a few minutes of footage of this, and I suspected it was the UFOs that caused the space station evacuation, so I went searching for it and got lucky. Enjoy and please share. Best if you watch in Full Screen Mode, and in HD settings. 
Scott C. Waring


Fossilized Remains Found On Mars By Curiosity Rover, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: July 2015
Location of discovery: Mars

This fossil was discovered by Martian Archeology of Youtube. He found the fossilized remains of a creature on Mars. Its hard to tell what this looked like originally, but some of its remains is a little ways away form it, at the lower part of the photo. Also I found something that is bowl shape and has a hinge on the end of it. It is made by intelligent beings. SCW


Lets Celebrate Clyde Tombaugh, Who Discovered Pluto And Saw Six UFOs Over Las Cruces, New Mexico On Aug 20, 1949. UFO Sighting News.

Clyde Tombaugh, Astronomer who discovered Pluto. 
Date of sighting: August 20, 1949 
Location of sighting: Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA

I thought we hear so much in the news about Pluto and how Clyde Tombaughs ashes are aboard the space craft, that maybe you would like to hear a tidbit of news about Clyde that you won't see in the news. His UFO sighting of 1949. SCW
Tombaugh was probably the preeminent astronomer to have reported seeing Unidentified Flying Objects. On August 20, 1949, Tombaugh saw several UFOs near Las Cruces, New Mexico. He described them as six to eight rectangular lights, stating "I doubt that the phenomenon was any terrestrial reflection, because... nothing of the kind has ever appeared before or since... I was so unprepared for such a strange sight that I was really petrified with astonishment." A similar shocked response has been reported by many other who claim to have seen mysterious aerial objects. Tombaugh was also later to report having seen three of the mysterious Green Fireballs, which suddenly appeared over New Mexico in late 1948 and continued at least through the early 1950s. In 1956 Tombaugh had the following to say about his various sightings: "I have seen three objects in the last seven years which defied any explanation of known phenomenon, such as Venus, atmospheric optic, meteors or planes. I am a professional, highly skilled, professional astronomer. In addition I have seen three green fireballs which were unusual in behavior from normal green fireballs...I think that several reputable scientists are being unscientific in refusing to entertain the possibility of extraterrestrial origin and nature."

Two Glowing UFOs Fly Past Space Station On Live Cam, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit seen from ISS

This is taken from the live cam of the International Space Station. Streetcap1 of Youtube has caught two glowing orb UFOs shooting below the station and they are actually moving faster than the space station. The ISS completes 15.7 orbits of Earth per day, so you know thats fast. I tried to make close ups of the craft the best I could. I could see at the early part of the video that there was sometimes a trail behind each UFO. SCW
Eyewitness, Streetcap1 states:
Thought it was maybe two Jets at first, but they would have to be doing thousands of miles an hour. They eventually disappear at the right hand side of the screen as the camera cannot keep up with them. Yes I have this footage, but thought folk would get bored watching two white dots in the dark.


Updated: Alien Building Found On Mars Surface In HIRISE photo, July 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Updated, on July 28, 2015: Added new photos and there is also a massive transport ship in it!

Date of discovery: July 14, 2015
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://viewer.mars.asu.edu/planetview/inst/hirise/PSP_009760_2650_RED#P=PSP_009760_2650_RED&T=2

Look at this amazing discovery of a massive structure on Mars. This object looks like a wall, but understand that it is hundreds of meters thick, and that would make it a building. It also look like the building is the side of the entrance to an underground base. Did you notice the rectangle dark shadow to its right...thats the entrance. SCW
 Do you notice the ship in the screenshot above? Its very cool looking and a white in color. I've seen other white ones on the moon. 

Two UFOs In Super Fast Flight At Lightning Show! Bensenville Illinois July 13th 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Bensenville, Illinois, USA

News states:
Now its answer time! UFODI - I have to give my opinion on this impressive sighting! Its no airborne aircraft from earth, its no lanterns speeded up 100x, its no supersonic flares, NASA videos show UFOs over and around lightning storms "YES THEY DO" also maybe they appear under lightning storms! another explanation is ball lightning, a rare phenomena but rarely caught, yet NASA debunk hovering orb UFOs not moving at all as ball lightning "Fact" So this one is for you to decide. Subscribe to UFODI and follow www.ufodi.net for all your UFO news and videos.


UFO Caught Flying Over Police Riot In Canada! 7/6/2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 6, 2015
Location of sighting:  Canada
News Source: http://www.tbnewswatch.com/News/372767/200_people_riot_in_Pikangikum;_police_vehicles_and_headquarters_damaged

When a UFO photo is taken is very important. You see, often people find UFOs in the photo after they go home, because they were looking through a window and the lights behind them make a reflection on the window...which looks like orange disks in the sky. This is dark and what bothers me the most about it is that the UFO is in the same place the rear view mirror would be sticking to the window. So I wonder...is this the black glue that holds the mirror on the windshield or not. Also it could be a chip in the windshield or a dead bug or worse...bird poop. Your guess is as good as mine, but never take a photo through a window hunting for UFOs, its a fast way to create evidence against yourself. SCW