
Person Records UFO Fleet Over Building In London, England On Dec 2015, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 12, 2015
Location of sighting: London, England
Source: MUFON #74974

Here we have an example of how the digital eye of the camera is more exact than the human eye. The camera caught what the photographer didn't even see at the time. Thats understandable since the iPhone screen is a bit small. There is only two reasons to stop by such a famous building as The Shard. One, to drop some aliens off (looking like us) to look around and do shopping. Two...to observe a marvel of the modern age...the building itself. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 

I was at Borough Market, near Cathedral Street, London UK, taking photographs of the top of the nearby building,The Shard. On closer inspection of the photographs, I noticed that a progressive path of unidentified objects was recorded on the several images that were taken. They were clearly visible above the pinnacle of The Shard. The time was approximately 4.30pm. In extreme close-up, the object to the far right has a clearer structure - perhaps metallic. I was using an i-phone 6 – I’m almost certain that these are not internal light reflections; I take lots of photographs and have never observed this phenomenon before or since.

Breathing Sidewalk In Italy Looks Like Rising Zombie Breaking Through, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 5, 2016
Location of discovery: Cadimare, Italy

CDS News in Cadimare, Italy reported this week about a breathing sidewalk. At first glance it appears to be some kind of demon or zombie trying to break out from its grave. I had to admit, it blew me away at first. CDS News states that its probably caused by the waves of the ocean washing under the sidewalk and lifting it up, but if thats true, then why is the sidewalk so dry? Honestly I would not be surprised if they dug up the area and found a dead body there. Something wants out. 
Scott C. Waring

Hey, My Meteorite Came From Chelyabinsk, Russia Today! March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Seller of from Chelyabinsk, Russia: http://goo.gl/LZe5cx

Guys, I collect meteorites, and just wanted to share this with you. Two weeks ago I ordered a sample of the meteorite that fell in Russia back in 2013. Its a small sample of it, but very unique and heavy for its size. It feels good to own something that may have been around during the creation of this universe. Something thats may have traveled across space, through many solar systems before it hit Earth. I guess its as close as I will ever get to space. 

I trust the seller, because he actually lives in the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. This helps a lot, and is important if you want an authentic find. They fell in other cities, so if its in the general area, your good. Also, you might want to buy a broken one, seeing the outer black melted crust with its inner white, brown core is kinda cool. I should have done that. 
Here is the link to the guy selling them in Chelyabinsk, Russia (click here)
Scott C. Waring

Blue Plasma UFO Seen By Scientist During Hunting Trip In Canada, 45 Min Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 2014
Location of sighting: Canada
Source: MUFON

Its understandable that a person in the DOD wants to keep things off the record. In the government, you either play by their rules, or their rules will kick you out. Its just about job security. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
A extremely credible Scientist that works with highly advanced technology who is also a contractor with the Department of Defense tells about a encounter with a large U.F.O. while on a hunting trip , 3 hunters see a dog bone shaped U.F.O. that is 170 feet long, covered in blue plasma, watch a interview with two of the hunters who witness this out of this world craft 400 feet away from them, Investigated independently by myself and Robert Powell (Director of Research for MUFON) Mutual UFO Network , for a considerable time, this event has produced specific details normally not observed and is now being released to the public, with the witness needing specific help furthering his research. 

UFO Caught In Apollo 14 @NASA Photo Observing Astronauts On Moon! March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 7, 2016
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Photo source: http://tothemoon.ser.asu.edu/data_a70/AS14/extra/AS14-66-9286.half.png

Streetcap1 of Yotube found this UFO over the surface of the moon. The photo was taken during the Apollo 14 mission, a maned mission that walked on the moon back in Feb 1971. In this photo we can make out a dark rectangle UFO mostly cloaked in the distance as it observes the astronauts. Why observe them? Well, if you had some strange people come onto your property, wouldn't you want to see what they were up to? Of course you would.  Over 15 American and Russian astronauts have come out saying they saw UFOs in space...if we can't believe these heroes, then who can we believe? The Apollo missions were to observe, record and if possible retrieve alien technology. 
Scott C. Waring

Wandering Rocks of Death Valley, Did Aliens Cause Them To Move? March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Now I understand when a person tries to take a scientific explanation to answer a hard question, but you need to understand that their answers are not answers, but just a hypothesis, which means it is a fancy word for guessing. Let me give you my guess. I believe it is the abundance of alien activity in this area that makes them move. These rocks may move due to an underground base 3-6 km below the surface. Its perfect since few humans venture out there. Aliens can move things with their mind. Also many aliens (W56) frequently meditate, projecting their thoughts skyward. These rocks could move due to those daily meditations over hundreds of years. Remember years to them are like days to us since they live forever. Telekinesis...can occur by accident, if their meditation level is exceptionally powerful. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
How do these rocks, some weighing hundreds of pounds, seem to move themselves across the floor of Death Valley? While some believe that electromagnetic fields generated by UFO's are responsible, planetary scientists reveal the actual explanation is a bit more down to Earth.