
UFO Caught In Photo During Selfie In New Mexico, March 24, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 24, 2019
Location of sighting: Rio Rancho, New Mexico, USA
Source: MUFON #99416

A person was taking photos with friends in New Mexico last week when an metallic object flew past in the back ground. The UFO was caught in just one photo, but it was enough. It looks as if she was taking Instagram photos or photos for some other social sharing network when they accidentally caught this alien craft. 

When I made a close up photo of the UFO I didn't see any wings, propellers, windows, to indicate it was a plane or jet. It was in only one photo which means its not a balloon, because it moves too fast. It is possible that a UFO was deliberately flying overhead to scan the these people when they were out taking photos. If this was a alien drone, which can be as small as 1 meter to softball size, then it was there for pure research gathering reasons. 

Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states: 
Shiny metal with green violet and blue lights around it and a dark spot on top of it.


Alien Base In Moon Crater That NASA Doesn't Want You To See! March 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: 2014 by me, but revisiting today, since many discoveries have been deleted over the years by NASA. 
Source photo: http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/posts/426

Now I wanted to check an old discovery of mine back from 2013-14 to see if it was still there. You see, NASA has deleted about 50% of my discoveries from their archives. Google Map has deleted about 80% of my discoveries from their maps. So I try hard to keep up and keep the public aware.

This is really an incredible structure. The round dome is the main part, but there are three other connecting structures that just make this one of the most important pieces of evidence to date. 

You may have seen others reporting this long ago, they got it from me. I do share my info freely. Only by sharing wholeheartedly can the UFO community unite and grow. Feel free to use my videos on your own channel. I do not have Adsense on my Youtube or my UFO Sightings Daily site. I probably would've made hundreds of thousands of US dollars by now, but I would have been manipulated by money instead of passion. I have seen others doing it only for the money, reporting fake sightings, even making their own sightings and videos. Money creates power and power corrupts. That I cannot have. Knowledge is true power...and meant to be free for all. 
Scott C. Waring


Ancient Alien Face Found On Mars Hilltop, March 27, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 17, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars
NASA Source: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/648/tn/2P183888973EFFAI38P2394L5M1_L2L5L5L6L6.jpg.html

I have to say this is one of the most amazing discoveries I have ever made. This face above shows a crown, face, cloak over shoulders and chest of the person. This sculpture was placed on a hill in a way that it can overlook a large area of Mars. The face above is about 1.5 meters tall. There may actually be more of the sculpture buried below the dirt, much like the Easter Island statues also had full bodies, but the bodies were buried below the dirt so only the heads were visible. There was also a lot of other objects like pipes, giant sculpture skull, and a fallen over alien statue. 

So ask yourself, why hasn't NASA reported these objects which are in the NASA archives? To over look such important discoveries is beyond incompetent. NASAs lack of effort and lack of information about these alien artifacts is proof that they are not doing their jobs. I can't help but wonder why people still trust NASA when they have lied to the public for over five decades? I do know that outside of the USA, other countries like Taiwan has lost trust in NASA a lot...around a 50-60% drop since the fake moon landing evidence came out. 

Perhaps the public should create their own company to investigate alien life. The time has come to share all information with the public. 
Scott C. Waring


Socrates Face Discovered On Mars Near Spirit Rover, March 26, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 26, 2019
Location of discovery: Mars, Sol 
NASA source photo: http://areo.info/mer/spirit/622/tn/2P181586558EFFAERFP2296L5M1_L2L5L5L7L7.jpg.html

This is odd I know, but I found another face on Mars. This face has a lot detail so that we can truly make out what that alien species looked like. I can easily make out the neck, bearded chin, cheeks, mouth, ears, nose eyes and forehead. 

The closer I looked at it, the more I realized I had seen this face before. This is Socrates the great greek philosopher and teacher. Every detail about the face matches perfectly. So, was Socrates from Mars? Perhaps. That would explain his advanced and organized way of thinking and how he tried to influence the world with it. 

Why is this important? A persons face is their autobiography. It tells us all about the species from the appearance to the emotional personality of the person. Their whole life is visible if you look at it carefully. When I look at this face I see character, I see pain and suffering, but never ending relentlessness. His chin is up showing his pride and confidence. Also by seeing the face before meeting the species, it can make people relax knowing what they will be encountering. 

By showing people these faces I find, I am taking away their fears that have been created by Hollywood movies and shows. That face in the photo, it looks a lot like a 70 year old grandfather here on earth, doesn't  it?
Scott C. Waring



UFO Over Berlin Airport Moves Out Of Way Of Jet, March 6, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 6, 2019
Location of sighting: Berlin, Germany
Source: MUFON #99333

Here is an interesting report from MUFON today. A person took some photos and noticed a UFO two of the photos. What looks like a ring UFO may be one solid craft with the top center having a dark tinted dome window area on it. The UFO moves it position when it notices the passenger jet approaching it. This makes me think there is a possibility of the UFO having shown up on airport radar. The UFO itself was probably hovering over Berlin Brandenburg Airport for a few minutes before it was forced to move out of the path of a jet. 

When you compare the size of the jet, lets say for comparisons sake its a 747 which is 76.3 meters long. Then this UFO is 30% the diameter of the jet, making the UFO 22.89 meters across. Notice how the UFO takes on the color of the sky behind it? Its tying to go unnoticed. The ships outer hull reflects the colors around it.

A lot of UFOs have been recorded over Airports over the years. I guess anything that flies has the newest and highest tech for safety reasons and that makes it worth investigating by aliens. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Round object found in the sky after taking photo from the TV tower in Berlin.

Mind Blowing Structures On Earths Moon In NASA Photo, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 25, 2019
Location of discovery: Earths Moon
Source NASA photo: https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS15-P-9583

Sure some of you have heard about my discovery of the Yoda face on Earths moon a few years ago, (Click here to see Yoda post) but did you know there is so much more there? Its true, but to see the structures there, you must follow my instructions below. 

1. Go to URL and lift photo from site to desktop. 
2. Open photo on desktop. 
3. Goto tools bar at top (IOS mac). Then hit size. 
4. Change size, enlarge until photo is 10MB. Then close photo. 
5. Now Open photo in any photo program and add contrast like its going out of style...that means a lot. 
6. Now save photo and start searching it for structures, you will have to use zoom and have to look carefully. 

You need to do this because NASA added too much light to the photo on purpose in order to cause many of the ares of the photo to appear as white/grey and unclear. Thus bring it back into the proper light and focus creates the original photo as it was first taken. 

You will notice that the aliens built the structures square partitions. Much like remaking a house and moving the parts to the location to create it. This may be proof that the structures were created somewhere else, then brought to the moon to put together. 

Do not do this if you are sensitive. It might be overwhelming to suddenly go from believing to knowing. I do not mean to frighten anyone, but only to bring the truth to light. I actually found this several weeks ago, but hesitated till now to publish it. I was worried some people may panic. The biggest fear is not aliens attacking earth, its that they exist when science says they should not. It causes the person to call into question everything they ever learned in school, church, TV, from friends...and how aliens must have already influenced the direction humanity is currently traveling without anyone ever knowing. Its a bit deep of a plunge, but it must be taken. I did, I remember that day well. Thats why I never say I believe in aliens...it sounds like I have doubt, but I don't. I know they exist. 
Scott C. Waring-Taiwan


Cloaked UFO Hovering Over United Arab Emirates On March 17, 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 17, 2019
Location of sighting: United Arab Emerates

This week in the UAE an eyewitness Tweeted about seeing a hole in the clouds above him and asked what it might be? Thats easy to answer, its a clocked alien craft. They are over the UAE to observe one of the richest countries in the world for their oil and wealth. 

If you look closely at the hole, you will see and inner and outer ring. This means the UFO is still there right now as this photo was taken. Thats right, it hasn't flown away, its still there. Did you also notice that the center of the circle has a pushed down lower area of clouds? Because the ships lower part shoved the clouds out of the way to make room for the UFO. UFOs can create clouds and even make holes through them, but one thing they can't do...fill in the inside of the ship with clouds. LOL, I don't think they would like that too much. 

I consider UFO observations like this to be an intrusion on the publics privacy. Much how apps on your phone can track you and record the information you look at on the net? Or how Mark Zuckerbergs' company Facebook would track your likes, comments, and personal info and sell it off to some freak company we never heard of, without our permission.  Well, the aliens are doing the same. They are watching, recording and gathering more data on you than you knew existed. All without your permission to do so. That is a crime that has continued for thousands of years on Earth and still does. I call that a crime against humanity.  
Scott C. Waring


NASA Tries To Hide 3-5 Mile UFO By Calling It A Meteor Over Bering Sea, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 2019
Location of sighting: Bering Sea, 
News source: https://news.yahoo.com/nasa-publishes-images-meteor-no-one-saw-210013939.html

NASA is trying to explain this huge 3-5 mile UFO as an explosion over the Bering Sea this week. I guess NASA couldn't think up a better excuse for this large UFO over the ocean. Surly they did it because they knew that it was seen on world wide radars and weather satellites, so they made up the excuse its a meteor. If you think about it, any 3 mile craft coming through our atmosphere at high speed would leave a bit of trail behind it, heating up the air. So, I just can't buy the NASA excuse of it being a meteor. Look at the UFO photo. Does it look like an explosion? Not really. But it does look like a 3 mile UFO that is lowering itself below the waters surface. I bet if ships were sent out there to investigate, they will find that as they approach the location, their electrical instruments will begin to go haywire and malfunction until further from the location. 

They also said it released 173 kilotons of energy. Thats 10X more that the atomic bomb over Hiroshima. And yet, we only see an area of 3 miles? If it was 10X the Hiroshima bomb, we would see a 30-60 mile radius explosion, but we don't. 
Scott Waring

UFO Over Mersey, England May Indicate Large Base Off Coast, March 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Mersey river, England 
News source: https://www.reddit.com/r/Liverpool/comments/b3bct9/ufo_clouds_over_the_mersey/

This UFO was seen over Mersey, England two days ago. The eyewitness took the photo and posted it to Reddit to share with others interested in UFOs. If you look carefully you will see not one, but three cloaked UFO using clouds to hide in. The third UFO cloud is seen in the far distance directly below the large one. 

Its a well known fact that UFOs do create clouds to hide within and they can even contain the cloud around the ship so it doesn't fly off with the wind...probably keeping the cloud within a forcefield around the UFO itself. 
Scott C. Waring

Woman Figure Seen During Sunset Over China, March 21, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 21, 2019
Location of sighting: Jiaxing City, China
Source: https://www.newsflare.com/video/284154/weather-nature/cloud-shaped-like-a-girl-seen-floating-above-horizon-in-china

Two days people in many cities in China saw something during sunset that took them by surprise...the figure of a naked woman kneeling in the sky. 

Here is a fact many people don't know...that aliens visualise in such detail that sometimes their mere thoughts cause nearby clouds to take those shapes. Some call it Telekinesis others call it Psychokinesis...moving objects with your mind. Using thoughts only to control the movement of things around you. Aliens however often have a mind so powerful that they themselves don't even know that they are creating some of these cloud formations. They may just be thinking about a distant memory of their past and all the while a cloud near the alien UFO or base will take the shape of the persons figure, face or silhouette. It looks like this alien had a very happy memory of a very beautiful woman. 

This planet we live on...we share it. 
Scott C. Waring