
The Bright Spots On Ceres Are Blinking! March 16, 2016, UFO Sighting News.

 Both upper and lower photos are the same object, but lower was told to public first, then later NASA showed the upper photo saying it was the same object...but apparently NASA changed objects.

Date of article: March 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Dwarf Planet Ceres
News source: http://www.universetoday.com/127897/bright-spots-ceres-blinking/

Astronomers on Earth decided to observe Ceres bright spots and noticed that they blink every 9 hours. Like a light house signal but instead of across the ocean, its across the solar system. Its a signal, but is it an early warning signal, a greeting, a radar tower or what? We may never know in our lifetime, but I am sure its there for a purpose.  Maybe we should signal back. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
All right, maybe not blinking like a flashlight (or a beacon on the tippity-top of a communication tower—don’t even start that speculation up) but the now-famous “bright spots” on the dwarf planet Ceres have been observed to detectably increase and decrease in brightness, if ever-so-slightly. And what’s particularly interesting is that these observations were made not by NASA’s Dawn spacecraft, currently in orbit around Ceres, but from a telescope right here on Earth. Researchers using the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet Searcher (HARPS) instrument on ESO’s 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla detected “unexpected” changes in the brightness of Ceres during observations in July and August of 2015. Variations in line with Ceres’ 9-hour rotational period—specifically a Doppler effect in spectral wavelength created by the motion of the bright spots toward or away from Earth—were expected, but other fluctuations in brightness were also detected. “The result was a surprise,” said Antonino Lanza from the INAF–Catania Astrophysical Observatory, co-author of the study. “We did find the expected changes to the spectrum from the rotation of Ceres, but with considerable other variations from night to night.” (More at source).

Three Dome Structures Found On Apollo 15 Image, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2016
Location of sighting: Earths Moon, near Rima Cauchy and Rupes Cauchy
Source photo: http://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS15-P-9843

Guys, I was looking through some old post I made back in 2011, and I found this one where I had found some domed cities on Earths Moon. This is from an old Apollo mission image, but its higher quality than most moon images from NASA today. There is actually three domes to be seen, but one dome on the far lower right actually seems to by above the surface of the moon! The Apollo missions were to scout the moon for alien structures and retrievable ships. Yeah, you heard me right. Its tilted at a 25-30 degree angle. Cool, it looks like a dome ship, and around its side is a thin rim, like that on a plate. Tell me your thoughts on this please in comments below. Apollo 17 was the last mission we knew of, but not the last Apollo mission
Scott C. Waring

Pink Fuzzy UFO Seen Over Mexico City On March 11, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

 Above photo has added contrast, below is normal. 

Date of sighting: March 11, 2016
Location of sighting: Mexico City, Mexico

This pinkish orb was seen over Mexico last week and it has its own fuzzy little cloud around it. Its really high up, so it makes me wonder whats its doing...possibly monitoring something the air...the ground activity? What ever its doing, one thing is for sure...people noticed it.
Scott C. Waring

Angel Appears During Sunset Over Cornwall, UK, March 17, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2016
Location of sighting: Peters Point, Cornwall, UK
Source: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1249515091728602&set=pb.100000103682315.-2207520000.1458234363.&type=3&theater

This photo was taken by Ian Warne of Cronwall, and it shows an angel with outspread wings. The sun itself it the head of the angel, the body is the reflection, and a beaming radiance around its head is the halo. I'm not a religious person, but this is a sign, but for whom was the sign intended for?

I have long believed that an alien in deep meditation can create pictures in the clouds, flocks of birds, and even water, if their meditation had a vision in it. A universal moment when a person becomes one with everything everywhere. Was this such an event?
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
" I didn't realize how cool it was till I got home,just a lucky shot I guess."


UFO Over France Is Wheel Like Disk With Domed Top Over France, June 2013, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 21, 2013, but reported today.
Location of sighting: France
Source: MUFON #75233

At first, I almost dismissed this as a light reflection, but on closer inspection I found that it is a solid object. Yes light of the sun is reflecting off of the object, causing it to appear brighter for the moment. The UFO probably shot past the camera so fast that the human eye didn't see it. Lucky for us the camera did. Its easy to make out the domed top, and it has two separate sides and an inner center. So glad I saw this one today. It taught me a lesson about sometimes a reflection is not just a reflection. I would have hated missing this one.

It moves like a wheel on its end. I do have a friend, who works at NASA from Taiwan. He said he once saw a craft that glowed blue when started and stood on end like a wheel with the ability to travel from the Earth to the moon in just over a minute. Hmmm...this could be NASAs secret project caught over France. They  did catch the TR3B with night vision over France about 6 years back. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
It was nice and quite dark cloud attracted my attention. I took pictures and I saw appear a lumièere so I took a second photo where you can see this strange form. you can see it on second photo.

Giant Door Opens Up In Sun Just Enough To Allow Ships To Leave, March 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 14, 2016     11:26:15
Location of sighting: Earths sun, surface
Source: helioviewer.org
Camera: AIA 304

A giant door opened up on the sun this week, just a little bit, enough to make a crack across the sun and through the crack shined pure white light of the world inside. It opened just enough to allow motherships to exit or enter. For many UFO researchers it is believed that the sun itself is an artificial structure, with a flaming camouflage on the outside and a massive world 1000X our own on the inside. This photo as rare as it is, confirms that theory. 

Cool catch and hats off to TheWatcher252 of Youtube

Now, think about this mind blowing fact. If the sun is hollow, then since it has 1,300,000 times the volume of Earth, that make is one large living space if it is hollow. How many millions of years does a alien species have to exist to be able to create an artificial sun? It can happen, and probably already has. 

Scott C. Waring