
UFO Disk Passes SpaceX Rocket, March 2020, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 18, 2020
Location of sighting: Earths orbit at SpaceX starlink rocket

Guys this was live streamed on March 18th and was reported to me by a friend on Facebook who noticed it. I went back to the original SpaceX live stream video and checked it out and yes it was there. There seems to be two of them within a 20 seconds, but the closer one is easier to see. Its detail is like a silver bowl...its domes on top and bottom are huge and fat, the side disk edges are small and thin. 

This UFO reminds me of the old Shuttle Atlantis UFOs that were silver orbs seen on live cam following the space shuttle near its payload bay doors long ago. 

I would be very interested in what Elon Musk thinks of this UFO and why he thinks its near his starlink rocket? I think the aliens are interested humanities latest and greatest technology. Aliens are constantly researching humanity, but not allowed to change things. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Skull Found On Mars Near Curiosity NASA Rover, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 24, 2020
Location of discovery: Mars, SOL 410
Source photo: http://www.midnightplanets.com/web/MSL/image/00410/0410MR1696000000E1_DXXX.html

I was looking over the NASA site Midnightplanets which is a site run by NASA that keeps photos on back up. I found an alien skull in one of the Curiosity rover photos in sol 410. The soul has lots of detail...you can even see two large teeth in its wide open mouth. Its jaw and cheeks and eye ridges are well pronounced. The nose looks human-like, but wider and thicker on the top. The back of the head seems to have a part of the neck and head still attached to it. Awesome fossil find and is absolute proof that aliens once lived on Mars. But the fact that it died laying on the surface and its mouth wide open makes me think it died in terror or pain. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Ancient Face Found In Crater On Moon, Resembles Thor, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: March 23, 2020
Location of discovery: Earths moon, right of Dalton Crater
Source: Google Moon
Google coordinates:  17°30'50.56"N   81°48'43.32"W

I was looking over Google Moon map when I found a face in a crater. I am not sure of the craters name, but it is touching the right side of both Dalton crater and Balboa crater. If the eyes are the window to the soul, then the face is a window to the species. This species looks almost human. It closely resembles Thor from the ancient Vikings. I colorized the face to make it stand out easier and to make it easier to see. The large lips, nose  and cheeks all stand out well. It has a beard and thick eyebrows and a small forehead with hair. Its ear seems to be closer to that of a cat or goat. Its eyes are similar to the ancient greek depictions of warriors. The face is everything.
Scott C. Waring - Tawian


Black Disk Seen Over Hills In Riverside, California, March 22, 2020, Photos, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 22, 2020
Location of sighting: Riverside, California, USA
Source: MUFON #107071

This sighting took place yesterday in Riverside, CA. The eyewitness and his wife were hiking with their dog and took a photo. A dark disk appeared in the photo, possibly shooting past faster than the human eye can catch, but was caught by the camera. They later saw the disk and were confused at how it could be there if they had not seen it themselves. This UFO seems to have detected the people and shot past to scan them and record them...unknowingly being recorded in the process. Awesome photo that shows a classic disk. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan

Eyewitness states: 
Wife took this pic this morning while we were on a hike. When we looked at this pic, we saw this strange object. We noticed an odd hole in the clouds to the far left. Also a strange aura around the object. This was while viewing the pic as we did not see this with our eyes.


Black Key UFO Recorded Over Plymouth County, MA - 03/08/2020, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: March 8, 2020
Location of sighting: Plymouth County, Massachusetts, USA

This key shaped UFO was seen over MA this week. The object seems to be made up of separate parts. The eyewitness called it many black orbs together. That may be so. My first though its its many black balloons tied together so they can't fly away, however they should not be lined up like this and if it were balloons it would not be able to accelerate and speed away, as the eyewitness says. Alien orbs however might take a shape bundling together like this and following each other in a hive like states. Odd for sure. Wish we had better video of it, more focused video would help us solve this immediately. Perhaps others have also recorded it. Time will tell. 
Scott C. Waring 

Eyewitness states: 
The object flew parallel to our heads, I would say no further than the length of a football field away from us. I saw that it was about the size of a helicopter, if not larger, but couldn't tell what it was. That is why I took my camera out and began filming. By the time I got my phone out, the object had already begun accelerating away from us. While it may appear to be hovering in the video, it is actually traveling forward at a great deal of speed.


Buzz Aldrin Monolith Found On Mars Moon Phobos In ESA Photo! Video, UFO Sighting News.

Location of discovery: Mars Moon Phobos
Source ESA Photo: http://www.esa.int/spaceinimages/Images/2016/12/ExoMars_first_colour_image_of_Phobos

Buzz Aldrin gave a interview on C-Span about 7 years ago where he stated, "visit the moon on Mars. Theres a monolith there. A very unusual structure on this little potato shaped object that goes around Mars once every 7 hours. When people find out about that, they are going to say, who put that there? Who put that there? Well, if you choose, the universe put it there."

Needless to say, this got me and other UFO researchers excited years ago, so we have all been looking, searching for this Buzz Aldrin Monolith he speaks of. 

Last night, I decided to take a look at the ESA site and the first photo I came across was in HD...and was of the Mars moon Phobos. This ESA image was just put up for the public to see on Dec 6, 2016, so its the newest out. There was only 25% of the moon visible because there was a shadow over its other 25%. I thought I could add light to the HD photo in order to explore the other 25% and low and behold, I made a huge discovery...the Buzz Aldrin monolith. 

Its much bigger than any of us thought. We all assumed that the monolith was this tall rectangular structure that was found about 5 years ago, but it wasn't. That was nothing. This new structure is very big, and must have been smudged out using photoshop on most other Phobos photos in existence. The ESA editors must have missed this one, because its 100% evidence that aliens have constructed it and used the Mars moon as a space station...and may be controlling the moon, its orbit, speed even today. 

Phobos is 7 miles in radius, thats 11km. So if we use this full photo of Phobos and compare it to the structure, we find that the structures length is 1/5 that of Phobos, meaning the structure or ship is approximately 1.4 miles long or 2.2km. Thats huge! Buzz was right!
Scott C. Waring

Old Bottle Found On Mars Near NASA Rover, Proof Of Ancient Culture, Video, UFO Sighting News

Location of sighting: Mars 
Source photo: http://www.gigapan.com/gigapans/210673

Looking though the gigapan Mars photos, I found something that closely resembles an ancient clay bottle. Its very similar to this 2,000 year old Roman bottle which I include into the photo for you to compare. Again I am showing you a NASA Mars photo which has been altered by NASA into a False Color...which makes the surface look red and brown. But in reality, Mars surface looks more similar to a desert on Earth. NASA adds False Color to hide from the public the fact that Mars is more hospitable than they want you to know. This way, there is no other country racing to Mars and NASA will have no competition...which gives them a lot of time to get there. 
Scott C. Waring