Location of sighting: Hammerfest, Finnmark, Norway
When I was watching a live cam on the Internet of Norway, I had a double take at these strange saucer like objects in screen shots of the past hour. There were only three past screen shots, but one had these UFOs in it. What I saw appears to be two flying saucer craft, each one has a fuzzy energy field, perhaps caused by its method of propulsion.
The photo here is of a screen shot I took when I saw the UFOs. There were three screen shots below the live cam and this was one of them. Sadly I did not get to see it when it was on live cam otherwise I could tell you how it moved around.
I am still unsure about the photo but if you have another explanation, I will certainly like to hear it.
Photo below is 2 hours latter, UFOs are gone.
*** Scott C. Waring wrote novels “Dragons of Asgard” & “UFO Sightings of 2006-2009” found at all online bookstores. Or for Awesome UFO Video Evidence visit my channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/TaiwanSCW?feature=mhum ***