
Glowing UFO Tries To Escape Detection At Space Station, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date if sighting: August 2016
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at ISS

Once again, a UFO has been caught at the space station using the live cam. Streetcap1 had a watchful eye on the cams and was fortunate enough to record it for us. It looks like this UFO didn't want to be recorded, because it was seen moving away and high speed. But this just goes to show, that aliens are not gods or angels, but flawed beings just like us. They are not perfect, they make mistakes, just like this alien pilot made in this video...which will forever be on Youtube to show the world that the alien F#$%ed up. How does that feel aliens...having your flubs on Youtube for all the human race to see, laugh at and comment about? 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states: 
Not a clue what this is. Other people must have seen this too. It disappears into the Earth Light and does not reappear. Short sequence repeated several times over. Streetcap1.

UFOs Hover Over Vegas While Helicopters buzz past to investigate, Aug 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: August 23, 2016
Location of sighting:  Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

Here is an awesome video of some helicopters and planes buzzing past the three UFOs over Vegas. I'm sure radar must have seen these three UFOs...because if it didn't then we need to rethink better radar for protection of air accidents. This is in an area close to a Tall White base at Nellis AFB. Possibly aliens wanting to get as close as possible to the night life in Vegas...and who could blame them, but know, and adult Tall White is over 3 meters tall and would stand out in Vegas...also, if you accidentally touched them, they would take pleasure in your immediate death, so its best to avoid them.
Scott C. Waring

Steven Barone of Vegas states: 
I shot this video from my backyard in the Summerlin area of Las Vegas, Nevada on the night of August 23, 2016. The weather has improved greatly even though a wicked storm passed through later in the night. I could hear the wind and hail hitting the windows. Earlier it was actually really nice other than a tad bit of wind and haze. The night started off slowly and then all of a sudden things started happening. I got a short clip of a UFO in the southern valley and then I noticed the amazing UFOs over in the Henderson area. They were in a location where it's very rare to see anything. Once they began to move they ended up in a spot where I see them more routinely. This was just the beginning as I have more footage from the Blue Diamond Hills that I still need to publish.


Shoe Found On Mars, Indicates The Horror Of The Death Of A Species, Aug 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: August 24, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://areo.info/mer/opportunity/2153/

While looking though some Mars rover photos I found a lone shoe on the edge of the crater. This is probably a shoe of a species that were at war in long ago, the shoe being the lone evidence that the person had ever existed. How many times on a battle field or a catastrophic event have we seen photos in the newspapers of the shoes of the victims... alone...evidence of how hard they were hit, how fast they were taken from us? Well, this is such evidence.

This is not the only shoe ever found on Mars, I have found others, Click here to view another similar shoe, but far away from this one. 
Scott C. Waring

Glowing UFO In Russia Over Farmers Field Same As Colorado And Vegas UFOs, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: July 2016, but reported in Aug
Location of sighting: Novosibirsk, Russia

 This Glowing UFO was seen during the day time in Russia a few months back, but the person uploaded it to Youtube this week. It shows a UFO moving low over the field and then beyond some trees. Not sure why the camera is held sideways, or that he didnt move around the tree, but we do hear him attempting to move through leaves and then he gives up. Perhaps moving to the left was impossible, so he could only move to the right...but was blocked by the trees. 

This UFO is very similar in appearance to glowing orbs seen over the Colorado mountains and over the Las Vegas Mountains. I see no difference in color or intensity of light. This is the same...but has never been seen so close. It has however been seen by a UFO researcher in Vegas called Steven Barone...who watches them almost nightly and records these unpredictable and intense UFOs over the top secret area of an Air Force Base owned land where Tall Whites live at a separate base behind the old firing range...this does look like one of their ships. 
Scott C. Waring

White UFO Seen Over Abilene, Kansas In Aug 4, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting:  August 4, 2016
Location of sighting:  Abilene, Kansas, USA
Source: MUFON #78235

This UFO was seen over a small town of Abilene a few weeks ago. Abilene is a secluded town with a low population of only 6,600, so aliens probably thought the odds of being seen were much lower in this particular area. Lucky for us they were wrong. Aliens are not perfect, the do make mistakes and are seen from time to time daily around the globe. They may live thousands or even millions of years, but that doesn't make them gods, just immortals, who are more fortunate than us technologically, that they may have such long lifetimes. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
I was on a walk in a local park when I notice an odd light in the sky moving over me. I was able to record the object for about minute. After the first object was out of sight two other objects appeared heading the same direction, but too far out of range for my camera to see them.


John Lennon Has UFO sighting At His Home In New York City On Aug 23, 1974, UFO Sighting News.

On This Day In UFO History Aug 23, 2016

John Lennon had a UFO sighting which occurred when he was with his personal secretary, May Pang, in New York. As May Pang recounts in her book, the "large, circular object [was] coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light... When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft."

August 23, 1974 - John Lennon reports seeing a UFO in NYC. Lennon's sighting occurred when he was with his personal secretary, May Pang, in New York, at the time when he and Yoko Ono were separated. He refers to the experience on the cover of his album "Walls And Bridges", which was released in 1974, saying that he saw a UFO. May Pang reports in her book, "Loving John".... 

"We had just ordered up some pizzas and since it was such a warm evening, we decided to step out on the terrace," recalled Pang. "There were no windows directly facing us from across the street, so John just stepped outside with nothing on, in order to catch a cool breeze that was coming in right off the East River. I remember I was just inside the bedroom getting dressed when John started shouting for me to come out on the terrace. 

I yelled back that I would be right there but he kept screaming for me to join him in that instant. As I walked out onto the terrace, my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we'd see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft - these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind. It was, I estimate, about the size of a Lear jet and it was so close that if we had something to throw at it, we probably would have hit it quite easily." 

Eerily the object passed by. 

"We often had helicopters flying above us but this was as silent as the night and about seventeen storeys above street level." The object flew off but returned later, by which time she and Lennon had set up a telescope through which they could view it in more detail. "The light was so brilliant coming from the craft that no additional details could be seen. We did take a couple of pictures but they turned out overexposed." They also rang a local newspaper to report the sighting and were told at least seven other people had seen the UFO too. 

"We even called the police, that's how excited we were, and they told us to keep calm, that others had seen it too." During what was left of the evening, John kept saying, "I can't believe it... I can't believe it... I've seen a flying saucer!"