
Glowing Spheres Over Paterson, New Jersey, 12-10-2021 (graphic language) UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Dec 10, 2021
Location of sighting: Paterson, New Jersey, USA
Source: MUFON

In this five minute video we see dozens of glowing circular objects moving across the sky. The objects are following each other in a line. Sometimes in the video I see a pair of the objects moving apart, then suddenly moving back together so it seem they are trying stay together. You can hear the eyewitnesses dismay and confusion in their voices as they watch the craft flying over them. At one point in the video one glowing object comes over them, he zoomed in on it, showing a whiteish sphere object, then it moves away. This moment excited the eyewitness who can be heard saying, "See! See I told you so!" meaning he said they were alien craft and this show of intelligence of the craft made that statement accurate. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


Dark Disk Seen In Countryside of Argentina, Dec 11, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: December 11, 2021
Location of sighting: Balcarce, Argentina
Source: https://www.cronica.com.ar/paranormal/Impresionante-ovni-sobre-Balcarce-20211212-0038.html

This is a great example of a classic disk UFO seen before it makes itself invisible. Ever seen a disk cloud, then instantly it disappears in front of your eyes, yeah thats what happens every time an alien telepathically senses its noticed. The UFO is dark red with a dome on its upper middle. The eyewitness (a young woman) even stated that she thought she saw a figure moving inside the craft for a few seconds. However most aliens have powerful telepathic senses amplified by their advanced technology, therefore its safe to assume that the alien was watching, recording the human activity below until it was noticed and it immediately cloaked, making it appear to evaporate in thin air, but in reality, its still sitting there watching the eyewitness. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: “I was looking for a place for a photo production -sweaters factory- and I had been looking for a location, photographing and filming for 3 hours. When I was taking the picture of Cerro Paulino I realized that was there, I shot the photo and looked up, it was something black and there was something red inside, but in a millisecond it was hidden among the clouds, "she said.

Above screenshot shows a closeup of the UFO and below is added focus to see some detail. 

Alien Spacecraft Found Landed On Mars, Video, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 10, 2021
Location of discovery: Mars
Source photo: https://www.uahirise.org/PSP_009653_2275

Here is an amazing discovery of a oblong UFO found in a Mars map photo from NASA archives. The UFO has a shape unlike any I have ever seen before, but conforms to the balanced symmetry that one would expect it to have. The UFO is tilted 45 degrees due to it landing on a flat surface and the UFO itself having a rounded underbelly. Such objects are littered across Mars and even on the moon, which if salvaged by humans, could give humanity the technology it needs to survive indefinitely in the depths of space across the universe. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

30 Tornadoes Hit the US At Same Time, Did China Use the HAARP Program To Weaponize The Weather? Breaking News.

HAARP source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High-frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program

China Radio Telescope: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-hundred-meter_Aperture_Spherical_Telescope

Have you heard China complaining and threatening to get back at the US for boycotting the olympics in Beijing and how the US tries to stop US from working with any China companies? Well, China is fighting back, covertly. 

Guys, across the Internet we are hearing about how upwards of 30 tornadoes that hit the United States late at night, killing about a hundred people or more. And just a few days ago the world heard about how China has been using weather control to make it rain and clean the air more in China in an area the size of Alaska. But there are a few things you probably don't know. 

China has the worlds largest radio telescope, five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope, or FAST – which was declared fully operational as recently as January 2020. It's in China's Guizhou province. This is just the kind of instrument needed to create tornados. 

Back in 1993 the US Air Force created the HAARP program, research into how to use electronic waves to manipulate the weather around them world, by bouncing a signal up into the sky and bouncing it off the ionosphere onto a location somewhere on Earth. The program started in Gabona, Alaska and lasted until 2014, when it was announced that the HARRP program would shut down. However it may have continued in covert in order to escape the protests of the public. 

Somewhere along the line, China stole the details, research and tech knowhow to do their own HAARP program but not for research as much as research to be a weapon. China makes it a priority to steal any technology the US has...from the NASA space shuttle (they took it) to the newest Awacs (Fairborn warning control systems) military planes. 

Also the fact that tornados don't come 30 at a time! Let alone at night and...in December with temperatures below freezing. Tornados usually come in spring and summer months. Scientists say May and June the peek tornado months. All weather scientists know...cold weather limits tornados. And to compound it all...the tornado hit at night, when everyone was inside, unable to see any tornadoes coming, thus unable to escape them. This HAARP China program is a weapon to punish its adversaries, to hurt them, to kill them, and to hurt the economy financially from the destruction. 

Even President Biden said, "This is likely to be one of the largest tornado outbreaks in our history." 

So...I post here the facts, my thoughts, and let you make your own decisions. China has the means and the motivation. But all the facts point to weather manipulation, a new kind of war. 

Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 


UFO Landing Ring Near Great Pyramids, Egypt, UFO Sighting News.

Date of discovery: Dec 2021
Location of discovery: Egypt
Google map coordinates: 27°34'41"N 32°56'42"E

There is a huge ring in the mountains in Egypt, you know...the kind of rings that are left in farmers fields after a UFO lands in it. That kind of ring. The ring measures 1.6km across and looks worn as if the UFO had sat there for a very long time. There is also a thick trail going down to the lower ground area, and it looks like it was used to exit and enter the UFO that was landed there. The ring sits 300km from the the Great Pyramids and may have been the resting location of a UFO that was responsible for helping to build the pyramids themselves. Even with todays technology and machine, we could not and have never built anything like it. This ring is 100% proof that aliens helped build the Great Pyramids in ancient Egypt. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Tictac Over Hualien Liyu Lake, Taiwan Dec 12, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Hualien Liyu Lake Live Cam-花蓮鯉魚潭即時影像 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlxWDwTUtxg
Date of sighting: Dec 12, 2021
Location of sighting: Hualien Liyu Lake, Taiwan

Hey I was watching the live cam of Hualien Lake which is in south of Taiwan, when I noticed a white tictac UFO shooting overhead. It wasn't a bird because it wasn't flapping wings. It wasn't a drone, it was too big and moving too fast. This object was easy to see on the cam since it had the green trees along the hillside behind it. The lake area was cloudy and rainy at that time with some very unusual large clouds at the center of the video. These two large clouds do look like they may be cloaked UFOs. The shapes are very odd. UFOs are all around us, we just have to put in a little effort to catch them. Aliens in Taiwan...yeah I knew that already. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 



Life Found By Curiosity Rover! Cocoon Found, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: Dec 10, 2021 
Date of photos: Taken Oct 8, 2012 
Location of discovery: 
Photos: Sol 62 

I was looking over Curiosity Rovers recent photos and found these two photos with a shaded skin in them. Its nice there are two. It make more evidence. The shaded skin is being looked at by a micro camera designed to see grains of sand and tiny details that a normal camera would of course over look. The images show a skin of some kind of tiny organism...insect size. At the bottom of the cocoon, there is an opening where the tiny creature crawled out. This cocoon looks to be about 2-3mm in length, but that is a best guess. A similar cocoon was found a while back and was found in a color photo. 100% proof that there is life on Mars right now. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

UFO Appears Over Florida Coast And Shoots Up and Away, Dec 3, 2021, Photos, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: December 3, 2021
Location of sighting: Boynton Beach, Florida, USA
Source: MUFON

A mysterious object was seen appearing out of nowhere and shot upward into the sky until vanishing. The eyewitness says he saw the object appear from a portal in the sky. It seems the person was witness to a UFO exiting the water fast, stopping suddenly to dry off, powering up brighting and shooting away. UFOs do have to get rid of most the water from the hull of the craft before entering space, because if too much water is on the skin of the craft, it could cause fractures in the hull when it enters space. Also some UFOs look very bright when about to shoot off at high speeds. I think the eyewitness saw this bright spot as a portal where he first noticed it. This is further poor of the theory I have that an alien base sits below Florida and extends out into the ocean about 20 miles out. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Observed portal through which object appeared and proceeded up and headed west over the Atlantic Ocean. I was about three miles offshore.

UFO Over Las Vegas, Nevada Nov 13, 2021, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: Nov 13, 2021
Location of sighting: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Source: MUFON

What you don't know about Las Vegas is that there is a USAF base over there called Nellis AFB. It's against the mountains and behind the old firing range...is an allotment of land that was given to aliens in exchange for technology and information. The aliens are called tall whites, and live to be 700 years old. The ships also glow white and they have no fear of being seen entering and exiting their base behind Nellis AFB. This UFO...is belongs to the tall whites. Want to learn more about this? Then watch the video of Charles Hall who worked for the USAF and was the go-between who was a non military person to work with the tall whites and the military. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: I don’t know what to say it was above the mountain and I'm pretty sure you’re not supposed to be that close. There’s nothing that close ever flying by the mountains and if it was a rescue then who where they rescuing?



Red orb Over Marina, Vallejo, California, 12-7-2021, Video, UFO Sighting News.

Date of sighting: Dec 7, 2021
Location of sighting: Vallejo, California, USA
Source: MUFON

Watch this family stop the car, get out and begin recording these two glowing lights in the sky. One red and one blue. A plane passes by them which allows us to get an estimate of the size of the UFOs which comes out to half the size of a car or 2 meters across. UFOs often travel in pairs for safety reasons and here we see such an occurrence. The UFOs probably came from below the water in the Marina. Any alien craft that can travel in space, can also travel in water or air. Since in was near the ocean...its safe to assume it came from an under water alien base and wanted to do some research of the how people are doing in Vallejo. 100% proof that aliens exist. 
Scott C. Waring - Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: Red orb moving as we where driving to the Marina. We where headed to see the Christmas light in town. Looking up we saw a red orb flying then stopped abruptly. We parked and got out to record it. It stayed in place for about five min then disappeared.