
Please help UFO Sightings Daily Donation Fund, Thanks, SCW

Hey everyone, I am getting closer and closer to that new computer for UFO Sightings Daily site. Its something I need to continue this site. Mine is on its last legs, so any help you could give would be appreciated. A dollar would be great. Whatever you could spare to help this site stay alive. Its hard for me asking this, but sometimes we all need help. Thanks for considering it. 
Scott C. Waring

Argentina: Army Sergeant Sees a Train-Shaped UFO (1977), Photo, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  October 1977
Location of sighting: Argentina
News source: http://inexplicata.blogspot.tw

Here is a really fascinating story about a UFO that looks like a train. Honestly, alien tech propulsion systems could make a mountain fly if you strapped enough of the alien tech to it, so yes, its possible. 
Scott C. Waring

Inexplicata states: 
Argentina: Army Sergeant Sees a Train-Shaped UFO By Andrea Pérez Simondini Investigation conducted by Carlos Iurchuk Material by Osvaldo Sánchez In October 2010, researcher Carlos Iurchuck made a trip to the Chaco following the trail of cases experienced by military personnel. On October 9, he held a meeting with Osvaldo Sánchez, a researcher and broadcaster who is unquestionably the greatest compiler of case histories in that province. Osvaldo is a retired policeman who once held the rank of commissioner. He became interested in the UFO phenomenon as a result of the stories told by members of the police force, involving experiences in various parts of the Chaco. He has hosted the "Encuentros Cercanos con el Mas Alla" radio show for over 35 years, and after a personal interview, he was kind enough to give Carlos some material, including pages he had written years ago, describing local events as they were told to him. Thus, we share with you an even from the 1970s: "In the early morning hours of 1977 or 1978, perhaps during the months of October or November, the eyewitness, Army sergeant [name withheld], in the company of Mr. [name withheld], a well-known businessman in the province, were travelling along National Route 11 in a Ford Fairlane heading toward Resistencia. When they were north of Santa Fe, both men saw something resembling an "illuminated train" that crossed the road in complete silence and lost itself in the fields. "He said the object looked like "an arrow" and moved flush to the ground. The ghostly apparition startled them greatly. The person telling the story exclaimed - "look out for the train", although his companion replied that he was already aware of it. Once the moment was over, they stopped the car to remark on their sighting, realizing only then that no railroad tracks existed in that area. To this very day in 1993, the witnesses still wonder: "what was that?" 

 [Translation (c) 2016 S. Corrales IHU with thanks to Andrea Pérez Simondini and Guillermo Giménez]

A Waring To Humanity? Crop Circle Formation At Castle Hill, UK On June 6, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 6, 2016
Location of discovery: Castle Hill, Wiltshire, UK

Many of us believe that some crop circles were made by aliens trying to communicate a message to humanity though space and time. That even an attempt could change future events and save humanity. Its my personal believer that each one found in the same area is a word, and each word will appear at an evenly spaced moment of time from the last...just as we see at Castle Hill over the last few years. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
The June 06, 2016 Castle Hill Crop Circle is in my opinion, a key crop circle, that affirms the return to and the continued focus on the future ritual dates of 9-23 and 9-24. By viewing the crop circle in a negative view, I was able to observe a subtle created and hidden sphere image, created within the image of the Castle Hill Crop Circle. It was this hidden sphere that allowed me to observe and to once again confirm the future intention of using two each 911 false flag events to create the needed time line, needed by the NWO Supercomputer, to ensure their future one world govt and one world domination of the world. The Castle Hill UK Crop Circle for me, marks a key set of dates in time, regarding the mega ritual of time manipulation, that I have been following and pursuing for many year.

Floating orb caught on IR Cam in basement In Colorado, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 25, 2016
Location of sighting: Colorado

This is an infrared camera which can catch entity orbs or cloaked UFOs because it can see IR light, something the human eye cannot. This is a great orb and its in Colorado, a place were giant glowing orbs are often seen over the Rocky mountains. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: "I've caught this about five times floating in my basement. It only happens early in the mornings, between 3am - 6am. Does anyone know what this is?" 


Face Found On Mars In Curiosity Rover Photo This week, June 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 25, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 1376

I found this face today on the side of a hill in a recent Curiosity rover photo. The face does look human, but due to its eroded detail, its difficult to be sure about that. Sometimes its a bit difficult, especially with these black and white photos NASA gives us. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Emerges From Cloud Over Port Angeles, Washington On June 4, 2016, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: June 4, 2016
Location of sighting: Port Angeles, Washington, USA
News source: MUFON #76808

UFOs that want to observe humanity need a place to hide, especially if the alien species doesn't look anything like us, because they can't just walk among us and blend it. So, some species observer from afar and use natures clouds to hide within. When no cloud cover exists, often they will make their own cloud. Incredible close and HD photo of a UFO in a cloud. This is also why if you are recording the sky, focus on the clouds and the edges of the clouds...thats where you will see them. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
While beachcombing w my gf in Poet Angeles, we observed a dark UFO emerge from a cloud over the harbor. We had been commenting on the oddness of the ling, thin, spirally dense cloud on a clear day, and were already photographing the cloud when the object emerged, as if on cue, "posed" as it were, for one shot then retreated back within the cloud.