
UFO sighting photo over lake Michigan, US.

Location of sighting: Michigan, US
Date of sighting: 2010-06-20
Attending eyes on design auto show, Edsel Ford estate, GP Shores, MI.

Did not notice this odd "thing" in the sky until digital picture was downloaded to computer several days later. It may be nothing, it may be something. Zooming in on the image seemed to show an "open space" towards the aft.

In any event, the only thing I can offer is the picture - sorry. As to my personal opinion concerning UFOs and the like, my worst-case theory has Earth being an alien equivalent of a below average student's master's thesis.


--Please check out my books at www.amazon.com, Dragons of Asgard & UFO Sightings of 2006-2009, by Scott C. Waring or at YouTube and search "TaiwanSCW" to see my personal UFO dicovery videos.