
UFO Caught In Early Morning Over India On Sept 25, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Sept 25, 2016
Location of sighting: India

This UFO sometimes looks like a pentagon, and other times like a hexagon. It was seen over India this week in the early morning. A lot of aliens think that flying between 12 midnight and 5 am lowers the risk of being seen and allows them to do what they got to do. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Early morning around 5 am 25 sept 2016 over India.


Dark Disk Found On Mars Surface, Landed UFO? Sept 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/191536

This disk on the surface of a hill on Mars was found by Streetcap1 this week. It looks to be made of the same material as the surroundings, and could be a flying disk that has landed, or it could be a building built there on purpose to get a better view.

I looked further into the photo to see if there was anything else around and found a few other anomalies. There is a male figure kneeling as if praying from behind. Perhaps a statue or perhaps frozen in time...petrified from some monstrous weapon. It is only about 4-6 cm tall, which fits the hight of the other figures we have found over the years. 
Scott C. Waring

Streetcap1 states:
This looks a bit unusual. Doesn't really fit in with the surrounding rocks. It is at the summit of the mountain and very far off, so if it is a rock then it must be massive. Also it looks like there are windows on it. Streetcap1.

 Above is the back of a kneeling person, probably praying or begging for their life, before being prettified (turned to stone) with an alien weapon. 


Green Alien Walking On Post Office Roof Witnessed By Stephenville Police Officer, UFO Sighting News.

Photo recreation above, actual post office in Stephenville.

Date of sighting: 2000-2001
Location of sighting: Stephenville, Texas, USA
Source: MUFON #54733

Here is a police officer report about him seeing a green glowing alien walking on the roof of the Stephenville post office. He held back this info until he was retired, which was probably a good idea, since his lively hood was at stake. 

Stephenville is also home of one of the move recent and mass sightings in the last 10 years...where a 300 meter rectangle UFO flew slowly over the city toward the US president Bush ranch...Bush was in office at the time, and its my personal belief that this UFO was piloted by Pres Bush himself since he has piloted other Navy jets and is a bit of a wild card...sky diving every year. So, if Bush found out about a secret gov project or alien base with a 300 meter UFO in it, what do you think would be the first think to cross his mind...thats right....I want to fly that thing! And nothing in hell or high would dare say no to that cowboy president. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Back in 2000 -2001 I was employed at the Police department as the patrol night shift Sergeant with the Police Department,My shift was from 7pm - 7am. On this particular night,I had been at the police department for a short break.I walked out to my patrol car and left heading east. I drove one block over and noticed something on top of the post office that caught my attention.I stopped my patrol vehicle in the street between two vacant parking lots. The post office was located one block to my north of my position. This was a cloudless night and very clear. My driver side window was down and was in direct line and view of what I was observing.I first saw something light green getting larger as it was heading across the roof of the post office toward my direction. As I watched it, I began to realize it appeared to exactly resemble a person walking. It stopped at the edge of the flat roof of the post office on the side facing me and stopped. The best description I can give of the thing I saw is the following: It appeared to be about 8 foot tall. I base this by the height of the post office wall in porportion to the things height. The body of the thing had a regular build to its height,meaning what a person who have who was in good shape. Not fat or skinny. The most extrodinary item was the thing was transparent. The lines of the thing were flourecent green with gave it somewhat of a mass but was still transparent.The thing had great 3D detail. Every feature except for the height appreared to be human. The clothing appeared to be what I would describe as a jumpsuit. But again, it was all one color and made up by its green outlines.The thing appreared bald to the best of what I remember. The thing stood at the edge and put its hands on its hips and turned its upper body a began looking back off to the west as if it was observing something. It then turned and began looking off to the east for a few seconds. All I could think was that I cant believe what Im seeing and I hope it didnt see me. A few seconds later it looked down directly at me. I didnt feel fear. I dont know if I could actually see a smile or just had that feeling like it was smiling and saying, "Well you saw me." I never felt threatened. The thing turned and began walking back the way it came. I remember saying to myself, like hell your getting away. I drove to the back side of the post office (North side). The walls to the post office are about 25 foot tall on all sides. I knew it couldnt jump down. I called the fire departemnt which is located next to the police station and told them to bring a ladder truck over to the post office because I believed someone was on the roof. Another police unit left the police department and set up watching the opposite sides of the building.About 5 minutes later the fire department arrived. I told the others to stay down and I would check the roof. I climbed up on the roof and there was nothing. I searched the spot on the roof where it was standing and the path it walked and found nothing. I believ the roof was graveled but cant remember for sure. The officer and fire department personell Im sure thought I was nuts thinking someone was up there. I dared not tell them what I saw. So I sat on this for years and only told a few close friends about the experience. Since the internet has come out I have tried to research any other sightings such as this but have found nothing.I can say this with the utmost confidence. I know what I saw. There was too much detail in the thing. This was a very clear night. The thing had the dark sky behind it so it was easy to see, not to mention its size. I have been retired from the PD for 4 years now. I run my own business and do Private Investigations and Security Contracts. If you have had any other reports like this I would GREATLY appreciate a response. This has bothered me for years and I just would like to know what yall think I saw or what it could have been. Thanks in advance! If you need an exact time and date the police department should have made a call report on the incident.The month and day above are just a guess. I cant remember. But the year should be close.


Aliens killing thousands of cattle to create human-alien hybrids? Sept 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of article: Sept 23, 2016
Location of events: world wide
News source: http://www.hngn.com/articles/207542/20160923/aliens-seem-killing-thousands-cattle-create-human-alien-hybrids.htm

Animal mutilations have never stopped, but have only faded in the eyes of the news so we see it less. Its still an epidemic worldwide and no explanations have ever been found, but UFOs have been seen in the area, some of which even have shot out lasers at the animals (witnessed by a farmer). Perhaps its experimentation about how pollution (water, air, food) affects the biology of living things, but I don't think there is a link with human alien hybrids. Alien experiment on humans directly, they don't take any low road with cattle when scientific discoveries for integrating other alien races to adapt to Earths environment are at stake. 
Scott C. Waring

News states:
Why are thousands of cows with surgical-like incisions being found at specific sites only? The cattle's vital organs have not only been removed, but the bodies have also been drained of blood. After removing carcasses from farms, the cattle seem to be getting brought back and dumped on their left side.

Chuck Zukowski, 58, UFO hunter who has been on the search for 30 years, says that this is probably the work of aliens. 

He was earlier a microchip engineer, but switched to investigating over 1,000 paranormal incidents. He explains: "Since 1967, there have been over 10,000 cases reported across the US, and out of those no person has ever been caught or sent to jail. There are no tracks around the animals and they appear to have been dropped from a great height. There is no evidence of a predator attack or humans. The probability of aliens doing this is more than the probability of not, that's what I say. This is not old news either, it is happening right now."

But the first known incident happened two centuries ago, on April 21, 1897, Alexander Hamilton, a well-known statesman, narrated that he was woken at night by "loud humming noises" from his cattle yard. He went outside with two men and observed an "airship" in his yard.

"It consisted of a great cigar-shaped portion possibly 300 feet long, with a carriage underneath. The carriage was made of glass or some other transparent substance alternating with a narrow strip of some material. It was brilliantly lighted within and everything was plainly visible. It was occupied by six of the strangest beings I ever saw. They were jabbering together, but we could not understand a word they said. It seemed to pause and hover directly over a two -year old heifer, which was bawling and jumping, apparently fast in the fence. Going to her, we found  a cable about a half-inch in thickness made of some red material, fastened in a slip knot around her neck, one end passing up to the vessel, and the heifer tangled in the wire fence. We tried to get it off but could not, so we cut the wire loose and stood in amazement to see the ship, heifer and all, rise, slowly, disappearing in the northwest. Neighbor Thomas Link (four miles away) found the hide, legs, and head in his field the next day and no tracks in the soft ground, which mystified him."

The most recent case of mutilation was reported in Nevada on August 30. A couple of cows were found dead on their left side. Those who had been around reported that there were balls of light in the sky then. Later, they witnessed four helicopters with searchlights beaming on the spot, looking for "carnage".

Chuck Zukowski has an explanation that sounds quite ghastly. "It may be that their blood is being used to build alien-human hybrids. Or aliens may be monitoring the environment here because there have also been goats, sheep and dogs found too. About the helicopters, it appears the US Government has a secret investigation going on, there has been no trace of them afterwards. These cows are the ranchers' livelihoods and they are scared their families are going to get mutilated."

He denies that humans could be doing it, because most of the humans in the farms where the animals were found were pretty taken aback. His probes are being examined in a new book 'The 37th Parallel', which was released last week. 

Zukowski says: "Every animal is being taken from location A to location B and back to location A. Colorado law allows ranchers to shoot people who steal their cattle on their land. So to steal cows in the first place is brave but to take the carcasses back again? You just wouldn't do it."

It is also noted that a number of the UFO sightings and cattle mutilation cases across the US points to a highway being used by aliens on the 37th latitude or parallel. Zukowski explains: "I think there is a pattern, many of the mutilation cases happen on or near the 37th latitude or parallel and near water. It seems to be a highway which the aliens are using, from east to west. For some reason aliens like water, I think it may be for the hydrogen."

It is not just in the last few years either, Zukowski added. Even the native Indians refer to "star travellers". Spiritual sites, Chaco Canyon and Cahokia Mounds, have also been discovered on the same line of latitude. 

However, the sceptics have some explanations too. Chris O'Brien, researcher of cattle mutilations for two decades, disagrees with Zukowski.

"Why would some non-human intelligence come light years to the pastures of the planet to gather ingredients for lip and testicle stew?" he asked. "It just doesn't make sense."

He believes the killings are by some agency to prevent Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, or the "Mad Cow Disease". Another Colorado-based vet, Truman Smith, is convinced that it is the work of animal predators.

However, UFO supporters counter: "Predators don't drink 11 pounds of blood and leave the carcasses intact."

Aliens Gather Energy At Earths Sun In NASA Photo, Sept 21, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Sept 21, 2016 04:06
Location of discovery: Earths Sun

This UFO was found by MyUnhauzen74 of Youtube. He keeps an eye on SOHO images and videos and posts videos of his discoveries almost daily. Here he has found a UFO that has a beam moving toward a small round UFO closer to the suns surface. The beam may be a weapon, but I believe its a tractor beam to pull the UFO away from the sun. These smaller UFOs may be harvesting drones that gather a particular type of energy and then deliver it to the mothership for transporting. Do you notice the small round UFO that is in the lower part of the beam? This is evidence to that theory. 
Scott C. Waring

Highly Detailed Reptilian Face Found On Mars Surface, June 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: June 2016
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: Unknown

This face was discovered by a new Youtuber called DailyRealDiscoveries. He posts a lot of interesting finds on the Martian surface and this face is highly detailed. 

The eye nose, lips, mouth and ear  are clearly obvious with its unusually uneven skin. The alien looks reptilian, which is suppose to be an aggressive species that doesn't like humans very much. The face is at the end of the video at the 3:53 mark. 
Scott C. Waring