
Pilot Visible In UFO Over Guadalajara, Mexico On Sept 13, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Photos shows pilot in front of UFO.

Date of sighting: September 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Guadalajara, Mexico

I'm sorry I changed the color of the photos so much, but its the best way to see as much of the UFO as possible. In one of the photos, I can see a pilot of the craft standing up (below). The cockpit window is so transparent, we can't see it in the photos below. The UFOs propulsion is causing a distortion field around it. That is why its shape seems to be changing, but its really not. This is the most uniquely shaped UFO I have ever seen. This is freaking amazing! Such an usual and interesting design. 
Scott C. Waring

Photo close up below its enlarged from above photo. 

Below the UFO looks different, because its a distortion field caused by the propulsion system of the UFO. 

Iridescent UFO Hangs Over Cloud In Costa Rica On Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 2015
Location of sighting: Escazu, Costa Rica
News source: https://gma.yahoo.com/mysterious-iridescent-end-times-cloud-phenomenon-spotted-costa-183027929--abc-news-travel.html

Here we have what I believe to be a UFO above a cloud. Its color is iridescent. Many UFOs are iridescent as seen in reports around the world. This UFO is observing the humans below. We intrigue them. Thats a good thing. It shows they care in some way. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
An iridescent, multi-hued cloud phenomenon was recently spotted in Costa Rica skies, and residents were left awestruck and mystified. The spectacle in the sky was reported this past Tuesday afternoon in numerous cities including, San Jose, Parrita, Pavas, Escazu and Hatillo. Coincidentally, the sighting occurred on the country's Independence Day. View gallery . Many witnesses took to social media to post photos and video of the luminous cloud formation, with some even noting that it looked like an "end of times" scene.

Resident Joey Petit told ABC News today that he and his family were at the playground in Escazu for an Independence Day festival when his 11-year-old son, Ariel Joseph Petit first noticed the strange cloud. "He immediately grabbed the camera and started taking video and photos," he said. "We were just so amazed. We had no idea what it was and we'd never seen anything like it." Another Escazu resident, Jessie Montealegre, said she was also was amazed by the sky phenomenon. "It was breathtaking," she said. "It’s like a sign of God."


UFO Caught Close Up Over Ocean In Yucatan, Mexico On Sept 12, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Yucatan coast, Mexico
News source: http://www.sipse.com/milenio/yucatan-enigmas-avistamientos-fenomeno-ovni-170215.html

A UFO researcher in Mexico caught his first UFO and its detail is one of the best I've seen this year. We can see that its a half disk with a larger lower area. At the bottom there is a clear, white distortion, which looks like its caused by the propulsion of the craft, mixed with the UFO exiting the water and the water dripping off of it. The UFO was caught over the ocean, because it came from the water. Its a well known fact that aliens have bases not below the ocean, but several km below the floor of the ocean. And notice the dark bronze color...extraordinary. 
Scott C. Waring

News states (Translated from Spanish):
An amateur, with 20 years as a student of the phenomenon, but it was not until Friday that for the first time, had a sighting. 

Jorge Moreno / SIPSE MERIDA, Yuc.- A new report from the presence of an unidentified flying object (UFO) came to me from the port of Progreso: say strange lights appeared two days ago; The odd thing is that for the same dates (September 12), but last year there was also a sighting, allowing speculate on a possible motive for which is given in the same place and date but with a year difference. According to information provided by Manuel Loría Alejos, UFO enthusiast for over 20 years, he says that he went to the port to spend the weekend at his family home is there: "For nearly two decades I have been reading everything about the UFO issue, but until that day I had never seen one until last Friday, when in the company of my dad, my wife, my brothers and my children we could see a strange light on the horizon. "But there was not any light, because I have seen many documentaries and I know when it comes to reflections, aircraft or other logical phenomena to which they can be attributed unidentified label. "It was a strong blue light, which was moving in a straight line first and then making zigzag movements. I was the first to discover it, while we were on the beach, near Yucatan. I immediately called my family to see him because I had the feeling it was not a normal light, which we found moments later, it started making faster movements until after two minutes was up to disappear completely; yes, to an even greater speed. "We were six witnesses and indeed I much excited, because although I believe in life on other planets, it was the first time I saw this, unlike my father, who lived his third experience of this type. "For this reason I decided to immediately send them this report and share it with readers, and so that if someone saw it and report it to give more information that further research be done," he concluded. It notes that in the Yucatan coast has also reported a significant number of UFO sightings, most (80 percent) and Progress stations (Chuburna and Chelem Chicxulub). 

Unfortunately there is no solid evidence (photos or videos), but a high number of witnesses claim to have seen, including municipal and state police and authorities, tourist service providers, besides the inhabitants. In Flamboyanes station (located a few kilometers before the entrance to Progreso) a couple of years ago various reports were given: neighbors, truckers and people who journeyed there often saw strange lights suddenly did not emit any noise, They are descending vertically and then lost in the sky in the same position at supersonic speed. Airline pilots interviewed say that no plane or helicopter can do these movements, so this is discarded as an explanation for what people saw. In Progreso, in the boardwalk area they have also been several ships with five lights each advancing in training and suddenly reach high speeds and disappear; the control tower Merida International Airport at the time did not report that it was a plane. Another interesting witness got was a well-known specialist in law Merida, who told me with astonishment that has seen at least three times these ships entering or leaving the sea. "I seek no explanation for what I saw, what I spotted this from my summer home in Chelem, even had binoculars, and caused me much impact, certainly the UFO phenomenon does exist," said the lawyer.

Crater Jansen Is Dome Alien City With Hole Blown Through On Our Moon, Sept 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 17, 2015
Location of discovery: Crater Jansen, Earths Moon
Google coordinates: 13°44'33.81"N 28° 8'57.68"E

Guys you won't believe it, but I found a black dome over a crater on our moon. The dome looks like its damaged, because there is a large circular white hole on the upper left of it. The dome is black to block out the sunlight and radiation. Remember how UFO reports of aliens with dark eyes, which are really eyelids that pull back to reveal their real eyes? Well, this was created by one of those species. That hole doesn't look like it was but there, because its inner line of the hole looks torn apart. Maybe it was an attack, but most likely it was abandoned long ago, and looters had to blow a hole large enough for their ship to fit through. Also notice that this dome is in the middle of all NASAs landing sites. Now you know why NASA wanted to go there. Alien tech!
Scott C. Waring

UFO Seen With Powerful Beam Coming Out of It Near Our Sun On NASA Camera. Sept 16, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 16, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

Myunhauzen74 of youtube keeps a close eye on the NASA/SOHO photos. He has been doing this for years and is one of the top UFO researches on the subject. He caught this UFO near our sun, with a powerful beam coming from the UFO. Is it taking energy from the sun, recharging itself, or is it a tractor beam to try to rescue a lost ship? 
Scott C. Waring
Eyewitness states:
September 16, 2015, there was a great activity of different types of UFOs orbiting our sun. For more information, please visit http://x-u-f-o.blogspot.com People should know the truth that hides NASA.

UFO Fleet Reveals Itself Near Space Station On Sept 13, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 13, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at ISS

These UFOs visited the space station this week and were found by Streetcap1 of Youtube. Only one of the UFOs was clear enough to get a nice close up of it, but thats all I needed to tell if it was a reflection or a solid object. The UFO on the far left is 100% solid. The others are probably the same. I notice that the one on the left fades out, while the one on the far right fades in. Streetcap1 is right, its possible these ships are some covert project, like the old Aurora project, but still unidentified. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
I am running out of ideas for titles for these videos. Who knows what these are ? I am always reluctant to call them alien as they could be part of a secret space project or tests in the upper atmosphere.


UFO Over Bangkok,Thailand Might Be Ezekiel's Wheel, Sept 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Bangkok, Thailand

This UFO orb was captured by DT Smile Love of Youtube. This type of UFO is often seen, but mistaken and dismissed as stars and planets. The UFO is not a sphere, but a disk, tilted on end like a wheel. Similar to the Biblical Ezekiel's wheel at 593BC. This way, the UFO can allow itself to be seen as it...studies...you from a distance. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Strange but very beautiful star or UFO. It is still, looks like a star. There are many of them and all are changing colours. We saw them all around the world. 

Cigar UFO Seen Over Freeway At Louisville, Kentucky On Sept 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Louisville, Kentucky, USA

Here is another UFO caught over Louisville. This is the second time this week that this person caught UFOs over the city, both times from their car. This UFO clearly is not a plane, drone, or helicopter. It looks like Louisville is a hotspot for UFOs. 
Scott C. Waring

75 Meter Tall Pyramid Found On Mars Hillside, Sept 16, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 16, 2015
Date of photo: Sept 14, 2015 
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA source: http://marsmobile.jpl.nasa.gov/msl/multimedia/raw/?s=#/?slide=1104

While looking through the Mars Mobile site, I caught a glimpse of some thumbnail photos that appeared to show the full view of the mountains. Its a rare thing to get from NASA so I clicked on it and instantly saw this pyramid nestled into the hillside. The pyramid looks to be about 1.5km away. That would make the visible part of the pyramid 75-100 meters high. Still small for a pyramid, but its edges do not lie. Part of its corner is under the dirt, but most of this structure is visible. It also looks like two or there other structures to the right that are totally under the dirt. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Over Hsinchu, Taiwan On Sept 15, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 15, 2015
Location of sighting: Hsinchu, Taiwan

This UFO was seen in a city just 20 minutes away from me here in Taiwan. They caught a glowing orb moving about over the rooftops. It probably investigating the neighborhood. Cool capture and surprised someone saw it. Usually here in Taiwan, people don't look up. Its a big city thing. Very exciting that someone did. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
9/15 Location in Hsinchu Oh ~ friends should shoot again asked her to give me fill information.


Shape Shifting UFO Seen Over New York City For 20 Minutes! Sept 12, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: New York, New York, USA
Source: http://sheamagazine.com/ufo-over-new-york/

These shape shifting UFO are seen around the world, but most often around July and August of every year. They are marked by the bumps on them that change positions and by the microbe-like appearance. They are most often mistaken for stars, but when you look through a camera, they are never just round. This one is unusually close, but it may be his monster zoom he's got on his camera. The fact that he felt a presence  as if someone was watching him is a fact that is sometimes reported by eyewitnesses. This is a living entity that is observing the people below. What a remarkable sighting. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness States:
I got up this morning at about 2 am, awoken by a strange dream. Somewhere around 5 am I noticed that there was a strange round object in the sky. I thought at first it was the reflection of my computer off the window. But then something else strange happened, I felt an odd presence watching me somehow, like a beam coming through the window, and then I grabbed a camera and started recording. And this is what I saw looking northeast.

00:29 – I zoom in on what at appears to be a star. 
1:34 – It looks like a flaming ball. 
3:43 – I pull back and zoom in on it again. 
5:42 – I pull back as it becomes a fiery triangle. 
8:05 – I zoom back in on it and it has become an object that looks like a planet or a molecule. 
9:50 – It becomes more angular and bright. 
15:00 – I zoom in and it starts to look like a molecule, or perhaps the death star, or a jellyfish, or a popover, or the planet Saturn or…I’m not sure what. 

Now I’m sure the scientists among you will provide me with whatever reasonable explanation there is, provided that meteors, or distant planets, or nuclear explosions in space can be thought of as reasonable. I myself was somewhat sleep deprived and looked upon whatever phenomenon was occurring with a sense of mystical appreciation and wonder. Perhaps it’s a planet, since Venus and Jupiter and Mars are visible this month in the eastern sky. Perhaps it is a star, and this is what a nuclear explosion in space looks like, which also might make sense. Maybe it’s a meteor flying though space. It does look a planet, for a while at least. And then it changes, becomes more liquid, becomes more fiery, seems to breathe and change shape, and does appear to be burning, and sort of beating like heart. Then it becomes more molecular, changes shapes again, and so on. At one point after I had concluded this video and was uploading it, I looked through the camera again, zooming in on the light source and it shuffled thorough a rapid series of geometric shape changes, square, triangle, hexagon and so on. This alas is not shown in the video. All that said, what is this? If you have an idea, please leave a comment and let me know.

UFO Follows Argentina Pilgrims During 290km walk, Sept 12, 2015, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: September 12, 2015
Location of sighting: Salta, Argentina
Source: http://www.lagacetasalta.com.ar/nota/30589/sociedad/ovni-acompana-peregrinos.html

News States (Translated):
A UFO accompanies the pilgrims? In a photo shared on Facebook had the presence of a foreign object on Mine walkers Hammer was observed. Believe or bust? The truth is that in a picture that you shared on the social network Facebook, the presence of an unidentifiable flying object (UFO) with a group of pilgrims was detected. In the stunning image, Mine Workers Hammer appear above them and can be seen this object, according to who posted the photo said "I did not have it in mind." Mine workers Hammer launched on Wednesday an exhausted journey of 290 kilometers that separates this corner of the Puna to over 3,000 meters above sea level in the capital. It GAZETTE consulted by the woman who published the picture in your mind also he said there was no drones covering pilgrims walk on that occasion.

Easy Rider Passes Off Real Message About Aliens Over The Last 70 Years, July 14, 1969, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of movie: July 14, 1969
Title of movie: Easy Rider
Writer of movie: Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda, Terry Southern

How do you pass on a message about aliens to millions all at the same time without having government men stop you? Movies right? Well, they did just that in the America classic movie Easy Rider. Apparently one of the writers got some inside information about aliens, because every freaking word that Jack Nicholson says is 100% on the mark. I could find no flaws in anything he said. I can find dozens of references of evidence to back up every accusation he has made. 

There were three writers of the script, Dennis Hopper, Peter Fonda and Terry Southern. One of these people had inside information about aliens and how they are influencing the world today. I knew about everything he said already, but even today, most people don't know even 5% of it. So, how did they know it then? Every word, every sentence was logically written to expose the alien influence over the last 70 years. 

In the scene, Jack Nicholson explains how aliens have influence humanity over the last 70 years and how humanity will grow because of it. When Jack finishes, they look down at his joint and are in awe, because...he hadn't been smoking it and it went out.

This is a rare Easter egg hidden in one of the most legendary movies in American history. 

Glowing Orb Seen Near Space Station On Sept 14, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 14, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at space station.
Cam Source: http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/73193792

This was sent into me by a reader of our site. It was found by WhiteHorseUSA of Youtube. He managed to catch a UFO at the space station live cam this week. The UFO looks small, because its some distance away, but the space station passes right under it. Nice catch. 
Scott C. Waring


Donut UFO Passes Over Traffic At De Pinte, Belgium On Aug 18, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 18, 2015
Location of sighting: De Pinte, Belgium 

This UFO was over the a small town with a population of 10,235, so its no wonder there wasn't more videos of it. I enlarged this UFO in each of the three screenshots I took, and found something unusual. Each close up I made has an aura around it, which shows the hole in the middle is smaller that it looks and the sides are much farther out than we can see. This UFO is using some kind of tech to make itself look smaller than it is. This is proof that it is an actual UFO. Do you remember the old stories about UFOs in photos looking fuzzy, due to their propulsion systems? There you go. 
Scott C. Waring

PS, I checked this guy out. He is a UFO hunter, but posts only his own catches and is 100% legit. SCW

Alien Vessel Decloaks Near Space Station On Live Cam, Sept 11, 2015, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 11, 2015
Location of sighting: Earths Orbit at space station

This UFO was caught when the light flashes hit it just right. It was not to far away. It looks to be about 125-175 meters away from the station. This strange shaped UFO has an orb drone to buzz around and collect data for it. This is the stuff UFO researches dream of, and Streetcap1 of Youtube caught it. This vessel design is...very similar to the kind humans might build one day. It looks more primitive in design and shape than other UFOs seen near the ISS over the last few years. 
Scott C. Waring