
Giant Angelic UFO Followed By Small Armada Of UFOs Near Earths Sun, April 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 8, 2019
Location of sighting: Earths Sun

An eyewitness found this angelic UFO in the SOHO/NASA website which show images of filtered sun photos. This angelic craft has been seen many times over the last few years. Every time it has a few smaller ships behind it when it travels. That is probably for safety reasons. Smaller ships might be in danger in space alone, but if they travel behind a larger ship, then they are guaranteed a degree of safety. 

Since they are heading toward our sun, I can assume that I was right when I said in the past that the Sun is hollow and being used by aliens. Hollow sun theory, a concept I invented and this is 100% evidence that I was correct. 

Scott C. Waring-UFO researcher

Missing Mechanical Genius Left Note That He Will Board Alien Space Craft, April 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Here is a man who was considered a mechanical genius. Who found an old train engine in the forest, hauled it out and restored it. Who built a WW2 plane by hand and much more. He said he could communicate telepathically with aliens and left a note to his parents saying that he was going on a long trip but would be back. That was 40 years ago and he is still missing today. 

There is no doubt in my mind that aliens do telepathically connect with some humans who put in the effort to try and some even get a chance to meet them. I do believe that Granger Tylor did actually do what he said he said in the note. He was too intelligent and too serous of a man to act irrationally. So, somewhere out there is our little buddy on some alien world living among a alien species and communication and learning things we can only dream about. 

What are the benefits of living with a space faring species? Well, eternal life is one...aliens would have such advanced technology that its possible to extend your life for thousands of years and maybe forever. For another they could genetically enhance him to learn more, retain more information and basically be more on the aliens intelligence level than our lower primitive level. With such a stimulating environment I totally understand why he never came back home. 
Scott C. Waring

Japanese Tech Guy Makes RC Toy UFO That Could Be Confused For Real Thing, April 2019, UFO Sighting News.

This Remote control drone UFO was made by a Japanese person and really could be mistaken for a UFO if it were in the right light and position. I believe a lot of UFO researchers are going to have to keep an eye out for these RC toys that could potentially be mistaken for the real thing. Don't get me wrong, toys are fun for kids, however I do believe deceiving people on purpose is not only immoral but unethical. 

But if you notice that this UFO has two back fan areas for propulsion forward and the four landing legs with some other protruding loose wires...it can be easily deduced (if close up) that its just an RC toy. But toys are looking more and more real. There are reports about real UFOs the size of a baseball, one of which I was personally witness too a few years back. It was an semi transparent orb. Nothing like this primitive looking craft. 

Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Island Size UFO Rises Out Of Water Seen On Radar For Seven Hours! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2019
Location of sighting: Eastern Pacific Ocean

Imagine this...a triangle the size of a island rises out of the Pacific Ocean in front of your eyes. This is what happened to Youtuber MrMBB333 this week. As you see from the video below, this dark triangle rose up from the ocean and hovered for seven full hours before disappearing. Why? Because the ship cannot enter space when water is still on the ship or it will disrupt their electrical shields and could compromise the ships outer hull if it freezes in space. Imagine a ship traveling at the speed of light...can you imagine how cold that water would get on the outer hull and how it could throw off navigation too? Yeah, so the giant ship waited for the water to drain off of it. Must have been as big as an island. 
Scott C. Waring

Eyewitness states:
What appears to be TWO LARGE stationary crafts visible by satellite! Same location for 7 hours.

Glowing Orange UFOs Hovering Over Water In Scotland, April 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 2019
Location of sighting: Scotland, UK

The eyewitness caught two glowing orange UFOs in hovering over the waters surface in Scotland this week. The UFOs seem to be each about the size of motorcycles. At about .7 meters high and 2 meters long each...these UFOs must have come up from below the water. There are many alien underground bases around the world, often in mountains or volcanoes, but most are underwater locations to stop humans from stumbling upon them. I think what we have discovered is a new location of an old alien base in Scotland. 

These two UFOs are very similar to the famous Florida coast sighting by Dr Steven Greer back in Feb of 2015 when they saw two glowing orange UFOs hover for over ten minutes by a dozen eyewitnesses  I will put the video of that 2015 event at the bottom of this post to compare and contrast. 
Scott C. Waring

👽 Two UFOs Buzz Past Chinese Space Station During Undocking On Live Cam! April 2019, UFO Sighting News.👽

Date of discovery: April 2019 👽
Location of discovery: Earths orbit at Tiangong docking

Two UFOs shot past the Chinese module when it was docking at the Shenzhou space station. The Tiangong module is 3.35 meters wide. Using that measurement and comparing in the photo to the UFO, I come up with a UFO size of .33 meters or one foot across. That is a huge object to be near the module as its departing the space station. And the fact that there are two of them is absolutely amazing. The small UFOs were traveling in the same direction so they were probably together keeping watch over the Chinese and their activities in space. These are alien controlled drones. They appear whitish far away, but close up more transparent and opal color when a 2 meters away or closer. 

If you remember, the shuttle Atlantis back in 2006 had a dozen similar UFOs surrounding it on world news. Back then NASA was so worried that they told the news and said the shuttle coming back to earth will be delayed for a while until the unknown objects are gone. A day later they left. (video of event at bottom of this post.)
Scott C. Waring



Photo Is Proof That Blue UFO Attacked Israel Lunar Land Causing It To Be Destroyed, April 2019, UFO Sighting News

Date of crash: April 12, 2019
Source photo: https://twitter.com/leekern13/status/1116424180415725568

I believe that when the Israel lunar lander turned on its engines to begin its decent to the surface of the moon, it was attacked by an alien craft which shot the lunar lander with an energy beam that disabled the craft. It was shot down by the craft in the above screenshot. 

If you look closely at the last photo taken by the Israel lander, you will notice a reflection of light shooting left and right. Its coming from the blue object in the photo. In the photo is a long dark blue craft standing upright. It looks just like a disk on its side. And its so bright that its causing light reflections on its right and left in the photo. I believe this craft is responsible for the destruction of the Israel lander. It shot a burst of energy at the lunar lander that caused the lander to lose control and crash to the moons surface. 

There is a reason humans have not been back to the moon...its because we were not invited to go back. Aliens made it clear during the Apollo missions that astronauts were not wanted on the moon. This object began to descend to the surface of the moon...the aliens spotted it and deemed it to be a threat against...an uninvited guest trying to come into there home. That is why they destroyed it. They knew it was unmanned and only research gathering tech, so they nipped it in the bud before it found any useful information that cause humans to want to come there. They do not want humans there. Only craft that have had direct contact with the aliens and made agreements could do such a thing. A simple 30 meter radio telescope could accomplish such a job. 

If you look carefully at the photo you will see that the blue area of light is a solid object. Look at the enhanced photo of it and you can see that there are two thick lines running down it. That shows that this is a solid object. 

There is no doubt in my mind that aliens shot down the Israel space craft. 
Scott C. Waring

Dark Black UFO Seen In Daytime Over Springdale, Ohio April 15, 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 15, 2019
Location of sighting: Springdale, Ohio, USA
Source: MUFON #99733

This report just in from MUFON. A person was driving along the road in Springdale when he noticed a black diamond UFO off in the distance. The UFO is far behind the power lines, although it appears to be touching them. Its actually very far away. This UFO is bigger than a car and doesn't rotate or turn in any way. The UFO does move very slowly as if its watching, scanning for something below on the ground. Kind of amazing this guy caught the UFO so well. Looks like he stuck the camera out his car window when recording. You can hear the car radio playing. This alien craft is the same exact color as many of the alien buildings I have found on the moon in NASA photos. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Exits Door In Moon, Gets Deleted From NASA Image Archive After Reporting it! April 2019, UFO Sighting News

Date of discovery: 2013
Location of discovery: Earths moon, Apollo 
Deleted source: 
1:  https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS14-80-10468
2:  https://www.lpi.usra.edu/resources/apollo/frame/?AS14-80-10511

Still exist non nasa source: 

I reported finding these two photos in the NASA Image Atlas back in 2013, but between then and now, they got deleted. It looks as if NASA is using the research I do at this site to help edit out the existence of aliens. 

These photos are much more important than you may think. The evidence that NASA deleted is not just a UFO, but is also 100% evidence that the moon is not real, but actually an alien space station. Thats right. The moons surface appears real, but as you see, the surface can open up huge doors that allow ships to exit and enter at any given time. How do you think the public would react if they knew the moon was not real, but an alien space station with its surface covered with debris to make it look like a moon? The public would panic, chaos would ensue and world governments would be in turmoil. All from two little photos, but they stopped all that from ever happening with a single stroke of a delete key. Thats why NASA exists. To control what the public knows. 
Scott C. Waring


UFO Falls From Sky During Double Rainbow And Lightning Storm, April 2019, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: April 26, 2019
Location of sighting: Somerset County, UK

In the video this dark UFO fell from the sky. I is very thin, yet compared to the buildings in the background, it is probably close to 30 meters long and 4 meters wide. The UFO falls directly under the location of where lightning just exploded upon, so it appears that an object was struck by the lightning and fell. 

I believe this to be a UFO because only a UFO could be that big and have no wings. If the UFO was struck by lightning, then it may have temporarily lost 100% of its power and fell to earth. But as you see in the video, the UFO becomes invisible just before it hits the ground. That means the UFO regained its power just a split second before it crashed, so its cloaked was activated again and it took off. 

Scott C. Waring-UFO researcher

Video states: 
Megan Taylor was videotaping a spectacular thunderstorm over the English town of Bridgwater in Somerset County. In the video you can see the lightning in the sky right in front of a huge rainbow. But apparently, Taylor recorded something else that left her speechless: a mysterious black object falling from the sky just after a lightning bolt.


Old Ship Wreak Found Near Bermuda On Google Earth Map, April 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Google coordinates: 25°26'26.99"N 78° 0'28.46"W

I was deep in the Wikileaks docs and found a statement about how weather planes flying off Miami, Florida would sometimes photograph UFOs rising out of the ocean. So I was using Google Earth free online map for searching for the alien base in that area, but instead I found this ship wreak. The total length of the ship is about 55-65 meters. One half of the ship is upside-down while the other half is rightside-up. 

I made a short video of it, so you can find the shipwreck. 

SECRET MOON BASE USA HAD DESTROYED; Wikileaks Cable Confirms! April 2019, UFO Sighting News.

Date of Wikileaks cable: January 11, 1979
Wikilinks: https://wikileaks.org/plusd/cables/P790005-1028_e.html

I was going through Wikileaks and found this info pertaining to a secret moon base that the United States had destroyed back in the late 1970s. The cable has only the document details, but not the full document because it was hand written and was never put onto digital format. 

How would the US destroy an alien base on Earths moon without anyone suspecting? Thats easy. Do you remember the Apollo missions? Well there were suppose to be more 20 such missions to the moon, however NASA suddenly stopped at Apollo 17, so that they could do some covert black ops missions that involved alien tech recovery and reconnaissance of alien structures and ships and to detect any possible threats to America. 

Actual photo of the alien base that was destroyed, credit to Apollo 20 astronaut William Rutledge. 

I met a man named William Rutledge back in 2011 on Youtube when he uploaded a half dozen videos of the Apollo 20 mission that he took part in. Its was a US-Russia shared mission to the moon near Delporte Crater. William and the other astronaut recorded on film their activities on the moon. Including exploring a cigar ship in Delporte crater through a hole already cut in the side of the ship. Inside they found glass tubes along the walls with tiny bipedal skeletons (a few inches tall) inside the tubes. They also found a female pilot with hoses attached to her nose and she was in a coma state and appeared to be physically and mentally connected to the ship. She never did wake, but was taken back to Earth. He also recorded a beautiful but damaged alien city on the moon. I believe this is the alien base that was destroyed by the US. They  probably destroyed it on a later mission after they had recovered all the possible alien tech that the could bring back. 

Why would America destroy the alien base? To keep it out of the hands of other countries of the world. Imagine what would happen if Israel landed a probe on the moon and found the base, publicly claiming it and all its contents to be Isreali owned. It would suddenly make Israel a world power over night. America does not want to lose that title nor do they want to deal with the competition of other countries beating them to alien cities, worlds and exploring the universe. Although the US did share those covert Apollo missions with Russia at the time. 

Apparently William Rutledge never leaned about the NASA destroying the alien base on the moon that he had once recorded. It would have broken his heart. He told me he was old, in his late 70s at the time I spoke to him. He said that he had some of the films converted into digital video so he could share it before he passed away. He was old and wanted to get this secret off his chest. 

I will place a few of his video below for you to explore, but mind you, his channel was attacked by the NSA/CIA and they deleted all but one of his videos. He got scared and left Youtube never to return. He went by the Youtube name RetiredAFB and can still be found there. But he has disappeared in his old age. Probably passed away by now in his wifes home country of Rwanda. 
Scott C. Waring

There videos below were given to me by William Rutledge. They are 100% authentic. After he told me about the cigar ship in Delporte crater I began searching for photos of the crater. It took two weeks but I finally found it and the photo confirms Williams story. The cigar UFO is in Delporte crater. I shared the photos with him and he was amazed by what I found and thanked me for believing in him and trusting him. He was surprised that NASA accidentally released those photos (below) with the cigar ship he explored in it. Clearly they were top secret and were not meant to be released to the public. 

Here is the NASA links I found as proof: