
Bat like UFO that is 15km across found on surface of IO, moon of Jupiter in NASA photo, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 20, 2018
Location of discovery: IO, moon of Jupiter
Source photo: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/catalog/PIA00583

I found a really nice resolution moon photo of IO. Its one of the moons of Jupiter. IO has a lot of evidence of intelligent life on it which I determined from the massive structures strewn across its surface. 

I found a really cool long black spaceship with bat-like back fins. Kinda looks like something Batman might fly around, but this thing is huge, about 10-15km across or more. Thats a hell of a ship. Also I found a round thick disk structure that appears to be sinking into the surface of the moon at an angle. The disk is large and probably parked on the surface but was too heavy and began sinking over thousands of years. IO has is an inhabited moon of Jupiter. 
Scott C. Waring


Noahs Ark Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Dec 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 20, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars surface, SOL 631
Source photo: https://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/tiff/PIA00631.tif

What I just found has a strange similarity to the Noahs Ark we have all heard about in the biblical stories. The structure has all the signs of being a floating object that once sailed the oceans of Mars. The raised upper top and the pointed bow and even the raised edges so now one will fall off the deck. 

This is not the first time I ever found such signs of an ancient ocean. I also found several other boats and even a few fossilised fish and sea shells. I honestly don't think NASA would argue about Mars once having an ocean...I think they actually mentioned that it did from what I read. However, they never talk about the signs of ancient life that may still exist due to the existence of that ocean. 
Scott C. Waring


Giant Ancient Pyramid Found On Mars In HD Photo, Dec 2018, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 19, 2018
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/galleries/13374/gigapans/198334

I found a giant three sided pyramid on Mars in a gigapan photo today. They pyramid has one smooth side, which is probably the original outer coating that was made for it, but the other two sides have severely eroded. I also found a lot of unique and ancient structures and placed the screenshots below. 

Pyramids have been found all over the world on many continents and most of them were created at about the same time. They mystery of pyramids have lead to speculation that they were created by extra terrestrials that were trying to settle in an area and follow their cultural beliefs. Much like the religious group Quakers that prefer not to include technology or todays modern advancements into their lives. 
Scott C. Waring

Two UFOs Caught Over Snowy Mountains In Anchorage, Alaska, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: 11-14-1984 but reported today
Location of sighting: Anchorage, Alaska, USA
Source: MUFON #97092

 Mountain base are actually more common than other locations for alien bases due to the difficulty to reach those areas and the lack of people in the area. Low populated areas were important to creating bases thousands of years ago due to the local populations of humans often mistaking UFOs and aliens as gods and angels or even demons. 

So imagine this...the base exists below anchorage, after a few years they have children born...lets say 50-150 at least. Since these beings were born on Earth, that makes them earthlings. So now we have an ethical dilemma about what these begins...this new race born on Earth should be called. Not to mention, many bases have upwards of 56 or more species sharing the base. Perhaps calling earth born beings aliens would be scientifically wrong. But without contacting them directly, it would be impossible to find out their species preferred name to be called. So...now we have earth born aliens to consider living in underground, underwater bases around the globe, some so similar to us that they can walk, work, live, shop among us without anyone thinking anything of it. 

Have I ever met one before? Yes, once here in Taiwan about ten years ago when I was practicing my telepathy more frequently...everyone has it, but it takes practice and focus and calm to effectively use it. His telepathy was very strong. I asked an impossible question in my head while sitting at a museum table in a cafeteria with my family. I felt the presence of the person...and the person walked over to my table and answered the question precisely. Then we got into a conversation about where he was from...he said he lived and worked in the tech area of Silicon Valley, California. He worked for a large company we have all heard of but I will not name. Changing the world by helping humanity advance it technology. Sounds like a worthy person to know, don't you think?
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
While going through some old photos I found one I had forgot I even had. The pic was taken outside Anchorage AK near Portage Glacier about 35 years ago.


UFO Sighting In Taiwan of 6 UFO Crafts near Mountain. Oct 25, 2010 UFO Sighting News.

I had to make this post again since it was deleted for unknown reasons. so here it goes. SCW

Sighting location: Alishan Forest Recreation Area, Taiwan 
Date of sighting: Oct 25, 2010

Mr. Nien was in the Alishan Forest Recreation Area when he decided to snap a few pictures. The pictures he took were only 7 seconds apart. This means that the crafts speed was faster than the human eye could see it. This fits with what we believe alien tech is capable of. Mr. Nien took the photos at 9:41 AM and did not notice anything unusual when he had taken it. It was when he uploaded the photos to his computer that he noticed the UFO. Another UFO sighting in Taiwan back in Jan of 2004. It was all over every TW news station and newspaper. I (Scott C. Waring) even talked to an F-16 Teacher in the Taiwan Air Force and he said it looks like they are in flight formation and getting ready for something. Then he noted that they seem to shoot off one by one, then are replaced by another glowing UFO from below. I have seen had a similar sighting personally when I was in South Dakata, Rapid city. Very similar in appearance, except we saw the glowing balls fly away quickly one by one.


UFO orb scares fox on animal cam footage, Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2018
Location of sighting: Unknown

Animals are very sensitive to alien orbs. Also a lesser known fact is that these orbs are telepathic and fast movements frighten them. The orb was probably interested in the fox but some how the fox sensed the UFO and darted away. 

If you doubt that orbs are telepathic, the search on Youtube for "meditation, UFO." Loads of UFO videos will appear, some of them are made my local TV news agencies who recorded the event. 

Needless to say, I tried the meditation and it only worked the first time but never again. Saw an soft ball size orb 2 meters in front of me. I only regret that I didn't approach it and touch it before it shot off. 
Scott C. Waring 

Video states: 
This security camera catches a strange scene. From out of the darkness comes an orb which scares a fox to run for cover. These balls of light have also been seen near crop circles. In World War 2 they were seen in the sky. Pilots called them "Foo Fighters".

Jellyfish UFO seen in blue sky over Brazil Dec 2018, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 2018
Location of sighting: Mairipora, Brazil
Source: MUFON

This is a jellyfish type UFO seen over Brazil this week. The UFO appears to be like a cloud, but has a definite shape of a jellyfish to it. The UFO trees to move slowly in order to confuse people into having doubt...causing people to ask themselves if its their imagination or is it real? Self doubt is a tool of alien...humans fall into it a lot. So..the UFO just drifts across the sky, no hurry to leave, because doubt often wins. 
Scott C. Waring