
U-boat Found In Loch Ness, Captain Claimed Giant Monster Attacked Them, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 2016
Location of discovery: Coast of Scotland
News source: http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-south-scotland-37691283

The Lock, not far from the coast of Scotland where the u-boat was found, is very shrouded in mystery. The Loch Ness has always intrigued me since reading a book about it as a child. I even watch the live cam every now and then. I have tied in several historical alien and UFO sightings in that area from over 60 years ago, but is this monster technologically built by aliens, or an actually ETI (Exterestrial Intelligence)? The Loch is deep so it could be hiding an alien base at its bottom. What they need in a robotic drone sub with infrared imaging to cut though all that murky water. Hopefully one day, will will catch this creature. 
Scott C. Waring

News states: 
The wreck of a German U-boat that sank almost 100 years ago has been discovered by engineers laying subsea power cables.
Remarkable sonar images show the missing World War One submarine is largely intact and lying off the Galloway coast.
Experts believe the vessel could be the UB-85, a sub that sank in 1918, according to official records.

However, naval folklore suggests it may have been attacked by a "sea monster".

Mysterious sinking
The entire crew of the U-boat is reported to have abandoned ship due to the "monster attack".

Once aboard the British ship HM Drifter Coreopsis, their commander, Captain Krech described their encounter.

He is said to have spoken of a beast with "large eyes, set in a horny sort of skull…with teeth that could be seen glistening in the moonlight".

He apparently claimed that the sub was so damaged in its battle with the "monster", it could no longer submerge.

However, Dr Innes McCartney, a historian and nautical archaeologist who helped identify the wreckage, does not believe the tale. (More at source.)

Alien Skull Found In Most Recent Rover Photo, NASA Link, Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Oct 21, 2016
Location of discovery: Mars

With Halloween soon approaching, this news discovery might just be the thing you needed. I found a skull in todays Curiosity rover uploads from Mars. The skull is not carved or molded, but is a fossil (turned to stone). Its kinda creepy how its looking out from under the rock with its fin-like ear and sharp teeth. Its nasal cavity is obvious as well as its jaw line. But the real question is, was this creature an intelligent species...or just an animal on Mars that met its demise here? Also, at the top most part of the upper right of the photo (below) is a two arm creature with an open mouth, sharp teeth, two eyes and a extended forehead. It looks more like an amphibious species to me that has fossilized, but its focus is too off for me to be sure on that. 
Scott C. Waring

UFO Seen At Space Station Glistening In The Sun, Oct 20, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 20, 2016
Location of sighting:  Earths Orbit, at ISS

This UFO was spotted by UFO researcher Streetcap1 of Youtube. The video shows a long armed UFO in the distance. As proof that the UFO is there, as the sun light comes around, the UFO begins to light up, but not before NASA goes to blue screen. I feel that the public is trusting NASA less and less when it comes to revealing life on other planets. Their true goal seems to be to gather important intelligence, and drip feed the public enough to satisfy their curiosity.
Scott C. Waring

UFO Over Neighbourhood In Biel, Switzerland Baffles Onlookers, Oct 16, 2016, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Oct 16, 2016
Location of sighting: Biel, Switzerland

This glowing orb was seen over Switzerland this week and it looks like a self contained energy orb. At first such UFOs appear as stars when far away, but as they come closer, its clear that they are UFOs. These types of UFOs often pick a single location and will sit there for 30 minutes or longer, before vanishing. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
Amazing UFO shaped plasma of octagonale tonight here in Biel Bienne in Switzerland....


Updated: Europe's Mars Lander Has Been Lost, @NASA May Be The Cause! Oct 2016, UFO Sighting News.

Updated on Oct 22, 2016: News confirms that the Mars lander sent by the ESA has been destroyed when they found a black impact point on the surface of Mars where it was suppose to land. (source: http://www.theverge.com/2016/10/21/13360724/exomars-schiaparelli-lander-mars-nasa-photos )

ESA states: 
The European Space Agency says that its Schiaparelli lander, the ExoMars spacecraft that attempted to land on Mars on Wednesday, may have exploded when it hit the surface. The ESA reached that conclusion after pictures taken by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) show a black spot in the area where the probe should have landed.
============================================ News source: http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-37707776

Now, I was going to write a post about 5 days ago when I heard about the ESA Mars lander getting close to Mars...but then I just shrugged it off. I shouldn't have because what I was going to say is that NASA destroyed the Phobos Russian Probe back in March 25, 1989 and NASA also destroyed the Russian Mars (Nov 2011) lander while it was still in Earth orbit...lost communication I might add...over America. Now there is no way NASA will permit any other country to get the first dibs on discovering life on Mars! No way, no how. How many other Mars exploration missions has NASA destroyed sent by other countries. This is a Crime Against Humanity, and should be heard by the United Nations. 

Today however I read in the news from the BBC that the ESA (European Space Administration) has lost total communication with the Mars lander right before it was about to land on Mars. Oh...I wonder how that happened...cough...cough...sarcasm here. 

NASA did it again, but this time they somehow sabotaged our European neighbors, our allies, our friends. But when it comes to which country will announce that they found life first and make it into the history books forever...NASA has a choke hold on the world. 
Scott C. Waring

PS...Its mission, to take a sample of Mars soil and return it to the Europe, while taking readings, photos and video.